#163654909Wednesday, June 03, 2015 9:32 PM GMT

(Do you control Normandy, simsf?)
#163655484Wednesday, June 03, 2015 9:39 PM GMT

((Probably will soon. I've an idea for you if you're interested.))
#163655513Wednesday, June 03, 2015 9:39 PM GMT

(Do share, good chap, I'm inclined to listen.)
#163655640Wednesday, June 03, 2015 9:41 PM GMT

~{♠}_Kingdom_Of_Italy_{♠}~ The King, Frederick II, who also happened to be the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire announces that he will not be standing as contender for the Emperor position during the next elections. Agriculture increases as new lands further into the Southern section of Italy are found.
#163657654Wednesday, June 03, 2015 10:07 PM GMT

~The Kingdom of England~ The English army is counted as such, altogether: 13,000 Archers 10,000 Dismounted Knights, Yeoman Men-at-Arms (good infantry recruited from the largest class of English society) 3,000 Mounted Knights, Barons, and Nobility The Gascon troops are numbered around the following: 2,000 Knights and Mounted Men-at-Arms 3,000 Footsoldiers, including Men-at-Arms An additional force from Ireland is drawn, under the following numbers: 6,000 Irish infantry 600 Knights and Assorted Nobility The Fleet numbers as such: 200 Ships from the English home isles 100 Ships from Ireland 50 Ships from the Captaincy of Calais 70 Gascon Ships Additional forces gather in Flanders: 1,000 Knights and Mounted Men-at-Arms 8,000 Archers 5,000 Infantry The Burgundians are also drawn into alliance with England with the following: 3,000 Knights and Mounted Men-at-Arms 12,000 Footsoldiers The grand total of men raised for the war against France is numbered around the following: 9,600 Cavalry 36,000 Infantry 21,000 Archers (66,600 Ground Forces, across English soil and her allies) 420 Ships to augment this force.
#163663221Wednesday, June 03, 2015 11:24 PM GMT

(When elected emperor you serve for life and elections are held after you die)
#163671609Thursday, June 04, 2015 1:21 AM GMT

((Yeah, I was about to say so myself. Pretty sure no Empire has held routine elections. They just gather the nobility together and vote after the previous guy is dead.))
#163678132Thursday, June 04, 2015 3:00 AM GMT

CS Nation name: The Ottoman Empire Leader name: Mehmed II Location(what nation(s) is it replacing if fake): Most of Turkey, on the outskirts of Constantinople, Greece, Bulgaria, and edge of Romania Population: 5,345,654 Military: 193,765 Faith: Sunni Islam Other: Eagle
#163678438Thursday, June 04, 2015 3:06 AM GMT

(Accepted, hurrah the first Muslim nation)
#163680506Thursday, June 04, 2015 3:43 AM GMT

(Since we can have fake nations as long as they're not too obviously fake...) Nation name: Kingdom of Ireland Leader name: Dominigal gErei Location(what nation(s) is it replacing if fake): Ireland, replaces various Irish clans and petty kingdoms. Population: 1.2 million Military: Royal Retinue of 6,500. 1,200 Heavy Cavalry/Knights, 3,000 Gallowglass, 2,200 Archers. Faith: Catholic Other: eagle
#163695819Thursday, June 04, 2015 1:38 PM GMT

#163697792Thursday, June 04, 2015 2:37 PM GMT

-Margraviate of Brandenburg- Diplomacy - Brandenburg begins fabricating claims on the region of Vorpommern and asks the Holy Roman Emperor for support against Brandenburg's main rivals, either that or not intervening in Brandenburg's wars. The diplomat sent to Italy claims that this will allow for a nation under the command of the Empire to police the north of Germany and to keep Poland and the Teutonic Order in check. Technology - N/A Military - Brandenburg's 1,000-strong reserve - and only - army is being trained extensively. Economy - Landlocked and small, Brandenburg's economy is virtually worthless. However, it is very competitive with the surrounding city states and minor nations, allowing the small nation to control a fair amount of the trade coming through Berlin and Brandenburg an der Havel.
#163707597Thursday, June 04, 2015 5:57 PM GMT

