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#163641028Wednesday, June 03, 2015 6:17 PM GMT

After the war of Science, A few of anonymous people started a research group to make elemental robots to cure the wasteland after the war. They tried many times, but failed for years. Until they finally made a bot. It was a small snake, and was weak. They tried and tried, staying up for hours, to keep it alive and give it an element. The only element they could give it without it failing would be Metal. The Oldest element. The snake would stay in a small pen designed to give it a place in the real world, and foods too. A grey metallic Fruit was given to it. After many years they finally rounded up the last Element for bots, Nature. The nature would grow plants back and speak to animals, curing the land of wars. They had many bots, they would test them for their type, Most commonly would be a Lighting or Metal. But one day was different. Almost all the wind bots would have at least 1 pair of wings. But after they gained a small Brown feathered and blue eyed owl, they ran the test. Nature, the test read. The owl was marveled at and was placed in the correct cage. But they soon released it when it was strong enough. The next week a small brown and black owl flew bye, Green eyes. It was a robot one, but smaller. A lab worker tamed it and ran the test. Nature aswell. To this day the owl lives in its pen, barely old enough to fend off the Nature snakes among its kind. (Check out Robotics RP to read more on the tale)

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