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#16297206Thursday, November 05, 2009 5:48 AM GMT

Chapter One: Spidermans downfall Spiderman: -Swining from web- WHOHOO! Prototype: -Jumping from building to building, and gets caught in Spidermans web- Grrr... -Changes limbs to claws and cuts Spidermand web- Spiderman: WHOOHOO! WEHEEEE! Wait...ARGHHHH! Venom: So, how am I going to try to kill Spiderman today? -Looks in sky- WHAT THE F SPLAT AT THE HOSPITAL Spiderman: Ugh...where am I? Doctor: The hospital. Spiderman: What happened? Doctor: I'll tell you what happened. The Laws Of Gravity happened. Spiderman: Um.... Doctor: You see, each time us humans try to escape earth by jumping, an invisble hand pulls you down. Spiderman: I'm not to sure... Doctor: And it got sick of you braking... THE LAWS OF GRAVITY. Spiderman: I don't think... Doctor: Now have some rest. Spiderman: ...
#16298426Thursday, November 05, 2009 8:01 AM GMT

Cool...Make one about Gordon Freeman!
#16298466Thursday, November 05, 2009 8:17 AM GMT

Book 1: The Headcrab Era Chapter Two: Superman, Supervillian Superman: Poor spidey...I heard his not going to be out in a while... Gordon Freeman: -Picks up Portal Gun- This looks like it could help me... Superman: HEY! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME? Gordon Freeman: Sorry, continue. Superman: Poor guy...the Doctor said his going to die...lets sing a song about our great hero... Gordon Freeman: Ugh! -Portals Superman into Antartica- -Sees a Headcrab- DIE! -Portals Headcrab onto Supermans head- Superman: HOW DARE HE! I'M GOING TO..-Under control off Headcrab- Must..kill..Gordon...-Flies to Gordon- Gordon: Hey Super..OH NOES! Superman: -Fires laser eyes at Gordon- Gordon: -Barrelrolls, and shoots at the Headcrab- Headcrab: -Appears unharmed- Gordon: Oh noes! -Runs away from more lasers- Superman: -Uproots a tree and pegs it at Gordon- Gordon: -Ducks- Tree: -Hits building, and it collapses onto Gordon- OH NOES! CAN GORDON SURVIVE THE FALLING BUILDING?
#16298473Thursday, November 05, 2009 8:20 AM GMT

The end was a bit like dominoes.
#16298478Thursday, November 05, 2009 8:22 AM GMT

#16298511Thursday, November 05, 2009 8:30 AM GMT

Chapter 3- Another Chapter Spongebob: Must getaway from the head...ARGHH! Must kill survivors... MEANWHILE, IN HOSPITAL... Spiderman: Ugh...whats happening? -Headcrab eneters the room- Headcrab: -Gets ready to control Spiderman- Spiderman: OH NOES! -Wraps headcrab in web and swings it out the window- Gotta..escape..NYC... -Swinging on webs- -Realizes he was on Life Support- OH CRA.. SPLAT Headcrabs: -Take over Spidermans mind- MEANWHILE...AGAIN. Sackboy: -Running away from Headcrabs, and suddenly builds a steamroller- DIE! -Running over Headcrabs- Random Boy: SAVE ME! Sackboy: Sure, where are you? SQUISH Sackboy: Ummm... nevermind. Headcrabs: -Form a giant monster thing- -Slam fist down onto the steamroller- Steamroller: -Flips over high in the air- Sackboy: AAHHHHHHH! -Unbuckles seatbelt and jumps on building- Wewt! I'm safe! Giant Headcrab Monster: -Eat Sackboy- IS GORDON GOING TO LIVE, AND WILL SOMEONE STOP THIS THREAT?
#16298514Thursday, November 05, 2009 8:30 AM GMT

Add the Left 4 dead characters in one, oh, and a tank zombie
#16298522Thursday, November 05, 2009 8:32 AM GMT

Add the Left 4 dead characters in one, oh, and a tank zombie ----------------------------- Did you think I would make a story with every character known to man without adding those guys? Lol
#16298546Thursday, November 05, 2009 8:38 AM GMT

Make one about... Timmy Turner!
#16298577Thursday, November 05, 2009 8:46 AM GMT

#16298590Thursday, November 05, 2009 8:50 AM GMT

Chapter Four- Tanks For Wishers WHERE WE LEFT FROM GORDON FREEMAN... Gordon Freeman: -Portals himself onto a building- Ha! Suckers! -Sees a headcrab coming his way- DIE YOU STUPID HEA..-Headcrab infects him- Headcrabs: We need more troops! Bring in...THE TANKS... Tanks: -Roar and throw cars everywhere- Louis: Oh noes! I hate Tanks! Atleast there aren't any Witches! Zoey: OH NOES YOU'VE JINXED US! Nothing happens.... Francis: Phew! MEANWHILE... Timmy Turner: I wish that all the Headcrabs were gone! Cosmo: Sorry Timmy, that takes up to much power! Timmy: GRRRR! -Grabs AK-47 and shoots at incoming Headcrabs- Wander: But we can protect you from Headcra..-Gets infected- Cosmo: OH NOES! I CAN'T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT WANDER! SHE IS MY LOVE! I'M USELESS KNOW! -Cries loudly- Timmy: UGH! -Shoots Cosmo- Cosmo: X_X Zoey: The tanks are coming! THROW A PIPE BOMB! Bill: Bu.. Zoey: -Takes Pipe Bomb and throws it- Pipe Bomb: -Pulls the Survivors towards it- Bill: Thats what I tried to tell you! The pipe bombs aren't working anymore, and it attracs humans to it! Zoey: Oh, no! Francis: TRY TO ESCAPE FROM IT'S SUCTION! WILL THE SURVIVORS DIE? AND WILL TIMMY TURNER LIVE TO TELL TALES TO HIS GRANDCHILDREN? FIND OUT!
#16298599Thursday, November 05, 2009 8:53 AM GMT

