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#162487027Wednesday, May 20, 2015 1:15 AM GMT

Royal family guidelines NOTICE, this is a post to show the impressive guidelines we hold for our royal family. All royal family members are reminded to follow these guidelines in order to keep order within the country, failure to do so may seize to being disowned or title removed. 1. All Royal Family members are asked to be at all national functions with proper attire on suiting it, certain propriety is needed in situations such as; Formal balls, Masses, coronations, and other things that require your fullest attention. 2. Dress code is KEY, we do not seek attention with our clothing, what we wear is our uniform to serve the people. In other cases where you are out in public for your recreational time is the appropriate time to wear what you please, but in times of where you are need we asked for the following; (Men: Dark/light colors suits with little-none detail, a sash of your ranking, decent cut hair, all hats must be of self-judge and not flashy) (Women: No higher than knee length dresses, accessories of your choice but we rather you use the sash of your ranking, for formal parties white or black gloves, and of course decent hair) 3. Your sash is your name-tag to the Country, wear it at all times, all Sashes can be made by contacting HM King James Porter (Hiltonhotel1p), all sashes are to be KEYS to your rooms once the royal palace is renovated and to be only for your use, and all copied sashes are invalid and irrelevant. 4. Royal Events are a mandatory to ALL members, we asked that you are there and to be properly on-time or no longer than 30 minutes late. All royal family portraits are taken every two months, because we notice some faces come and go. 5. Proper succession of the throne is decided by the ACTIVITY of a person, not there seniority. As you may know we do not celebrate hereditary successions. 6. When dealing with the public, embrace them with love for we serve them, not the other way around. These rules are to be followed on a daily conduct, thank you much for your co-operation and even more helping me serve the people of this great nation. Signed, HM King James Porter I King of Royal Nation of Robloxia

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