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#162758968Saturday, May 23, 2015 11:14 PM GMT

Species Name: The Grox Alias (Optional): Jakovians Homeworld: Litarovia Description of Homeworld (Climate, lifestyle, etc): Litarovia is a temperate planet filled with anything from volcanoes to freshwater oceans. The Grox, more better known as the Jakovians, are a primitive aquatic/amphibious species who are presumed to be the first inhabitants of Litarovia. There is no such thing as "Salt-water" in Litarovia; although, contaminated water does exist, but all bodies of water are fresh. The general lifestyles lived in Litarovia vary from species to species, alas, it's most commonly a focus on reproducing and living out life in protection of your family/clan/species, until you die. However, the Jakovians are also presumably the first "intelligent" species on the planet, having a brain the size of three inches in each direction on the Imperial Earth scale. The Jakovians are naturally equipped with an advanced olfactory system and a tail fin adapted to their habitat. However, they do not have eyes as of yet, hence the olfactory system. ~~~~~~~~~ Your species has begun, as small microorganisms. But you want to expand, to reach for more intelligence. Your first step is to evolve, over this course of your fast time, and begin to grow. What shall you mutate next? (What body part, perk, disadvantage, or any other defining trait would you like to evolve?)
#162763206Sunday, May 24, 2015 12:00 AM GMT

Develop my olfactory system further, and then go and search for a habitable place in the deep, dark abyss of the ocean. Ah, I forgot to say, the Jakovians reside in the deepest parts of the ocean, which receives no light whatsoever; hence the fact they don't have eyes; they do not need them. Anyhow, Jakovia has four suns, so most of the upper parts of the ocean are lit very well. Anyhow, search for a good place to burrow or whatever, find a home, mate, etc. "There are many opportunities in life to shut up, and you should take advantage of every one of them." - Thomas Edison
#162764760Sunday, May 24, 2015 12:18 AM GMT

Your smell develops, to smelling about 5 miles away, and you eventually find a cave with a wispy, tall dark green plant that is edible.
#162765941Sunday, May 24, 2015 12:31 AM GMT

Meh, we've been wandering this damn abyss for so long; sure, we can go without eating for eight weeks, but still! We're damn starving! Eat the plant. "There are many opportunities in life to shut up, and you should take advantage of every one of them." - Thomas Edison
#162766807Sunday, May 24, 2015 12:41 AM GMT

You eat it, and it is sufficient, maybe even tasteful. The cave is somewhat small, and you notice how you are residing in a deep valley-type of way. You can explore the sea floor, though, sometimes interesting things can be yielded from the plains of sand...
#162767888Sunday, May 24, 2015 12:56 AM GMT

Sniff out a heat vent and then travel to it to mate. Evolve eyes that perceive darkness as Human eyes would perceive light, and maintain our olfactory organs. "There are many opportunities in life to shut up, and you should take advantage of every one of them." - Thomas Edison
#162768015Sunday, May 24, 2015 12:58 AM GMT

(you can't just sniff out a heat vent to mate with it...? lol) You evolve, and can see, the surface looking dangerous and a realm of unknown.
#162768091Sunday, May 24, 2015 12:59 AM GMT

(I will not mate with the heat vent, we shall use the vent as a breeding ground; this part of the ocean is cold as hell, and babies could die) "There are many opportunities in life to shut up, and you should take advantage of every one of them." - Thomas Edison
#162768265Sunday, May 24, 2015 1:01 AM GMT

Sniff and swim and look to find a place capable of allowing us to make a nest of sorts. I suppose this part of the ocean isn't very eerie when it's all lit up.. Meh, we'd still be blind up top. Yes, do search for a habitable nesting ground; once we find it, burrow/dig/inhabit it and nest up, make it comfy and whatnot. "There are many opportunities in life to shut up, and you should take advantage of every one of them." - Thomas Edison
#162771619Sunday, May 24, 2015 1:45 AM GMT

(But heat vents are artificial, to emit heat would be inside the Earth or something you find..) You mate, gaining 12 females and 13 males. (Live birth or eggs, btw?) You find a small cave, that has oddly warm water, and you begin keeping the babies there.
#162774141Sunday, May 24, 2015 2:16 AM GMT