G-Man needs appearance Left 4 Dead 2 Cast needs Appearance Sephiroth (BWAHAHAHAHAHAULOL) Needs Appearance
#16298639Thursday, November 05, 2009 9:06 AM GMT

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#16298647Thursday, November 05, 2009 9:08 AM GMT

And Joker, we need some epic maniac
#16298650Thursday, November 05, 2009 9:09 AM GMT

Chapter Five- Sora Tanks: -Sees Sephiroth in the distance, and suddenly bow- Sephiroth: What are you doing? Attack! Sora: Sephiroth, I come here to stop you! Sephiroth: Stupid child...-Pulls out sword- Sora: O_O -Pulls out Keyblade- (I'm going to post the fight in storymode) The swords sparked as they clashed. Sephiroth then slammed his sword down onto the ground, and small cracks appeard. The cracks got bigger, and Sora nearly fell down one of them. He regained balnce, and charged at Sephiroth. Sephiroth reacted by sticking his foot out, wich Sora ran into. Sora doubled over, and was blasted backwards by Sephiroth. He got up, and charged again. Sephiroth swung his sword, and cut Soras upper torso in half. To cut a long story short, Sora died. Sephiroth: That was easy. -Walks on-
#16298665Thursday, November 05, 2009 9:13 AM GMT

Xemnas, We Need the Awesome Silver haired Lazer Man
#16298669Thursday, November 05, 2009 9:14 AM GMT

I'll continue this tommorow,k? I'm tired, and it'd only 18:14 pm in my country..
#16298695Thursday, November 05, 2009 9:23 AM GMT

#16298930Thursday, November 05, 2009 10:37 AM GMT

I'M BAAACK Chapter 6- Mayhem The headcrabs have taken over..only one man is still left standing... Batman: Oh noes! The whole of earths population are zombies! I must find a cure! -Enters old reasearch lab- -Mucks around with two potions- Superman: Come out come out...-Crashes through window- Batman: -Hiding under desk- Superman: I know your in here...-Flips desk over and sees Batman- Ah ha! -Kicks Batman- Batman: -Crashes through wall- Ugh! How do I fight someone with superpowers? Wait...-Grabs out Bagel- I HAVE YOUR WEAKNESS! Superman: UGH! A BAGEL! NOOO! Losing...powers... -falls to floor- Batman: -Places Bagel next to Superman so he can't get up- Know, what would the L4D Survivors do...wait, stupid question, they exploded and became zombies... hmm... -Accidently sounds car alarm- Zombies: RAGHHHH! -Race towards Batman- Batman: ARGHHH! -Uses graple to graple ontop of building- Prototype: -Cuts the line with his blade- Batman: AHHH! -Falls into a circle of Zombies which leap onto him and start tearing him to pieces- Robin: Batman, oi! I think I found the cure! Batman: Brains... Robin: OH NOES! -Runs into a building and up the stairs- Phew...wait...-Zombies jump out of nowhere- AHHH! -Turns on a steam pipe, and blast the zombies off the building- What to do? WILL ROBIN RESTORE PEACE? FIND OUT!
#16298980Thursday, November 05, 2009 10:52 AM GMT

Master Chief & Arbitor needs appearance
#16298987Thursday, November 05, 2009 10:55 AM GMT

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#16299009Thursday, November 05, 2009 11:02 AM GMT

UPDATE: You can continue on the story if you want Chapter 7- Master Chiefs Zombie Mayem Robin: -Jumps to the next building- -A few shots go past his head- Wha? Master Chief: DIE! -Fires more rounds- Robin: AAAAAH! -Dodging bullets- Master Chief: -Uses a Gravity Gun, and slams Robin into the ground- Robin: Ohh...-Uses trip wire to trip over Master Chief- Master Chief: OOF! -Picks up a Plasma Launcher 9.0, and shoots it at Robin- Robin: -Blasted around like a twig- Master Chief: Die! -Aims shotgun at Robins head- Robin:-Finds an sword, and pierces Master Chiefs armour- MC: Ugh! -Grabs Robin, and manages to pick him up from the ground- Robin: Woah! MC: -Slams him into the ground, then throws him onto the next building- -Jumps to the next building- Die! -Raises sword high above head- Robin: -Legsweeps Master Chief- Grrr...-Fire a portal gun, then fires another portal at the propellers of a plane- MC: OH NOES! -Is chopped up, and appears next to Robin, cured- Robin: Do I have to defeat the zombies to turn them back to normal? But I can't defeat the whole worlds population! MC: Maybe use a weapon off Mass Destruction? Robin: TO THE NUKE FACTORY!
#16299017Thursday, November 05, 2009 11:03 AM GMT

how bout manga characters? or if theres sora make mickey mouse as well or even better make Mr. Obama, Geoge Bush and Osama Bin!!!
#16299020Thursday, November 05, 2009 11:04 AM GMT

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#16299021Thursday, November 05, 2009 11:04 AM GMT

put pikachu in it XD

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