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#163447954Sunday, May 31, 2015 9:48 PM GMT

The subject line on this post may be a bit dramatic, so let me explain. There are so many things I wish to delete on my old accounts. Though I understand you can delete inventory items, I would prefer for there to be a way I can immediately delete all of my items instantly. I hate having to go through each item and destroy it. I would like to delete all of my old badges, for compulsive reasons. Once again, I would prefer for there to be a way I can delete all of these instantly. Now, for the currently indestructible items, such as Messages, Forum Posts, and more, I would appreciate for there to be a way I can delete these, as well. tl;dr- I hate the lack of the ability to delete certain items, and I wish there were a more efficient method of deleting inventory items and badges.
#163448177Sunday, May 31, 2015 9:51 PM GMT

I support for everything but messages. Messages need to be kept around so parents can check what their children are sending to others on the internet.
#163450246Sunday, May 31, 2015 10:13 PM GMT

^ died support
#163450577Sunday, May 31, 2015 10:17 PM GMT

Whats the point of deleting your stuff if it does nothing bad? seems like something that only a hacker would do just to make his victim get sad.
#163455494Sunday, May 31, 2015 11:15 PM GMT

Like models. I have tons of useless models, but I can't delete them one by one.

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