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#164186080Wednesday, June 10, 2015 2:26 PM GMT

Hello ROBLOX! I would like to first say that I love this website, but there are some rather bothersome aspects. For example, there are very low character limits on chats and comments. This can get annoying when someone has a lot to say. 200 characters for a comment in my opinion is too little. If you could maybe increase it to 300 or 325, that'd be wonderful. I also think that the chat limit should be increased a little as well, for the RP-ers and scripters on the website. Also, I feel that one should not have to wait after each comment they write to write another. Again, if someone were to have a lot to say about a game, the character limit might prove to be a hindrance for them. If you do not wish to change the character limits, perhaps you could increase the number of comments one can leave before having to wait. Maybe to about 3? I believe this would make many people happier :) Thanks for taking the time to consider this.
#164187184Wednesday, June 10, 2015 2:51 PM GMT

No for all. 1. 200 characters is enough for a comment. If you want to write more, propose a Review feature for ROBLOX games. 2. Chats are meant to be very short. I think the chat limits are enough. 3. The reason why they make you wait is to prevent spam. Don't comment if you can't handle the wait time. OK ideas, but there are very definite reasons why they shouldn't be implemented. My computer runs on PotatoDOS.

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