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#163861262Saturday, June 06, 2015 4:47 PM GMT

Sections: Section 1:Group Wall Section 2:Coach/Player Signings/Trades/Release Section 3:In-Game Rules ---------------------------------------------------- Section 1:Group Wall Do not advertise for another group without our permission if you do so that will get you a one game suspension. You are allowed to talk junk about a player or team if this leads to argument over to pages is a one game suspension. Spamming is never allowed if so you will get a warning and if you do it again then it will lead to a one game suspension. ----------------------------------------------------- Section 2:Coach Signings/Trades/Releases All Coaches Signings/Trades/Releases must be done on the group wall if not then the action will not happen. Coaches have the ability to offer a Co-Coach if so the Co-Coach can ONLY DO signings and If he wants to release or trade someone has to have the Coaches Approval. For a trade to pass coaches of both teams must agree to it. For a player to join a team a coach must offer Him/Her and they must say "I accept". Max players for a team is 15. Once you accept a contract from a team you are on that team until your contract is up, unless you are traded or released. Only Co-Commissioners, or Group Owner are allowed to change ranks of any player except ranks higher than theirs. If coaches do not recruit players by a certain time given by staff, they will be fired. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 3: In-game rules There are 4 QTRS with 6, 8, 10 minutes a quarter coaches agree b4 game. The Minimum for games is 2v2 if coaches agree and the max is 5v5. All games will take place at the Game Court. Coaches can play. Coaches can only call time outs during their ball possession. If the coach do not show up to a game, then the Co-Coach is in charge. TELL ME WHO UR CO-COACH IS ASAP. For Subs to occur a coach must call subs during their team's ball possession. For games a player must wear his team jersey if the player can not buy one then the Coach of the team must give him one with a shirt cannon. If the coach is not able then the referee is responsible for doing it. The Shot Clock(SC) starts at 24 and if the offensive team misses the SC will be reset to 15. If the other team gains possession of the ball, then the clock resets to 24. Each team will start off the Game with 7 timeouts. Timeouts are 30 secs. Jumping with the ball is a travel if not shot or passed. HC shots are no allowed unless 10 seconds are left in the game clock. Jumping on top of somebody to steal the ball is a Reach-in Foul. Backspacing and picking it backup is a Double Dribble. Backspacing layups is not allowed. Jumping in free throws is not allowed. If a player misses a "T" Dunk its a TRAVEL. Press is not allowed, unless it is 2nd half of game Self IB is only allowed in 2v2's. The max of fouls before Being fouled out is 5. You can only press on OOB and When the game clock is under 2:00. If the ball is Loose on a In-Bound you are allowed to cross the Half Court Line. If a player does not shoot before the Shot Clock hit's zero that is A Shot Clock Violation. If the ball is loose and you jump on players head to get it that is a Over the Back foul. Using T is only for dunks not shooting will be 1 FT and possession for other team. If you Jump on a players head which does not make him jump as high as he can is a Shooting Foul 2-3 shots depending where he is and if an And 1 has happend. Jumping under a player and making him go higher than normal, it is a boost not allowed. If you boost a player, it is a shooting foul. No jumping over picks, it will result in a foul. No Traveling. No Back Court. If the shot clock hits 13, and the player with the ball is still behind the half court line, then it is 10 second violation. If a team reaches 4 team fouls by the end of the QTR, the other team will gain a bonus, which means the next fouls they receive will be 1 guaranteed free throw if they make they shoot another one so a possible 2 Free throws. If it reaches 7 fouls in a Quarter its dbl bonus and guaranteed 2 Free throws. If the game is an Overtime then the QTR will be 5 minutes. Under 1:30 in the 4th QTR if a team Calls a Timeout after the timeout is over the ball will be In-bounded from the HC. Fast Break 3 is not allowed, FB3 is when no one on other team is ahead of you and u hit a 3 point shot, will result in other teams ball. You have 5 seconds to In-bound the ball if not done so that will result in a 5 second violation. If you steal the ball from a long distance then it is a Mile Violation. If a Defensive player hops on the Rim it will be a Goal-tending Same if a Offensive person does then it's an Offensive Goal-tending. If a Player steps out of bounds then it is a Turnover. Only 2 Warnings will be given before a tech is given. If a benched player steps into the court while the game is in play, then it is Illegal Subs other team gets 1 Free throw and possession. Force pressing 3 times will result in a foul. Insulting the ref, calling the ref blind, and anything else that talks about the ref in a negative way over 3 times will result in a tech. 3 Techs will result in an ejection, if ejected that a 2 game suspension. Calling players the A word or "huff", or insulting other teammates is allowed, but if it is taken too far (death threats, talking about moms, excessive swearing) then a tech will be given. Excessive Swearing will result in a tech. If the bench (Coach not included) is not seated, a tech will be given. Arguing with the ref will result in a tech. Shooting the ball while a call is given will result in a tech. spamming in front if rim is Tech. Interfering in a free throw tech shot will result in another tech. Only ONE free throw is given if a tech is called. If a benched player interferes in a game once, then a tech will be given. If the same player interferes again, then he will be ejected. This is the official TBL rulebook. Players must abide by these rules to avoid any punishment given. Any questions do ask please.

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