#173317554Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:01 PM GMT

[Bowser] "grrrr, guess i must continue from his path." said bowser looking at sparda. and shot his clowncopter further upwards, soon he left the atmosphere. on the outside of the copter ice started to form, however inside magic protected him and sparda...
#173317566Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:01 PM GMT

Sparda My clothes were all torn up, my skin scorched from the heat
#173317687Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:03 PM GMT

[Bowser] *is THAT what humasn look like without clothes, meh ill get used to it* he though, continuing upwards...
#173317702Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:03 PM GMT

ZOEY I manage to take down both champions. However, I'm left with critical health, so I decide to recall. DEATH REI I sigh, waiting for my champion to respawn.
#173317763Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:04 PM GMT

Sparda I woke up on the way to the mothership "What...T-Hell... Happened?" My vision began clearing out.
#173317849Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:05 PM GMT

[Bowser] "FINALLY, i might of died of boredom. you were asleep for hours.... ahhh only joking it has been 15 minutes..." he said to the woken up sparda...
#173317861Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:05 PM GMT

Sparda Thankfully, my pants and coat weren't torn off, and my monocle hadn't shattered
#173318022Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:06 PM GMT

Rodney With only one last minion remaining we back away from the turret, then Vi and Xerath returned, how great. We fought the minions to level up and then we fought them, not until karma came in and Vi killed Annie and Bard is forced to run away, but guess what, Xerath used his ultimate to kill him. Kyle Stepping up, we reached the turret and we start beating it up while the minions will just go to hell.
#173318078Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:07 PM GMT

Sparda "What happened?" I asked again
#173318195Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:08 PM GMT

[Bowser] "well you left to die in the frozen unforgiving death bringing vacuum of space, so you fell and i picked you up. dang how far up is this thing." bowser said, eyeing the mothership...
#173318302Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:09 PM GMT

DEATH REI and ZOEY Their champions reappear at the spawn. They then purchase stuff that they think are essential to them. ZOEY After purchasing stuff, I return to the top path and re-encounter a few enemy champions and some minions as well. DEATH REI I sigh before going for the middle path. Again. If I die again, I swear...
#173318366Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:09 PM GMT

Sparda "If you throw me high enough, I might make it. Then again, my Demon form doesn't rely on oxygen, and my thrusters should help me get up there."
#173318551Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:11 PM GMT

Xandre and Rodney Both of their characters are back at spawn. After they buy the essential items, they went back to bot lane. Kyle Xin Zhao is hiding in a bush. I took a healing potion and I waited for the enemy champions. Someone is getting ganked tonight.
#173318564Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:11 PM GMT

(Quick update, NEW WEAPON! New Weapon: Ifrit (A pair of fire-based gauntlets with the strength to break through solid steel, and/or many magical elements)
#173318744Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:13 PM GMT

[Bowser] "yes BUT, its been like 10000-" "your highness its been 4526 miles up" said a voice,"-ah yes thanks, i guess. and the sphere has not been growing to indicate we are approaching it, any status of how far it is." bowser said, moving around the copter to reveal 3 magikoopas,"we used the forecast spell and its around 2x as far as the moon, and the size of the earth..." they replied,"dang..." said bowser...
#173318767Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:13 PM GMT

ZOEY Zoey was busy having Jinx attack the enemy champions and minions, while using her built-in web browser for champion weaknesses. For some reason, her eye color changes to blue. DEATH REI I was breathing hard when I re-encountered another enemy champion. This time, he's got company, and that's the minions. I try spamming my special moves on them.
#173318842Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:14 PM GMT

Sparda "I'll make it, no-gravity won't be a problem. Just do it."
#173318886Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:15 PM GMT

(Wait bowser and sparda are in space? Bad move) Dalek Emperor "Incoming human ship, all ships and cannons fire! Exterminate the humans!" "EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!" Dalek ships fly towards the clown copter firing their guns and the orbital cannons on the moon open fire. (Success respond to freigmund) Kronos I slam my scythe and harpies appear from the shadows and fly at the Pokemon Endemic I step onto a balcony over the main road and D.C as the military marches past with a new flag. "Soldiers of the North American Union! You know your mission, destroy those who are in the lists rid earth of their danger." Tanks with new weaponry roll by and one fires a shot that explodes in mid air in a red explosion.
#173318937Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:15 PM GMT