Hungary Diplomacy We send alliance requests to the Papal States and the Kingdom of Italy, stating that we must put up a united front against the Muslim menace of the Ottomans. We send 1,000 heavy cavalry to Bosnia to reaffirm our overlordship over them and to dissuade the Ottomans from invasion. Economy We have reformed the coinage system to counteract inflation and to make taxation easier. A new direct tax on peasants has been ordered and the taxes on gold, silver, and salt have been increased, massively increasing income to the government. Military We expand the military to 15,000 men consisting of: -3,000 heavy cavalry -2,500 hussars(light cavalry) -1,500 horse archers -1,000 fusilers -1,000 crossbowmen -2,000 archers -1,500 light infantry -2,500 heavy infantry To help alleviate the strain on manpower, we offer political and religious exiles and refuges sanctuary for them and their families in our country in exchange for their military service. We have also set up an emergency mercenary fund for wars.
#163709193Thursday, June 04, 2015 6:23 PM GMT

((Max, Ireland's a vassal of England right now, so just a heads-up)) The newly-annointed King of Ireland is also asked to raise an additional force and join the five thousand assembled in Dublin, a direct English territory, to sail out from Ireland for France. The King of England rides to Dover, where he is blessed by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
#163720336Thursday, June 04, 2015 8:53 PM GMT

Ottoman Empire Diplomacy: The Ottoman establishes trade relations across the other Muslim areas. Military: The Ottoman Military moves 5,000 troops up to the Bosnian border to counter the Hungarian force with most being part of the Kapikulu Sipahis and the Janissaries and some archers. A big force of the Ottoman Military is moved to both sides of Constantinople with the intent on taking the city officially ending what was East Rome and the obliterated Byzantine Empire. A couple other thousands of men are put at the borders especially at Christian kingdom borders to keep the frontiers safe Technology: A new technology known as the cannon is being created by Ottoman Engineers it acts like a catapult but with its usage of Chinese gunpowder it can hurl powerful cast iron balls at an extremely quick speed at targets making it a devastating weapon. 1% complete. (The Ottomans were the first to invent the cannon around this time completely for the purpose of obliterating stoned structures like those seen in Constantinople and was used during this time) Economy: The economy is booming from conquering just about the rest of the Byzantine Empire and the taxes are adjusted to incorporate the newly taken territories.
#163724189Thursday, June 04, 2015 9:38 PM GMT

[Papal States] Diplomacy The pope agrees to the Hungarian idea The Pope offers the title of "Protector of the Faith" to any who will take it.(basically means if a faith other than Catholic attacks a catholic nation you will have to declare war to "Protect the Faith" Military The Pope asks for the lords of the Papal States to levy troops to protect the Hungarians from the Ottomans The Vatican Guard begin training In the Papal States The Vatican Guard arrest the Vatican treasurer for fraud and embezzlement. The Jewish Quarter in Rome is raided by the guard and arrested three women as witches
#163729576Thursday, June 04, 2015 10:51 PM GMT

~England~ The King, who is completing his preparations for an invasion of France, sends his second son John Duke of Bedford to the Papal States with a proposition. The tapestries are completed, and the claim on France by King Henry IV is made legitimate by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Gascon soldiers move from the Garonne and launch a campaign into Poitou. Henry Duke of Lancaster, the King's heir, is sent to lead the troops. At the Battle of Tours he drives out a French attempt to remove the English/Gascons.
#163774427Friday, June 05, 2015 3:18 PM GMT

Nation name: Claim of La Cleur (no official name, but they follow La Cleur to take the French Throne.) Leader name: Lord La Cleur, Monsieur Antoine, commander of La Cleur's northern french forces. Location(what nation(s) is it replacing if fake): La Cleur's forces are spread out across France, with the power slowly increasing as forces reach the south, the main holdout of his forces in the south is the Aix-en-Provence province of the French Kingdom, his forces are dominant in this area over the loyalists. In the north, the Monsieur uses Touraine as his major point of control. These two provinces are the main holdouts, and the groups found quite a distance away from these provinces are very weakened. Far more than a fledgling 'rebel' group, but more so a group that has a very real chance of winning if backed.. Population: 542,743 (Spread out across the country, like most things it's unofficial and most of these are simply supporters of his claim.) Coat of Arms: http://www.roblox.com/aedikran-item?id=255750097, these colors are also used on their tabards and is proudly shown on their shields. Military: Fifteen thousand at it's peak, made out of several units of newly arranged forces and small sections of experienced troops. A great deal of the 'elite' forces are defected loyalists due to bribery or other such unfavorable means. The majority of their forces don chaimail, including chainmail coifs and wear their tabards over them. Very few utilize plate, with the only plate items usually being common helmets, most are seen wearing leather boots or similar common accessories. This 'majority' are mostly infantry with only large amounts of spears, pikes and clusters of maces and other such weapons ready. This group also maintains a large amount of archers, around 9,500 of the force currently formed is of this group. The smaller group is the more experienced troops, from defected loyalist units or ultimately the original 'traitorous' group. Most of these soldiers wear partial plate to protect them effectively and chainmail across the rest of them. Expensive sallets, burgonets and other such effective helmets whilst not constricting view. Most have plumes bearing the rebellion's signature color as well. The other half of this group are the knights, like most knight groups, this group is the smallest of them all. They are all covered in fullplate and use even more expensive helmets and gear. Faith: Catholic Other: Eagle (We shall take the throne. Woo.)
#163778673Friday, June 05, 2015 4:38 PM GMT

