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#162334372Sunday, May 17, 2015 7:17 PM GMT

Species Name: Croechlus Species Description: A whitish-blue creature that has a spherical body at the front followed by a tapering tail of which propels it through the water. It is very small. Alias (Optional): Homeworld: Athelonia Description of Homeworld (Climate, lifestyle, etc): Athelonia is a cold planet, however water survives just under the ice. There are few islands, all of which are covered in snow. The plants mostly thrive underwater, where there is less snow covering it. However, plantlife on land do exist. These plants are small, others are very tall and narrow, which avoid snow piling onto them. ~~~~~~~~ Your species has begun, as small microorganisms. But you want to expand, to reach for more intelligence. Your first step is to evolve, over this course of your fast time, and begin to grow. What shall you mutate next? (What body part, perk, disadvantage, or any other defining trait would you like to evolve?)
#162334825Sunday, May 17, 2015 7:22 PM GMT

From the tail comes a tiny a thin, winglike tail to propel faster, resembling that of a tadpole.
#162334905Sunday, May 17, 2015 7:23 PM GMT

You evolve this, and start with 20 males and 20 females.
#162335912Sunday, May 17, 2015 7:35 PM GMT

(Now what...?)
#162343154Sunday, May 17, 2015 9:01 PM GMT

(You can adapt, create a tribe, expand, explore, etc)
#162411654Monday, May 18, 2015 10:06 PM GMT

The small, feeble gathering of Croechlus travel out to explore the surrounding areas, in hopes of finding plants of which they may consume.
#162415424Monday, May 18, 2015 10:53 PM GMT

You find a tall, nutritious plant that has large leaves, and gives quite a lot of food. You also find an empty cave good for a home, with lots of plants in it.
#162417089Monday, May 18, 2015 11:17 PM GMT

We begin nipping at the aquatic leaves of large plant, our back tails swinging side to side slowly to prevent us from sinking. After getting a good meal, we pack together closely to explore the cave, wary of what may lay within.
#162417234Monday, May 18, 2015 11:19 PM GMT

The cave is large, and has several tiny coves to rest on the sand. There are plant vines everywhere, and small pebbles.
#162417781Monday, May 18, 2015 11:26 PM GMT

After already filling up, the Gathering of Croechlus travel near the coves to begin reproduction of their species, of which in doing so they evolve eyes that see through the water better than the previous eyes. These eyes are all white, except for the large, black pupil in the middle, and eyelids are clear.
#162427225Tuesday, May 19, 2015 1:23 AM GMT

You do this. Population: 47 females, 48 males A new berry-like fruit is grown on some vines.
#162466857Tuesday, May 19, 2015 8:43 PM GMT

Several of the Croechlus travel from the gathering to inspect the berry-like plant. One cautiously swims towards it, getting ready to take a bite off of it. The others stay a distance away from the foreign object, their tails ready to propel them far from the scene.
#162469226Tuesday, May 19, 2015 9:17 PM GMT

The berry tastes sweet, and seems to give a hyperactive rush of adrenaline, which doesn't make one violent, just strengthening. Meanwhile, a small minnow-like fish is found, which is harmless.
#162469475Tuesday, May 19, 2015 9:20 PM GMT

The single Croechlus calls the others to take bites, and many do, the sweetening taste making them happy, but hyper, as they swim in loops. The other Croechlus move towards the minnow-like creature to observe it, cautiously, as the Croechlus are rather shy. Their tails slowly swing side to side as they move closer towards the minnow.
#162482997Wednesday, May 20, 2015 12:18 AM GMT

The minnow seems happy, and begins swimming around, happily moving. A flock of about 70 minnows comes in, and then passes. The berries grow in the cave and around the cave. Also, a crack in the ice can be seen.
#162488602Wednesday, May 20, 2015 1:36 AM GMT

The happiness from the minnow spreads amongst the Croechlus, and they begin happily swimming with the minnows, keeping pace all the while.
#162524416Wednesday, May 20, 2015 8:16 PM GMT

The minnows travel around, and eventually lead them to crack in the ice, where there is heat present, and steam, when you realize there is some type of heated rock that is providing warmth, and hundreds of minnows swim around. The heat seems to be coming from inside the rock, but it must be extremely hot inside.
#162535297Wednesday, May 20, 2015 11:07 PM GMT

The gathering of Croechlus begins to follow to minnows in swimming around the rock, some who hadn't gotten a full meal begin to propel themselves off towards a few plants to fill their stomachs. The Croechlus who stayed begin twirling around with the minnows, bobbing their heads socially towards them and making faint, high pitched noises as signs of friendship.
#162535452Wednesday, May 20, 2015 11:10 PM GMT

The minnows seem happy, and continue swimming. Then, one of yours notices a crack in the rock, where a bright light can be seen.
#162537026Wednesday, May 20, 2015 11:34 PM GMT

The Croechlus stop eating and gather in swimming around the warmth of the rock, and two or three tag along to the one who spotted the crack, and they swim closer towards the light.
#162538720Thursday, May 21, 2015 12:00 AM GMT

The crack is wider, and you can make out some plants inside. It is not overly hot, but has a warmth that gives lots of pleasure and comfort.
#162539170Thursday, May 21, 2015 12:06 AM GMT

The few Croechlus inspect the rock further before signalling to the others that this could be a home. Several break off to go inside and rest while others continue swimming with the minnows. However, 10 Croechlus, varying in gender, go up to inspect the crack in the ice.
#162539421Thursday, May 21, 2015 12:09 AM GMT

When the Croechlus go to the top of the ice, they can see lots of steam rising from the heat, and the cool, crisp air contrasting with it. It makes you feel sleepy and happy, and it relaxes you. You can't see anything in the dense fog, though, only a rock-type of mound that you can barely make out... Once entering the crack, you notice what is inside. The rock is much larger, more like a big cave, and has several varieties of plants growing around, with literally thousands of minnows happy as ever. It is comfortingly warm, and it seems like it is safe. You do, however, notice how the cave goes down farther, but it seems like not much minnows even go near it, where the light gets brighter.
#162545955Thursday, May 21, 2015 1:47 AM GMT

The Croechlus that previously went onto land dive back into the water and into the cave, where they then reproduce in the comfortable rock. The reproduction creates a new generation that has flippers on the sides, with small spines poking out and connecting membrane to propel in the water, resembling that of a wing.
#162578558Thursday, May 21, 2015 7:06 PM GMT

You reproduce, gaining 7 males and 6 females. The cave is very expansive, thousands of minnows and lots of green, fresh plants with exotic berries. Meanwhile, outside, an eel-like creature is seen zooming through the sand.

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