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#163731510Thursday, June 04, 2015 11:16 PM GMT

I was thinking we have a system for games developed by multiple people to have "Multiple Beneficiaries" option. It's a system where everyone involved gets a percentage of the games revenue. A percentage gauged on how much the game makes will be automatically put into the users responsible for the game's accounts. This would help group based games designed by several people. It's hard to rely on one person for payment on something you partly created, when one can be so easily ripped off. So you can add people as beneficiary to the games revenue, and everyone put as a beneficiary will get a cut. Now this system will of course have to be fleshed out, planned, and done in a way as to where it will work without being able to be abused. But if people are going to create games with each other that they would like continued revenue of. A beneficiary system would be very helpful. My plan was for the first visit it goes to the one hosting the game, the second goes to the first beneficiary, and so on. That way Every single person in benefit with it (Working mostly for games with multiple visits a day) would get their proper cut. Everyone gets an equal amount and it can also list the beneficiaries with a short description of why they are beneficiaries. So players can give proper credit where it's due. Please reply with further ideas, thoughts, critiques, and anything else. Thank you.
#163731738Thursday, June 04, 2015 11:19 PM GMT

They already made this. Check the blog / wiki for the post about this.
#163731952Thursday, June 04, 2015 11:21 PM GMT

They did? Fantastic! Could you please link me to it? Me and a few other people are currently developing a game and are wondering how we will pay each other fairly if it goes well, and something like this would help tremendously.
#163732456Thursday, June 04, 2015 11:28 PM GMT

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