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#164619154Monday, June 15, 2015 10:22 PM GMT

ArizTrad Home Profile Messages Friends Character Inventory Trade Groups Forum Blog Upgrade Now Events ROBLOX Forum » ROBLOX » Suggestions & Ideas Home Search MyForums PenguinCatThing Home Messages 796 Track Thread Sort: Previous Thread :: Next Thread PenguinCatThing is not online. PenguinCatThing Joined: 07 Aug 2012 Total Posts: 525 The Elite Penguin's 06-15-2015 02:58 PM PenguinCatThing Home Profile Messages 38 Friends 11 Character Inventory Trade Groups Forum Blog Events ROBLOX Forum » ROBLOX » Suggestions & Ideas Home Search MyForums How to Write a Suggestion on This Forum (v1.1) Track Thread Sort: Previous Thread :: Next Thread MasterChiefAlpha is not online. MasterChiefAlpha Joined: 19 Mar 2010 Total Posts: 3029 ROBLOX C… 07-25-2012 05:27 PM This guide is meant to give you a sort of framework for thinking about and writing your suggestion post. ****PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ ALL OF THIS, -AND- THE "WHAT NOT TO SUGGEST" STICKY, BEFORE POSTING ON THIS FORUM.**** The following is mostly written around a guide from a user, watevs44, found in this thread here: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=71932102 How to Write a Suggestion Thread in S&I I. Before You Start Writing II. Posting III. Responding to Feedback IV. Revisions and Multiple Postings ============================ I. Before You Start Writing 1) Read through the What Not to Suggest sticky to get an idea of some of the common suggestions we already hear a lot: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=70099801 2) Think about what, exactly, you want to suggest. Brainstorm, sketch out an idea web on a piece of paper, maybe even draw diagrams if it helps you visualize your idea. 3) Decide how to describe your idea. Brainstorm the details, consider multiple versions the idea might take, including pros and cons. Ask yourself: "How will this help Roblox and its community?" List reasons, give concrete examples! 4) Write a draft of your suggestion post on paper or in a program like Notepad or Word. Try to give it some clear structure: Point, Evidence, Analysis. Point: what is the specific suggestion you are making? Evidence: what are some examples of where and why this is needed? Analysis: what are the positives and negatives of this idea? How hard or easy would it be to do? 5) Read your draft over. Proofread it. Make sure it says everything you want to say and doesn't leave anything out, but isn't redundant or hard to read either. Think to yourself: "If I had just found this post and had no idea what it was about, could I read it easily? Can I understand it?" ============================ II. Posting 1) Make sure your subject line clearly tells us what your post is about (general forum rule). 2) Use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation (also a general forum rule). 3) If you're spending a lot of sentences talking about your idea, make sure you break it up into multiple paragraphs so that it's easier to read on a screen! 4) If it's a reeeeally long post with multiple points, consider including subheaders and a summary at the end. And remember the format: Point, Evidence, Analysis. 5) Even if you're really angry or frustrated about the thing you're suggesting an improvement to, stay polite and don't use insults or inappropriate language (another general forum rule). 6) Copy the post into a document on your computer and save it, just in case something goes wrong (say, your connection dies as you hit post, or something!). 7) Read over your whole post COMPLETELY before pressing Post. ============================ III. Responding to Feedback 1) Be polite. Your idea might be a hit with other forumers, or you might find people don't really care, or even dislike your idea. Whatever their response, remain respectful! Avoid insults or dismissing someone's criticism just because they don't like your idea. 2) Be open to suggestions. Other users might have ideas that might improve your post. You don't HAVE to take anyone's advice, but try to consider everyone's input before dismissing it. 3) If someone is personally attacking you or another user, don't respond to them, use the Report Abuse link. 4) Remember that S&I has a lot of new users every day. You might be one of them! It could be that forumers have read this idea before, and other forumers have never heard of it. Be open to hearing a different perspective! REMINDER: Your suggestion MUST BE AN ACTUAL SUGGESTION. It can't be vague or just a complaint. NON-SUGGESTION THREADS CAN AND WILL BE TREATED LIKE SPAM. ============================ IV. Revisions and Multiple Postings 1) Sometimes, you receive a lot of feedback that your idea has changed a lot from what you first posted. In a case like that, you're totally welcome to create a new, revised post, but please no sooner than 24 hours after you posted the last one. 2) The same goes for multiple posts in general. Please don't flood the forum with multiple posts about the same topic. If you have many ideas about the same subject (like gear ideas), then include them all in a single post. 3) You are free to post multiple times in a day for different suggestions that aren't on the same subject, but please try to pace yourself. In general, try not to make more than three new threads, total, in a 24 hour period. 4) Sometimes, posts drop without getting any attention. Bumping (posting with a filler reply to "bump" the post back up to the top of the forum) is kind of a necessary evil, but please keep it to a minimum. If you find you're bumping two or three times in a row without any responses, take the hint and just let the post drop. Some ideas just don't catch on. Don't take it personally! Expect revisions to this guide as necessary. If you have any questions about the guide or other forum questions, please PM me! Previous Thread :: Next Thread Page 1 of 1 ROBLOX Forum » ROBLOX » Suggestions & Ideas Privacy Policy | Advertise with Us | Press | Contact Us | About Us | Blog | Jobs | Parents TRUSTe Children privacy certification ROBLOX, "Online Building Toy", characters, logos, names, and all related indicia are trademarks of ROBLOX Corporation, ©2015. Patents pending. ROBLOX is not sponsored, authorized or endorsed by any producer of plastic building bricks, including The LEGO Group, MEGA Brands, and K'Nex, and no resemblance to the products of these companies is intended. Use of this site signifies your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. Party - You are not in a party. To create a party, just invite someone: Online Hack Complete o w8 Clayten7500 is online. Clayten7500 Joined: 30 Sep 2014 Total Posts: 528 Land Of Bears 06-15-2015 03:17 PM o w8 ReplyReport Abuse Previous Thread :: Next Thread Page 1 of 1 Add a Reply ROBLOX Forum » ROBLOX » Suggestions & Ideas Privacy Policy | Advertise with Us | Press | Contact Us | About Us | Blog | Jobs | Parents TRUSTe Children privacy certification ROBLOX, "Online Building Toy", characters, logos, names, and all related indicia are trademarks of ROBLOX Corporation, ©2015. Patents pending. ROBLOX is not sponsored, authorized or endorsed by any producer of plastic building bricks, including The LEGO Group, MEGA Brands, and K'Nex, and no resemblance to the products of these companies is intended. Use of this site signifies your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.
#164620475Monday, June 15, 2015 10:39 PM GMT

reporting for advertising
#164624554Monday, June 15, 2015 11:35 PM GMT

#164625035Monday, June 15, 2015 11:42 PM GMT

Reported for OD'ing. Yes, cookies, Qunari do not make cookies, this should be remedyed.
#164625717Monday, June 15, 2015 11:53 PM GMT

wow reported for plageriasm i created it first nob
#164626398Tuesday, June 16, 2015 12:02 AM GMT

Reported to Bill Jobs for aimbotting. Enjoy your VACation. le expert of rustling jimmies
#164631209Tuesday, June 16, 2015 1:07 AM GMT

Reported for spam. Go shove molded cheese down your throat.
#164632606Tuesday, June 16, 2015 1:23 AM GMT

#164634041Tuesday, June 16, 2015 1:40 AM GMT

trash epic is the greedy one here

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