#171765707Wednesday, August 19, 2015 5:53 PM GMT

(God, cant you let me do my perfect ending i've been planing?)
#171767554Wednesday, August 19, 2015 6:11 PM GMT

Trafalgar "Room." I create a "room" and slash my sword at Lord of Darkness. Lord of Darkness Due to some mysterious force the room is nulifed and I take the slash head on, not even egtting wounded. I then point one of my fingers at Trafalgar and he gets sent flying agaisn't a building.
#171767637Wednesday, August 19, 2015 6:12 PM GMT

Eric I retaliate by firing fireballs of my own, adding in a few shots from the weapon that was already in hand as well.
#171770141Wednesday, August 19, 2015 6:36 PM GMT

Mark I stop fighting with Zoro and notice the mysterious man. I run up to him slashing my sword at him. Zoro "Huh?" Lord of Darkness I jump back avoiding the slashes, "Now that's some impressive strength-" Fyrok I smashed my arm covered on blue fire agaisn't Lord of Darkness's stomach, "Who the crap are you...." I burst the blue flames on his stomach sending him flying. Lord of Darkness I do a backflip before I crash agaisn't a building, "That's some impressive strength too, but not enough to defeat me." I instantly appear infront of Mark and Fyrok, grabbing both of them by the neck and throwing them into the sky and appearing above them smashing my fists on their stomaches. They both get sent to the ground creating a huge crater.
#171775943Wednesday, August 19, 2015 7:31 PM GMT

Jared Changing back to our normal forms, we went back to the others. "So, what to do now?"
#171777826Wednesday, August 19, 2015 7:49 PM GMT

Fyrok I get up and blackfire followed by blue fire begins surrounding me, "This is what I learned during my training...." I rush at Lord and give him a barrage of punches.
#171778692Wednesday, August 19, 2015 7:57 PM GMT

Nautilus I stare at the lord of darkness for a second but then heft my anchor and swing downwards.
#171778745Wednesday, August 19, 2015 7:57 PM GMT

Jean "Its either we go back to Greece, or just stay here in China." Jared "Staying."
#171778925Wednesday, August 19, 2015 7:59 PM GMT

(I am planning for Lord of Darkness to give a pwoer up to one of Sage's characters at a cost.) Lord of Darkness I smile inside the hood and suddenly, Fyrok is get flying thanks to a unknown force. Mark "What...." I look at Lord of Darkness. "Wind slashing!" I begin slashing my sword at Lord of Darkness, sending a barrage of wind slashes at him.
#171779088Wednesday, August 19, 2015 8:00 PM GMT

[God, fine. Do your perfect ending. But Bonnrking will be back. And angry. And will punt you into the salt mines.
#171785260Wednesday, August 19, 2015 9:12 PM GMT

(Could I possibly rp as dalek emperor?)
#171787221Wednesday, August 19, 2015 9:27 PM GMT

The combined flame and gun seem to be very effective against him, but the injuries he take just seem to instantly eal from the purple goop. His hand, however, emains it's normal fur color. George Hammer and plasma bolt struck his armor as he began to fall to his knees. CS Name: Thanatos Gender: he's death noob Bio: The son of Nyx[the night] and Erebos[the darkness], and had the twin brother Hypnos[sleep]. He never really played much of a role in stories, due to him often being displaced by the more important and well known god Hades. Despite this, however, almost all beings hated him, mortals and gods alike. The only one that didn't utterly despise him was likely Hades, due to the dependency on each other's spheres of influence and the similar feeling of hate among him. Despite his high intelligence, however, he could be smarted. For example, in one Greek myth Zeus sent him to reap the soul of a mortal king who's time for death had come. Fearing the underworld, he chained up the god of death. While he was safe from death, the dead began to return, and no one else could die. Ares, angry that no one was dying in his wars, freed Thanatos and gave him the Greek king. Due to being the literal embodiment of Death, he cannot be killed, explaining as to why Kronos let him free. Chaining him up would go against his agenda, meaning that anyone who died would not die. It's not like he could do anything anyway; he was only one god. Appearance: An angel, with black wings and a black cloak. The bottom half of his body is just a mysterious swirling mist. Powers* (only fill out if your character has powers): Has control over the dead, the doors of death, and basic darkness magic. Weapons* (only fill out if you character has any weapons): A scythe. Battle Demonstration (give an example of a battle scene with another character): stab stab Intelligence: 10 Speed: 3 Strength: 8 Reaction: 4 book: god of cringing. cystalgems: god of edginess. birm: kys
#171793042Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:22 PM GMT

(accepted) Eric I refrain from facepalming. Why hadn't I noticed that weak spot before? Realizing this, I raise my gun up, aiming a shot straight towards his paw and pulling the trigger.
#171794211Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:32 PM GMT

[im really angry right now and i punched the wall really hard and my hand is throbbing and my eyes are watery so just to advise you if my posts are even more terrible than usual] His paw flew off his arm and he grabbed it in agony, the purple mass taking hold. His eyes began to glow completely yellow, with no pupils or white background. His head turned and he stared at you before growling in a strange voice that was not his and charging you, making more growling sounds. book: god of cringing. cystalgems: god of edginess. birm: kys
#171794869Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:38 PM GMT

(dude hot damn is the wall ok jk but r u ok) Eric I rolled to my right side upon seeing him start his charge. I gaze at the path I predict that he'll go and fire ahead of him as Latios does the same with a Dragon Pulse.
#171795042Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:40 PM GMT

[im fine ] The flame melts off some of the purple material but it is quickly replaced with new bites, and the charge isn't like a bull charge - he changes direction and catches you, holding onto your arms tightly and raising his head and growling. book: god of cringing. cystalgems: god of edginess. birm: kys
#171795209Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:41 PM GMT

Eric Latios comes up from behind him, raising a claw and attempting to stab it through the clone, one attack that's usually meant to rip anything organic to shreds.
#171795386Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:43 PM GMT

The claw breaks through his chest, and his eyes stop glowing and he stops growling at you, releasing your arms. book: god of cringing. cystalgems: god of edginess. birm: kys
#171795511Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:44 PM GMT

Eric I aim a punch straight towards his snout, using all of the strength I could for the strike.
#171795621Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:45 PM GMT

(So yes to the dalek is ok)
#171795794Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:47 PM GMT

He flies out the wall, an Eric sized gap forming in it. He falls to his doom. Hopefully. book: god of cringing. cystalgems: god of edginess. birm: kys
#171796121Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:50 PM GMT

Eric I gaze out of the wall, Latios following suit. "Think he's gone?" I ask the dragon. "Hopefully." We race back over to Latias before realizing that George might be still fighting HIS clone. "Eric, the guy we were with?" "George? Yeah, what about him? He's still fighting, eh?" "That's what I'm thinking. Stay with my sister- I'm going to go help." He races back down to George. "DUDE, WHA- YOU'RE LEAVING ME IN CHARGE OF YOUR SISTER?!" I yell after him, sitting down next to Latias.
#171796332Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:53 PM GMT

Laying on the stair way was a knight in armor, his head burnt and a broken hammer and shield on his side. The other George was no where to be seen. book: god of cringing. cystalgems: god of edginess. birm: kys
#171796556Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:55 PM GMT

Eric Latios quickly makes his way over to the George, hoping that it wasn't the clone. He quickly checks around him, making sure he didn't have any purple markings.
#171796688Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:56 PM GMT

His skin and armor are free of any signs of purple. book: god of cringing. cystalgems: god of edginess. birm: kys