#16469589Monday, November 09, 2009 2:38 AM GMT

#16469628Monday, November 09, 2009 2:39 AM GMT

Connan I looked at my arms. They were bleeding... ".... Eh, it's fine..."
#16469651Monday, November 09, 2009 2:39 AM GMT

Laine: .... -inoccent face- :3
#16469762Monday, November 09, 2009 2:41 AM GMT

Laine: -goes through guns- NO -throughs one on gorund- NU UH -throughs another one down- NOPE -throughs one once agian down- UGHHHH UGGLLYY -throws it down also- PFFTT NAHH -throughs it down- AHHH HAAA -pulls out rifle- PURFECTO :D
#16469767Monday, November 09, 2009 2:41 AM GMT

Jak: *bandges Cannon's arm*
#16469778Monday, November 09, 2009 2:41 AM GMT

Connan I scoured around some more, finding a few medical kits. I popped them onto the counter, opening one nad patching up my arms. I closed the medical kit and put the one I opened onto the side of my belt.
#16469835Monday, November 09, 2009 2:42 AM GMT

-LIFTS SELF ON COUNTER AND CLEANS METAL BAR OFF- ( oops caps to lazy to change it )
#16469838Monday, November 09, 2009 2:42 AM GMT

(late post.) Connan "thanks." I scouered around and found some med kits. I grinned. "Med kits."
#16469948Monday, November 09, 2009 2:44 AM GMT

Jak: I'm a jack of trades *grabs med kits and shoves them in a backpack he found*
#16470020Monday, November 09, 2009 2:46 AM GMT

Laine: oh -stops cleaning the blood- names laine -holds out hand to one of them-
#16470036Monday, November 09, 2009 2:46 AM GMT

Connan I pulled out my bat and walked over to the part of the counter where I saw the other pistol. I tapped it then smashed it, grabbing the pistol and hookign it;s holser to my belt.
#16470281Monday, November 09, 2009 2:50 AM GMT

Laine: -quickly pulls hand back noticing no one said anything-
#16470335Monday, November 09, 2009 2:51 AM GMT

Connan I looked up at Laine. "Sorry about that... I'm Connan. Nice to meet you."
#16470514Monday, November 09, 2009 2:54 AM GMT

Jak: im Jak nice to meet as well........*moans are louder lock the doors
#16470526Monday, November 09, 2009 2:54 AM GMT

Laine: -Grinns- you too...so you from here...because if you are im surpised that you survied.....the pplaces ive been ive never seen this much packs of this,.......thinngs
#16470577Monday, November 09, 2009 2:55 AM GMT

Laine: -locks the doors and walks back to counter pumping rifle-
#16470738Monday, November 09, 2009 2:58 AM GMT

Connan "I'm actually not from here. I was just passing through when this happened..." I started to walk, but I tripped on something. I got up and picked up a shot gun on the ground that I tripped on. "..."
#16470756Monday, November 09, 2009 2:58 AM GMT

Jak: I'm actually form out of town..I'm going on the roof to take them out
#16470798Monday, November 09, 2009 2:59 AM GMT

Liane: -laughs at him as he tripped-
#16470903Monday, November 09, 2009 3:01 AM GMT

Connan I stood up, laoding the shotgun. I grinned. This was a great gun for me in addition to two pistols.
#16470908Monday, November 09, 2009 3:01 AM GMT

*they hear jak taking out zombies* *crack...crack as the rifle shot*
#16471007Monday, November 09, 2009 3:03 AM GMT

Laine: -sigh- i love the sound of guns -piont gunn up at roof and fires it barely missing jak`s ffet- its just so soothing - sanity level 50% just remeber that-
#16471029Monday, November 09, 2009 3:03 AM GMT

Connan I looked out a window and saw zombie after zombie fall to the ground, dead. I ahve to admit, he was a great shot.
#16471072Monday, November 09, 2009 3:04 AM GMT

Laine: so how long did it take you to relise the worls was be infected
#16471082Monday, November 09, 2009 3:05 AM GMT

Jak: *grimly shoots zombies down* i don't like this job *reloads* but im glad my dad took me to the range..