#162275139Sunday, May 17, 2015 12:09 AM GMT

(okay ill make it as a 4th character and related to the leyton family i guess)
#162275785Sunday, May 17, 2015 12:16 AM GMT

#162276238Sunday, May 17, 2015 12:22 AM GMT

It's a good idea  
#162277583Sunday, May 17, 2015 12:43 AM GMT

Do you like waffles  
#162290726Sunday, May 17, 2015 3:54 AM GMT

[ AHEM AM DOING A NEW CS BECAUSE WHY NOT!! ] Civilian CS: Name: Casper May Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance (Physical only): Chocolate brown long, over-curled hair with curved and tiny dark blue eyes, and ghost-pale white skin. Nose is wide at bridge and short overall. Her lips are big on both top and bottom. Her phyisique is very plain- square-like and svelte (due to probably running all the damn time). She is short, with long arms, and her weight is 5'4, weight being 103. Face is rounded but more thin and short. Well-defined chin with cheek-bones more dominate. Wardrobe(clothes) A sweater, and a scarf. The sweater she has on is good for all seasons, 'cept winter. Her once-white skirt is in tatters is is browned from falling down, with argueably comfortable toms with a worn pillow-case sole that makes her height seem en hanced. She also wears a hat that she takes off.. alot. Biography: She was raised in a rather vile community, being raised in the slums- used to be coated in dirt and meet the temporary dude-with-a-gun. She would always hear yells of drunken souls, with them cat-calling women. She went to school in a careful way, often being told to crouch and hide in a car. This makes her very afraid of some people. Relations with the U.S army or the mutants: Her mother went to project utopia, and died in project mars. Gear: A flashlight, some canned "goods" and pepperspray. (You'll see why she needs it) Other: -gets shotgun- MK ROCK IF THIS CS DOESN'T PLEASE YOU I'LL SHOOT!
#162315895Sunday, May 17, 2015 3:16 PM GMT

Civilian CS: Name: Danny Caius Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance (Physical only): Danny has long jet-black hair with some of the hair strands covering her right eye. The hair outline is dyed harlequin green. Her eye color is light brown. Her eyes are outlined black. Her lips are colored black. There are some freckles on her cheeks. Though she is the least damaged, she has a small scar on her forehead. Wardrobe(clothes): Danny has a black leather jacket over her plain white shirt. Her jacket has a slight rip on it over the top left sleeve. She has blue pants and black lace-up combat boots. Biography: Danny was born along with Daniel, but however, it was around the time the mutant "outbreaks" broke out. She was separated from her brother upon being carried away by Scarlett and Scott, her older brother & sister. She then found herself in Madison, Wiscousin. After the outbreaks happened, she began living a normal life. She was a nice little girl like Scarlett, but when she discovered metal music, she was fascinated by it. She began slowly turning into a emo girl and somewhat a poet. Although her "parents", which are just her older siblings, don't notice, she discovered to have a split mind when she was 14. That mind discovered to be Cortland's, her great grandfather who was in the Vietnam war. She, under control of Cortland, participated in a fundraising campaign in high school. She eventually got used to the linked minds. Danny then learned how to drive around the age of 15. Having earned enough money, Danny bought a pair of black inline skates (Yes I know this is probably dumb to have a skating character) shortly before her 16th birthday. However, when the mutants attacked, she let Cortland control her and pack up all what he/she can. She managed to escape along with Scarlett and Scott, suffering the least injuries. Now she refugees in Cincinnati with her siblings, or her "mom and dad". Relations with the U.S army or the mutants: Her mother was in Project Utopia. Now she's killed during Project Diversify. Gear: Danny has a backpack with her school supplies in it along with her Game Boy Color, the charger for it, and three cartridges including Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3, Wario Land II and Wario Land 3. Other: Yes, I'm still going to make a mutant CS.
#162343264Sunday, May 17, 2015 9:03 PM GMT

All of marcs chars accepted comon do eet
#162343707Sunday, May 17, 2015 9:08 PM GMT

#162346473Sunday, May 17, 2015 9:45 PM GMT

[ Digital Realm Example- ( L O A D I N G D A T A. . . ) ... ... ... ... ... ... STAND BY. ( L O A D I N G C O M P L E T E. . . ) "Finally! That took ages!" a voice rang out in annoyance, the chords echoing with a feminine tone. The place lit up to reveal a plain white room with a recycling bin, a couple Manila folders, a stack of photos, and a blue circle that had a white 'V' in the center; all in the upper left corner of the room. They were all floating. A small girl popped up in the center of the room, though her appearance was blurred out, making her appear to be pixelated. She made her way to a glass pane that replaced the south wall of the place. Her face got close to the pane as she tapped on it with her hands. "Oi! Wake up!" she screamed, causing a boy to jolt awake from his desk. He looked around before glancing at his computer, noticing the white background and the pixelated girl. She was just on the other side of the computer screen. ] [ i did that fairly quickly, so it might be sloppy. ]
#162351332Sunday, May 17, 2015 10:48 PM GMT

(Eh kinda scared and kinda ok with it but since everyone has a chemical mutation how does one get into a computer hold off on the charrie that has the power and save it for later wana see how everything works out)
#162357492Monday, May 18, 2015 12:08 AM GMT

