#171022806Thursday, August 13, 2015 3:22 PM GMT

(Guys, I feel like we are at different timelines here. The group of paradox soilders got distracted by an argument that dogma got into. William ran away with Tyler/Chrome.)
#171028481Thursday, August 13, 2015 4:24 PM GMT

Destroyer After a very long walk we arrive at a jungle near a lake with a waterfall. "I will tell each of you want you need to train. Fyrok, you need to train your anger, anger is the source of fire if I am correct. Shadow, you need to train and take control over your evil side, and then you will be able to use his strength. James, you need to make your lightning stronger. Krathlork you are fine the only problem is that you need to train your stamina. Mark, you need to train your swordsmanship and lose your weakness for girls." Fyrok "Aye." Shadow "Yes....sir." James "Yes." Krathlork "Hmm." Mark "Yes-" I stop for a second and continue, "Weakness for girls?" Destroyer "From what I have seen so far you won't hurt any girl you find on combat, even if she is your enemy." Mark "....that is actually true."
#171038561Thursday, August 13, 2015 6:04 PM GMT

(Darn it got confused so repsot and also pone sux so I'm force d to frp) Zoey *scratches head and walks up to dead dragon* "Huh"
#171040719Thursday, August 13, 2015 6:26 PM GMT

Eric "Oh, then I am truly sorry. Let me show you my sorrow." I finish, shooting the gun around the room with only one arm.
#171040911Thursday, August 13, 2015 6:28 PM GMT

Destroyer "But before we begin the training you can go relax a bit on the lake-" Mark I quickly take off my clothes and fall into the lake. Destroyer "..."
#171044228Thursday, August 13, 2015 7:00 PM GMT

Chrome/Tyler *Wakes* *Everything is kind of blurry* "Argh..." I try to move. I cant. "William... Am I paralyzed? What... happened?" This is some info about what happened to Chrome/Tyler, which is who he is now. He has lost his powers. He cant transform. He still has his watch, that contains his mega man suit, that allows him to teleport. Can now be affected by Ahri's charm, if it happens. He has completely lost his memory of anything related to the Elemental Ghost. He is stuck in his human form. Sloppy brown hair, brown styled eyebrows, brown eyes, small nose, black short sleeve shirt, blue jeans, and grey Nike's. This is a formula for girls liking him. XD Only a moment with a lot of emotion (Romance, Tragedy, ect.) Can make him normal.
#171047339Thursday, August 13, 2015 7:29 PM GMT

The room was torn apart. Behind you, the door opened. But not coming into it was the dog, or perhaps even a guard. Instead, it was something that looked exactly like you, but with strokes of purple covering parts of it's head. "Subject 5,003." [We, are the crystal gems. We'll always save the day! And if you think we cant, well f**k you.]
#171051511Thursday, August 13, 2015 8:08 PM GMT

Eric "Wait..." I start, staring at the newcomer. "I... what?!" I stutter out in a half-surprised, half-angered manner.
#171056320Thursday, August 13, 2015 8:49 PM GMT

Kronos "To many interruptions!" I use the powers drained from the other gods and a Thunderbolt streaks towards Ares Ares I look up and let my sword take the hit but I go flying into a wall. Kronos My fist is engulfed in flames, "This time Ares you will die!" Vlad I look up at the giant and back at Freigmund, "Your sure this thing works?" Dr. Freigmund I look a bit offended, "I might have a degree in chemistry und DNA but I have also studied engineering und technology." I smile, "Vith de material from Kronos I have made an almost indestructible war machine!" Vlad "Almost?" Freigmund "Ja, sadly I cannot make him completely or the thing might kill us all.
#171056511Thursday, August 13, 2015 8:50 PM GMT

(Consul, if you still want Deadeye to capture Amy, she is with her new love, G-NA. :3)
#171060611Thursday, August 13, 2015 9:24 PM GMT

Stratis He'd walk into the Chaos place. My kind of style. Meh, better act dumb so they don't get fishy. Doesn't matter that I'm pitch black with urple eyes. I'll find out this place, and I don't care what it takes. He'd approach the clerk.
#171060888Thursday, August 13, 2015 9:26 PM GMT

[oooooooh i've been waiting to do this forever the clone eric thing was going to happen at the jail break last tears of the multiverse] [~Eric~] The copy of you turned it's head, staring at you in a very curious matter. "Master, is this the faker you were speaking of?" He asked the man behind the chair. "Indeed it is, Eric." [~Kronos~] "Fool. The more you battle the more time you waste attacking someone who you cannot kill. Only after Greece sinks will Ares fall." [We, are the crystal gems. We'll always save the day! And if you think we cant, well f**k you.]
#171062158Thursday, August 13, 2015 9:36 PM GMT

Eric "Aha... you've outdone yourself, Jeff." I say to what seems to be no one in particular. "A faker? How did you clone me so well, anyways? Minus the purple stripes, of course." I ask, impressed.
#171063122Thursday, August 13, 2015 9:44 PM GMT

