#16443907Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:23 PM GMT

"what is your name?"branch says again
#16444010Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:26 PM GMT

alaphabet research done,millitary research:3 posts...
#16444012Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:26 PM GMT

"mark... and i am the leader of the rick rocks"marks sais Fishing is invented at the boat dock
#16444059Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:26 PM GMT

Populatin: 68 Days to Lit. complete: 5 Fuli starts his training in school to become the ruler. An airtist and 10 others make a statue of a head and make it faceing the sea as a tribute to Fuli's new learning. The inner wall is done and the dock is 1/2 there.
#16444069Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:27 PM GMT

"were are you from?"branch says new year:1007 BC
#16444160Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:28 PM GMT

Days to Lit. complete: 4 The Jugon bring in 50 more crops and hunters bring 3 Tasmainen Tiger, 2 Bear, and 13 fish.
#16444175Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:29 PM GMT

"an island 4 days east called england" iron is invented 2 days till a mine is built
#16444226Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:30 PM GMT

The farms start making wheat
#16444239Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:30 PM GMT

"interesting..." branch says"follow me" i say,leading him to the capital hut
#16444260Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:31 PM GMT

Zeldan finises arrow
#16444302Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:32 PM GMT

mark folows he pulls out a bunny
#16444328Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:32 PM GMT

military is now researched,the ranks are: corprol Buck Private private sargeant sargeant first class lt. general first class general
#16444333Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:32 PM GMT

Days to Lit. complete: 3 A few airtist make rugs out of the bear skin, robes of the Tiger for Fuli. Also 3 more heads are made and placed the same as the first, and 10 more babys are born so 3 more houses are made.
#16444363Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:33 PM GMT

3 towns made. HOrses are used for trnsportation.
#16444369Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:33 PM GMT

branch sits down on a table"please sit"i say,and i point at a chair in the corner of the room
#16444390Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:34 PM GMT

Iron mines are built all vilagers get iron but still trade bronse coins
#16444438Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:35 PM GMT

branchians start training military branchian military:16 troops branchian infantry 1st division made
#16444439Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:35 PM GMT

mark sits and the bunny lays on his lap
#16444453Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:35 PM GMT

Populatin: 78 Days to Lit. complete: 2 The Jugon make the outer wall tipped with animal heads and blood, to make make there rivals fear them. Dock is also complete and and expansoin is being built on.
#16444472Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:36 PM GMT

"so...what have you came here for?" branch says
#16444523Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:37 PM GMT

"we wanted to see if any other civilisations were out there"mark says Math is researched
#16444537Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:37 PM GMT

Gold mines used.
#16444568Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:38 PM GMT

New Research in conduction: research center 1:conducting"Norman Democrocy" research center 2:conducting"lenin and furnature"
#16444613Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:39 PM GMT

reasearch1:maths 1 day resdearch 2 : velvet 5 posts
#16444623Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:39 PM GMT

Slingshot being reserched. Military reserch starts. POpulation rises to 400. 4 small boats sail to Japan.