((So now you'll contend with England AND Charles the Mad? Ha! We shall see!)) The Burgundians and Flemmish begin a pincer movement through Central France. The English army sets out from its three ports and takes all of the northern coast of Normandy. Charles the Mad's defenses are unable to keep up with both Antoine La Cleur AND the English. Instead, he attempts to deal with each threat in turn, his thirty thousand troops scaring the Burgundians back into their own borders and moving south to suppress La Cleur's supporters. The Gascons remain loyal to England and begin fortifying their borders. Poitou's citizens also support the English now, and four thousand troops, mostly men-at-arms, join with the Gascons in arming the border.
#163778757Friday, June 05, 2015 4:40 PM GMT

((Accepted, btw. Luvin admin rights :P))
#163780838Friday, June 05, 2015 5:21 PM GMT

[Papal States] Diplomacy With many people pleading with the Pope. Pope Innocent IV declares a Holy Crusade against the nation of the Ottomans Military 10,000 Italian soldiers levied from the provinces of Roma, Romagna, and Ancona. Sail across the Adriatic to reach Hungary The Vatican Guard arrest three Turks suspected of being spies.
#163783217Friday, June 05, 2015 6:03 PM GMT

-Margraviate of Brandenburg- Diplomacy - Brandenburg has produced supposed "historical claims" on the region of Vorpommern. Help in the planned conquest of Vorpommern is requested from members of the Hanseatic League - supplies, soldiers etc. Military - Unemployed men are sent to work on farms or the military at a ratio of 75:25. As a result, 250 men have been levied into the Königliche Armee. (this is a literal translation of "Royal Army" into German (thanks google translate) and i've done this because during this time period the King or his lords would lead the armies) Technology - New army formations and tactics are tested. New smooth dirt roads are beginning to be used as the norm in the countryside. This helps traders and travelers move quicker due to not having to worry about getting bogged down in a massive hole in the road. Economy - N/A
#163783315Friday, June 05, 2015 6:04 PM GMT

(scratch Hanseatic League - replace it with small nations in the HRE - free cities etc)
#163783632Friday, June 05, 2015 6:10 PM GMT

(Claim of La Cleur) --Military-- Lord La Cleur invades the Dauphiné province of France, with the intent of expanding his realm and end the reign of the current king. Rallying dissenters in Dauphiné, his forces begin to set up plans to defeat the heavily guarded fortress that houses the current lord. Whilst the number of forces deployed is unprecise, it is rumored that the dissenters flocking to his banner will surely mean his position is stronger. A second force under another a minor noble establishes defenses in an attempt to keep their flank secure. Forces in the north rally to take Bourges from the French. --Diplomacy-- No diplomatic actions undertaken. --Economy-- The tax the peasants are currently using is risen, in attempts to improve the gear they can equip their men with. In exchange, small groups of La Cleur's enforcers begin to wipe the area near their farms from bandits.
#163791721Friday, June 05, 2015 8:06 PM GMT

Hungary(Puchica Consul you coulda timed the Crusade better. I'm not able to get on Saturdays. Also, cannons have been known to Europeans for over a century now and aren't a Ottoman invention.) Diplomacy We pledge our support for the Crusade. Military We raise our levies and order the peasants to gather in certain areas to receive weapons and a few months worth of training. We also order our vassal to do the same. The 10,000 Italian troops combined with the standing Bosnian and Hungarian Army guard the borders and engage in small-scale raiding. We also mandate a massive expansion of our Mediterranean fleet with 20 great war galleys, 60 war galleys, and 50 cog transports from Italian shipyards. The transports each carry 500 men or 100 cavalry each. These will be added to our current fleet of 20 war galleys and 10 cogs.