#187966731Sunday, April 24, 2016 12:48 AM GMT

Sorry i mean 187th troopers
#188071660Monday, April 25, 2016 6:02 PM GMT

Add grenades(working) for 501st and Nova Troopers. Add scopes on the guns with scopes(like cycler rifles). Speeder bikes and such [102] Make the barges land,like in Alpha.
#188935520Wednesday, May 11, 2016 1:16 AM GMT

How about lightsabers eh? Ones that do like 50 damage but arent to OP because you havt to be close to kill.
#188935671Wednesday, May 11, 2016 1:19 AM GMT

/\ *facedesk*
#189254903Monday, May 16, 2016 11:56 PM GMT

How about languages? So like, near the chat gui, there are options for different languages for your character to speak, and it translates what you say into your chosen language, like Mando'a and Jawanese? And regular English would be labeled as Basic.
#190330775Friday, June 03, 2016 1:32 AM GMT

Add droids.
#190438620Saturday, June 04, 2016 5:28 PM GMT

First Suggestion: A team balancing system. Say there are 12 people on the server then there should be a maximum of 6 Imperials and 6 Rebels. Also if of the Imperials suddendly leave then 2 Rebels should be reteamed with Empire so that its 4v4 and not 4v6. Second Suggestion: A bandit team. Tuskens, Jawas and bounty hunters should be able to fight who they want and not just the Empire.
#190449298Saturday, June 04, 2016 8:17 PM GMT

/\ So if I want to have a gathering with my faction, half of them are going to be Imperials? :|
#190575566Monday, June 06, 2016 2:16 PM GMT

Dear ninja. When credits do something in the game, can you then remove the credits we have now in our banks and on us because everyone have at least killed somebody that have done the hack or exploit thing with the credits. Can you please do this so this game will be more fun when credits do something?
#190869816Friday, June 10, 2016 1:38 PM GMT

The amount of bounty you get should be based on the amount of bounty your victim has, something like 500 + 5(victim's bounty/1000) So if your victim someone has 1k bounty and you kill him, you would get 505, kill someone with say 20k and you would get 600.
#191021018Sunday, June 12, 2016 2:40 PM GMT

Also, I think suits should be buyable with coins, once you fix them, and give you a buff or special ability when you're wearing the full suit. For example, shocktrooper armor could give you 15% more weapon damage. Scout could make your guns shake less when firing. There could even be a possibility for a shadowtrooper armor, which would be really expensive, that would turn your opacity to 10% for 10 seconds, note that you couldn't use a weapon or regenerate life when cloaking.
#191328652Thursday, June 16, 2016 8:59 PM GMT

I feel like the chat is too crowded, maybe less people per server?
#191739389Wednesday, June 22, 2016 3:31 AM GMT

The amount of bounty you get should be based on the amount of bounty your victim has, something like 500 + 5(victim's bounty/1000) So if your victim someone has 1k bounty and you kill him, you would get 505, kill someone with say 20k and you would get 600. [2]
#191739967Wednesday, June 22, 2016 3:38 AM GMT

What if they have 0 bounty? I kinda like a steady income, too.
#191799223Wednesday, June 22, 2016 11:07 PM GMT

I think this game should be available to play on Xbox One and PS4 it would be amazing when ever someone wants to join a group they will have to do it on a phone or mobile device Sincerely, XELOWIX
#191980491Saturday, June 25, 2016 4:21 AM GMT

How about languages? So like, near the chat gui, there are options for different languages for your character to speak, and it translates what you say into your chosen language, like Mando'a and Jawanese? And regular English would be labeled as Basic. [2] And to answer your question, what he's saying is you take the person's bounty, divide it by 1000, round it to the nearest whole number, multiply it by 5, and then add that number to 500. So basically, if they have zero bounty, you get 500 bounty, if they have 1000 bounty, you get 505, and so on.
#192266488Tuesday, June 28, 2016 4:07 PM GMT

We should have access to binoculars.
#192274317Tuesday, June 28, 2016 6:06 PM GMT

#192970418Wednesday, July 06, 2016 7:54 PM GMT

My idea(s) is(are): 1: A neutral team for factions such as The Neo-Crusaders, The Mando'ade, and so on. 2: Faction restricted weaponry, such as only Sith or Jedi groups can get light sabers 3: Members of a certain faction (i.e. The Neo-Crusaders, Jedi, Sith) do not have to purchase passes for their faction's clothing. 4: A variety of equipment, such as Thermal Detonators (already being made) Thermal Implodes, Stealth Generators, Personal Shields, etc. 5:Vehicles (Not things like X-Wings or TIEs, but things like Walkers and Hover platforms, maybe Hutt Barges. 6: Way to get in the Hutt palace Boom, done. Please try to implement these... ideas. Best wishes, WingsOfFireFan1 (Or just Wings)
#192970647Wednesday, July 06, 2016 7:57 PM GMT

Almost forgot: a Quick melee, with Vibration Knives (Gosh darn Roblox filter)
#193084663Friday, July 08, 2016 2:40 AM GMT

I have a few suggestions some of which may have been said before or answered. 1.) Add an arrest tool for the Imperials also give the option for the rebels to capture Imperial personnel. 2.) It would be nice to have an strong hold or an objective to protect for example an com. tower to protect from the rebels who can ether destroy it, hack into it. Or take it over and broad cast anti Imperialist messages. Or something similiar this way it gives something for use to do other then camp at the canteena waiting for some one to jump out. 3.) Maybe add jobs and stores for civilians to run for example food, drink, clothing or even black market that way the civilians and cartels have something to do. 4.) I do believe this was asked before not certain but to have each faction have certain tools specific for that faction. For example for my faction Shock Troopers, have them spawn with heavy blasters and armor maybe even add an personal shield generator. 5.) Have the weapons and equiptment be able to brake down and be damage for every time it over heats or you die that way it makes it more difficualt and gives an purpose for gun fenders and the market to be able to modify and repair blasters and armor similiar to how it is in SWTOR.
#193166732Saturday, July 09, 2016 1:30 AM GMT

Here is my recommendation, Please add some more weapons that are apart of the EU, but were also apart of the shows and movies, for example, DC-17M should be added, since it showed up in the The Clone Wars series as the republic commandos weapons, but they were also used in Galatic Civil War (Star wars: Reborn Era) era for Imperial Personnel that were clones, so it would make sense, considering that there were clones during this era, and also the weapon was used by delta squad, and a few others that made into the rebels and clone wars series, such as also gregor, which he also used a dc-17m blaster, since he was also a spec ops commando, so that is my recommendation.
#193904613Sunday, July 17, 2016 11:04 PM GMT

Dual Secondary weapon gamepass?
#194637428Wednesday, July 27, 2016 12:00 AM GMT

Perhaps add Armor for factions like the royal guard and add weapons like the pikes for the guard. Also : Get the guard alive again.
#196939778Wednesday, August 24, 2016 9:45 PM GMT

We should be able to change faction ingame.