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#164830842Thursday, June 18, 2015 12:20 PM GMT

This is PRIME(Professional Realistic International Mixed Martial Arts Entertainment) Founded by JayWayExtreme2K15 in late 2014 as a ro-wrestling federation, now revived a ro-boxing/MMA Company. Now, we shall get started. Shows may be aired, to get a storyline PM JayWayExtreme2K15, and we may be able to work something out! Rules: There are no women fighters(Sorry women) You need to send me your Ro-Stats(Where your ROBLOX Boxer lives, your billed weight, your ring name) Then you come to a show, have a match, win or lose, you're on the roster of your weight class! You can only fight men of your own weight class. In normal matches there are 3 rounds. In each round the judges are scoring you from 1-10 on your charisma, your technique and much you damage the other man. Each round is 5 minutes long with 10 second breaks in-between. In title bouts there are 5 rounds and the judges can score from anywhere to 50-100 points on charisma, technique, and how much you damage your opponent. It can last less than that, as you must be the first man to 1000 points wins. In tag team bouts the men cant fight if there is a 90 or more overall weight difference in the two men. Each match starts when the official says BEGIN! If you start fighting before he says BEGIN! You are disqualified. All matches are ring only, if you go out of the ring, you are disqualified! all attire is legal. In Role-Play matches you must not leave the ring, can only use strikes with the stomach, feet, hands, and head(You can do Ho Train attacks) You can do dropkicks and shining wizards, if you try and do a grappling techniques, automatic disqualification for you! In RP Matches you can fight any man of any weight class top rope strikes such as diving kick, diving brain chop and diving punch or legal, springboard elbows, Beautiful Disasters, and missile dropkicks are all legal. Springboard body attacks such as a body splash is illegal. anything that relates to a body splash(swanton bomb, tornillo, Red Arrow, etc. are illegal) Attacks to the eyes, attacks to the groin, back rakes, and attacks with foreign objects are illegal. Also in normal matches, you cant back your opponent into a corner for more than 5 seconds, or you are disqualified and you get no points for that round. Titles: In PRIME You earn every thing you get. So you must win 25 matches to get a title opportunity(Doesn't have to be consecutive) If a title is vacated there will be either a tournament tor a full server knockout brawl for the championship. You can only fight for the championship of your own weight class. The rules of tag team bouts are above. Hall Of Victory: In PRIME There is a Hall Of Fame(which we call Hall Of Victory) You must have been boxing with us for at least 300 days, have acquired the title of your weight class AT LEAST once That's all you need to know, I hope you have a long and lasting career in PRIME The first show is on June 27th, I hope to see you there!(Also, in PRIME we care about our performers, unlike most companies we try and listen to everyone, in a show, everyone will get 1 match, you have to wait though, begging will get you nowhere) I hope to see you at a show. Sincerely, JWE 2K15
#164832354Thursday, June 18, 2015 1:03 PM GMT

I'm am an woemin and I wan't two fight
#164832663Thursday, June 18, 2015 1:12 PM GMT

I'm am an woemin and I wan't two fight
#164964564Friday, June 19, 2015 9:20 PM GMT

Really hockey dude..
#164964828Friday, June 19, 2015 9:23 PM GMT

I'm am an woemin and I wan't two fight "if i find out that razor teeth has been making fun of me, i'll turn him into cat food and lots of it"
#164964917Friday, June 19, 2015 9:24 PM GMT

I'm am an woemin and I wan't two fight
#164965008Friday, June 19, 2015 9:25 PM GMT

I'm am an woemin and I wan't two fight haha so funny.
#164965039Friday, June 19, 2015 9:25 PM GMT

I'm am an woemin and I wan't two fight
#164965210Friday, June 19, 2015 9:27 PM GMT

#164965215Friday, June 19, 2015 9:27 PM GMT

I'm am an woemin and I wan't two fight haha so funny.

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