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#162695008Saturday, May 23, 2015 7:32 AM GMT

an option for group admin's where they can set the clothes in the group store to "Group purchase only" And maby even add in a "sell to certain rank" as well. Say for instance. I want to make a shirt, for a group i made on ATF. I make the shirt, im able to select an option "For Group Members Only" Then i would be able to choose the group i wanted to sell for members only. Why would this be good? Let's face it. Alot of people that are not even in the group are going to wear the uniform, and not even RP properly in it. It looks bad on the group. And especially the owner of said group. It keeps that from happening. Group Owners are able to safely sell the uniforms and not have to worry about some idiot coming along, buying it, and then proceed to grief in it. Onto military uses Uniform raiding, is a horrible thing. Not as common as it used to be. But it can happen. This would eliminate it entirely. I cannot vouch for the free to join groups... But it would defiantly help with the private military groups. and some of the country military groups out their. Rank impersonation is a very low thing. we all know that. But their would be a check box option, and would be able to select the ranks that would be able to to buy the uniform. Or for Generals of groups. Make it to only where the generals could purchase the uniform. I'm still thinking of alot more options to what could be added on about this. If you want you can argue about options in the comments. I originally thought of this for the RP community. Since alot of people have been recently buying uniforms without being part of the group. but i also thought of the options for the Country groups. Or PMC groups. Please do give more ideas in the comment section, I'm open to anything, even criticisms. I just want to improve this to where roblox can make it into an update.
#162695728Saturday, May 23, 2015 8:03 AM GMT

Support! No LRs in HR uniforms anymore. local x = Instance.new("Siggy") x.Parent = game.Forums x.Text = "hi there"
#162698007Saturday, May 23, 2015 9:49 AM GMT

"Support! No LRs in HR uniforms anymore." I think it'd be as simple as punishing LRs for wearing clothes they shouldn't in group places. I, however, am not part of groups that I own clothes for, and I still like their clothes. Not sure about any of you guys, but I think if I was a group owner and people out of the group bought my clothes, I'd be pretty damn impressed and it'd motivate me to continue on work with the group.

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