Why can't we be friends
#162363733Monday, May 18, 2015 1:21 AM GMT

[ alright. i'll work on my mutant character sheet then. ]
#162413053Monday, May 18, 2015 10:23 PM GMT

#162413550Monday, May 18, 2015 10:29 PM GMT

rock am i accepted
#162427384Tuesday, May 19, 2015 1:24 AM GMT

#162429670Tuesday, May 19, 2015 1:55 AM GMT

-CS- Mutant CS: Name: Alexander "Alex" Leyton Age: 29 Appearance: Alex had blond, wavy hair. His eye color used to be amber. He had a clean-shaven face and flat cheeks. He had a brown fur coat with some dirt on it and semi-ripped pants. He had brown socks and running shoes. Appearance 2(After 'infection'): He has gray scales across him now, as his coat now has blood and rips around it. The inside of his mouth has darkened to an semi-ink-like color found in black mamba snakes. Mutation: Alex became a black mamba/man hybrid. Scales grew on him while on every bite he injects deadly venom on the bitten person. He also became a bit faster on reflexes. However, his intelligence has dimished, disabling him from doing some things correctly. Personality: Alex is a dark, sinister man whose intention is to only murder pure people. He has a slight tendency to torture non-mutated people on on the mutants' side whenever he feels like it. Gender: Male Bio: (rushed it i guess so i might write one later) Other: N/A
#162429963Tuesday, May 19, 2015 1:59 AM GMT

Accepted, as long as you do bio eventually will start soon
#162430007Tuesday, May 19, 2015 2:00 AM GMT

(ok writing one)
#162431449Tuesday, May 19, 2015 2:20 AM GMT

(Bio: Alex was born before Axton in Chicago, Illinois, which would be the time their mother died. His father fell into alcoholism by the time it happened. Alex got along with Axton throughout their life. They went to the same school and helped each other with their homework. They were friendly to each other. At the time, their father became a marine biologist while they were still young. Alex had began developing a fear for snakes. He would get scared whenever he saw one. He dreamed for a job as a airport terminal operator while in high school. After graduating, he was enthusiastic to become one. In college, he tried to get rid of his fear of snakes, but he didn't succeed. He had A-'s compared to his brother's B's. After getting a college degree, he got a job as a airport terminal operator and a wife along with a daughter. At first, he didn't feel like it, but now he's attached to the job. However, when they were 23, his brother disappeared, last seen going inside a airplane. Alex was then deeply impacted by this, and became chronically depressed. His fear for snakes had worsened. He was a now-troubled man. He then became a participant for Project Utopia but was sneaked into Project Diversify. He managed to make it, and was injected mutagen. Now as a mutant, he seeks to take over the remaining US Government-controlled city along with the mutants. wrote it quikly)
#162432044Tuesday, May 19, 2015 2:28 AM GMT

(Accepted) (United States Army + Mutants) Nobody has found the airbase yet, the Army is roaming the outskirts of the city, procrastinating about going in. (Matthew) Matthew had awakened, he stretched as he got out of bed. He walked into the kitchen to warm up some leftovers. He sat down and waited. (Pls be few doors down marc with alex)
#162433712Tuesday, May 19, 2015 2:50 AM GMT

Danny woke up, yawning. She looked at her white shirt and black shorts and scratched her forehead. She then said, "Morning, Cortland. G'morning, Danny-baby." before making her way out of the bed. Scarlett would be in the kitchen with Scott, pouring cereal into a bowl, next to the other. "Morning, Dan-Dan," she muttered to Danny. Scott would be pulling out a toaster and plugging it in. He went to the pantry and grabbed a bag of bread. He went back to the thing and shot a short look at Danny's black rollerblades before pulling out 2 pieces of toast. Meanwhile, Alex would be walking down the streets. He stopped and looked around for anything to terrorize. He noticed a house (rock's) that is a few blocks away. "I wonder what's inside this stupid ####-house." He said in a grim tone before walking to it with difficulty.
#162448449Tuesday, May 19, 2015 12:41 PM GMT

Meanwhile, Matthew was making breakfast, which consisted of eggs, bacon, and some toast. He didn't really like cereal. He walked over to his radio, inserted a CD, and put on some music as he read some books.
#162451116Tuesday, May 19, 2015 2:32 PM GMT

Danny sat at the kitchen table. She waited eagerly for her cereal. She then asked, "Mom, can I go skating today?" Scarlett replied, "Sure, as long as you don't get hurt or something." before taking milk out of the fridge and then pouring it into Danny's cereal bowl. She then grabbed it and gave it to Danny. Scott sighed as he put the pieces of bread into the toaster. He then activated it and went to put away the milk. Alex would begin to dash to that house. He wanted to cause pain to those not mutated. Once he got there, he knocked on the door.
#162470162Tuesday, May 19, 2015 9:30 PM GMT

Matthew was too busy to notice the knock on the soor. He was fixing his plate as he plopped a favorite issue of a magazine he subscribed to.
#162489767Wednesday, May 20, 2015 1:51 AM GMT