-CS- Name: Gaius Gender: N/A Bio: No, not Gaia. Gaius is it's own entity. Or is it? It is a deity. Perhaps. No one is quite sure what it is. All that is known is that it is Europe - is it? No, it is the reason Europe stays afloat. So much to debate. What is it? Is it even alive? Is it a thing? A being? Can it feel emotion? It can feel emotion. Loss. Sadness. Confusion. Emotions. It can feel them, so does that make it a being? It thinks so. It does not know. How can it know? How can anyone know? They have seen it. Him? Her? It does not know. Perhaps someone has witnessed it. Perhaps someone can identify it. Who, though? Of course. Large energy. Battle. Combat. A duel for power. Ask this one. Am I a thing? You must be a thing, or you would not be here. So it knows it is a thing. A thing it is. But what thing? A large thing. A monster thing. So confusing. Who is to know what it is? All that is known is that it is known, regarded, recognized. Viewed upon. It is so confused. Not because of the situation, but because it has confused itself. - That is the mind of Gaius. Gaius was born[or made]many years ago, carved inside of a mountain - Mount Arego, a large mountain on the island Atlantis is on. His brothers were made there too - all sixteen siblings, living in harmony. A temple was constructed for them, and they enjoyed their life. But something was wrong with the island; it was too empty. And so the sixteen beings made plants, then animals, then humans. Life was good - humans worshipped them, hunted, built - but also destroyed. A large Atlantian fleet made their way towards the Greek mainland, an invasion of the city state of Athens. The city beat them back, but only to the will of the Gods. The gods, angry, released their energies, and sunk Atlantis to the ground, taking the Colossi with it. Now that most of the Olympians are dead, their magic is undone, and Atlantis has returned. The Colossi may have been smaller gods themselves, for they too are now resurfacing - but they have no love for their home anymore. Gaius, at least. He sets outwards, walking into the ocean and towards the European countries in search of a new home. Appearance: A massive hulk of a being he stands at over forty feet tall and has a pillar of rock for a hand. His body is covered with fur, and his eyes are completely white. He has platforms on his back, used by the Athenians in the ancient days as ways of both being used in warring and other tasks, such as building. His fur is a dark brown, and around his wrists and neck are large bits of armor protecting them. Powers* (only fill out if your character has powers): Years of being encased in an underwater city cast downwards by the gods has granted him multiple powers, including the ability to use lightning bolts from Zeus, temporarily bring back the dead from Hades, and control of bodies of water from Posideon. Weapons* (only fill out if you character has any weapons): His large size is his main offense, but he also has the large stone pillar. Battle Demonstration (give an example of a battle scene with another character): He stepped on the opponent. Intelligence: 3 Speed: 4 Strength: 10 Reaction: 8 [We, are the crystal gems. We'll always save the day! And if you think we cant, well f**k you.]
#171064260Thursday, August 13, 2015 9:54 PM GMT

The students of Destroyer began training.
#171064564Thursday, August 13, 2015 9:56 PM GMT

[~Eric~] "What do you think this is, a children's TV show? Am I supposed to give away my plan now?" [We, are the crystal gems. We'll always save the day! And if you think we cant, well f**k you.]
#171064830Thursday, August 13, 2015 9:59 PM GMT

Eric "Yeah, of course it wouldn't be that easy..." I growled. "Now, you've done well in the appearance department, but how have you done in performance?" I ask as I raise my gun, firing a few shots at my clone.
#171065091Thursday, August 13, 2015 10:01 PM GMT

The clone moved in a flash, dodging the bullet and appearing behind you, swiping at your feet. "I'd say that your performance only just matches mine, you fake." The clone said. [We, are the crystal gems. We'll always save the day! And if you think we cant, well f**k you.]
#171065209Thursday, August 13, 2015 10:02 PM GMT

Stratis The clerk unresponsive, he would be angered. He's gonna talk too the owner of this fine establishment about this. Now too uh. Find him. And get through without the private army of guards here. Time too get to it.
#171065828Thursday, August 13, 2015 10:08 PM GMT

Eric I trip and fall from the attack. I look up at the clone. "You're not too bad." I get up on one paw and plant my foot onto the ground, letting me quickly dash away and back to the clone, aiming a kick right towards his spine.
#171067152Thursday, August 13, 2015 10:21 PM GMT

succes, how many times do I have to copy this? Im keeping track. Times copied: 3 Chrome/Tyler *Wakes* *Everything is kind of blurry* "Argh..." I try to move. I cant. "William... Am I paralyzed? What... happened?" This is some info about what happened to Chrome/Tyler, which is who he is now. He has lost his powers. He cant transform. He still has his watch, that contains his mega man suit, that allows him to teleport. Can now be affected by Ahri's charm, if it happens. He has completely lost his memory of anything related to the Elemental Ghost. He is stuck in his human form. Sloppy brown hair, brown styled eyebrows, brown eyes, small nose, black short sleeve shirt, blue jeans, and grey Nike's. This is a formula for girls liking him. XD Only a moment with a lot of emotion (Romance, Tragedy, ect.) Can make him normal.
#171067184Thursday, August 13, 2015 10:21 PM GMT

[~Eric~] The clone's hand disappears into his arm, and is replaced with a pistol - the very same one that you brought into here, in fact. Except when he shoots, it's not conventional bullets - lasers emerge from it, though your quick attack allows you to successfully hit without suffering any damage. [We, are the crystal gems. We'll always save the day! And if you think we cant, well f**k you.]
#171067903Thursday, August 13, 2015 10:28 PM GMT

I'm glad I made another character. Dogma "You two! You are terrible at doing what I tell you to do!" Both Elites "But-" Dogma "But NOTHING! Your officially back to being Paradox Troopers!" Paradox Troopers "Yes, sir."
#171068005Thursday, August 13, 2015 10:29 PM GMT

Eric "Wow, you ARE going to be an ass if I've ever seen one. Although, that's calling myself an ass, so I shouldn't really- ah, screw this." I start to fire the rest of the gun's ammo back at him. William "I just saved you. Stay here."
#171068113Thursday, August 13, 2015 10:30 PM GMT

Chrome/Tyler "I think that's all I can do." I attempt to move but I still cant do anything.