(Live birth) Burrow dens into the cave as nests for the babies and their families. "There are many opportunities in life to shut up, and you should take advantage of every one of them." - Thomas Edison
#162803705Sunday, May 24, 2015 1:09 PM GMT

(Oh, ok, live birth changes some stuff) From child birth, 2 females die. You burrow, and the cave is still oddly warm, when you notice a small orb emitting heat. Due to this, the babies grow faster, and males guard the entrance. A dark, 4 foot long eel-like creature is seen at the bottom of the valley, but does not show any response to you.
#162815693Sunday, May 24, 2015 3:44 PM GMT

If he doesn't bother us, then why bother him? He's all the way at the bottom of the valley anyway, we'll have plenty of warning if he snaps on us. Now, learn how to harness the power of the orb thingy for food/habitableness. "There are many opportunities in life to shut up, and you should take advantage of every one of them." - Thomas Edison
#162816978Sunday, May 24, 2015 3:58 PM GMT

You, for some reason, cannot control the orb, but it emits heat and some type of wispy orange flakes. One of your males comes back from scouting, reporting some type of group of eels, fighting.
#162835698Sunday, May 24, 2015 6:20 PM GMT

Hm hm hm hm hm. Put our intelligence to good use and build a cave-wall to protect us! And then mate in the warmth and raise those babies too. Evolve some offensive tool, let's think.. Ooh, I know, razor-sharp teeth. "There are many opportunities in life to shut up, and you should take advantage of every one of them." - Thomas Edison
#162878543Monday, May 25, 2015 1:09 AM GMT

You push some boulders over, and create loose wall. You have more babies, population being 72 males and 71 females. You hear sparks outside the cave, but nothing comes near you. A minnow-like fish comes in, and seems to be interested in you, as if saying, "Hello!"
#162882059Monday, May 25, 2015 1:41 AM GMT

Welcome it in through the gate. Or boulder-gap. But gate's cooler. Offer it heat and warmth. "There are many opportunities in life to shut up, and you should take advantage of every one of them." - Thomas Edison
#162882932Monday, May 25, 2015 1:50 AM GMT

The minnow is happy, and begins talking. "I barely escaped the creatures outside!"
#162893015Monday, May 25, 2015 3:44 AM GMT

The clan nods, and the presumed "leader" of sorts steps up. He greets the minnow and welcomes it and his species to an unused part of the cave. "You shall not need to worry about the beasts with us!" Shouts the leader, dancing happily. Meanwhile, a scouting division is sent over to investigate that plant we saw back there, and see if they could plant it back at the cave to have more food. "There are many opportunities in life to shut up, and you should take advantage of every one of them." - Thomas Edison
#162918731Monday, May 25, 2015 1:44 PM GMT

You bring a ton of the plant back up, and can somehow re-plant it in the soil, and you have a good stash of it for a while. After a while, the minnow sees another one of its friends, and that minnow comes in.
#162918847Monday, May 25, 2015 1:46 PM GMT

Re-plant the plant after having our 8-week meal, and welcome the other minnow to the backside of the cave as well. "There are many opportunities in life to shut up, and you should take advantage of every one of them." - Thomas Edison
#162919092Monday, May 25, 2015 1:50 PM GMT

The minnow thanks you, and you eat. The plant seems to prosper in the wake of an orb emitting heat.
#162928088Monday, May 25, 2015 3:45 PM GMT

Take species mental note: Plants like warmth. Anyway, welcome the minnows to some food, we seem to have plenty of it. "There are many opportunities in life to shut up, and you should take advantage of every one of them." - Thomas Edison
#162929526Monday, May 25, 2015 3:58 PM GMT

Your stock of plants grows a lot, and you are pretty successful. However, when you peer out the cave, you see a lot of eels fighting. Above, you can see swarms of minnows avoiding the conflict.
#162932393Monday, May 25, 2015 4:22 PM GMT

Send out the War Legion and rescue the minnows, and then set the Engineering Legion to improve our cave-walls. Specifically to keep eels out. "There are many opportunities in life to shut up, and you should take advantage of every one of them." - Thomas Edison

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