[Bowser] "yes but the copter is faster, MAKE IT FASTER STAT" roared bowser, soon the copter was flinging at extreme speeds...
#173319107Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:17 PM GMT

Kyle Get ganked! Xin Zhao appears in the bushes! And takes the first kill! He goes for another and KILLSTEAL! Xandre Back at where we died, two enemy champions closing by, ultimate them! Get a kill for the both of us. Annie and Bard went for the turret, it's down!
#173319416Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:20 PM GMT

#173319447Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:20 PM GMT

~Aeron~ -Istanbul, Turkey- The streets were rife with chaos. Whatever was happening, the invading force was big... and it was surrounding the city. Greek refugees who were already in were being rounded up or killed on the spot, or just trying to escape. Gunshots could be heard all over, and pandemonium reigned as the city was taken over. Aeron's thoughts were scattered as he stumbled through streets and alleyways, and the city's law enforcement and Turkish military men attempted to defend with little avail. The invader was better-led and much more fresh, having not been decimated by three superhumans. Aeron tried his hardest to reach the Palace east from his location. Death had already been a strong smell in the city, but now it was worse, and mixed with the smell of gunpowder and fire. He could see nothing of the conflict itself yet. Luckily he was moving down the middle, and from what he heard the militants were moving around the edges. This changed, however, when the canal and the Palace came into sight. The Turks were pinned by men in grey-green outfits, moving steadily towards the gate of Topkapi Palace. The walls were being blown to smithereens by tanks, and defeat seemed inevitable. Launching himself forward, Aeron sped into a squadron of the invaders and disarmed or incapacitated them. He moved through the offensive side's ranks, picking them apart more than three men at a time. When he reached a tank, he jumped on top, opened the hatch, and threw a grenade from one of the fallen soldiers inside. It took several minutes before the enemy was wiped out, their line a smoking ruin. Aeron walked toward the palace gate, breathing in deep heaves. Two armed Turkish soldiers came out and lifted their firearms at him. One spoke rough English to him- "Who are you being, swift man? Why you help us?" Aeron raised his hands passively. "Lower your guns." The soldier kept silent a moment before speaking some unrecognizable Turkish to his comrade. A short response was given, and the two lowered them. "Our weapons are low. Tell us answer now, Westerner." "Did you not see what I did to those three superhumans in Esenyurt?" he demanded, "or what I just did to that platoon of attackers? We might have five minutes before another group of them moves in. Let me in so I can talk to your leader." The two conversed again, then the one who spoke English called up to a man on the walls. There was a great deal of conversing in Turkish before the soldier addressed him again. "We bring you to the Maresal. He is commander here." They did just that. General and Maresal Salih Zeki Colak was a tall, middle-aged man with a respectable air about him. He wandered the hall of the Palace, barking orders at his subordinates and trying desperately to hold the city. He fortunately spoke English. "I asked my men who you were," he explained as they sat at a table in the makeshift command post, "and they told me that you were an Angel or God of winds... sent by Allah to save us. They told me that you wiped out a platoon of the enemy with no weapons on your person. They also told me that you would explain nothing to them. How much of this is true?" Aeron found himself thinking hard on how to respond. "I can not say that I was sent by God, or that I am an Angel. I am only a man who has been altered by forces above." He chuckled at his own play on words. "But the rest is true. Your men were faltering on the front wall. I had to speak with you anyways, so I figured it would be best if I intervened. The Maresal nodded. "I see. So why is it you have come to see me? Clearly you are not an envoy of the invader, nor are you an Angel, but you came to see me of your own avail. Are you sent by the Americans?" Aeron shook his head. "The U.S. is my home, but not my master anymore. I can't say I'd trust the American government as far as I could throw them." He shook his head again. "I'm just here to help. There's a bunch of Greek refugees out there, and a bunch of your citizens in here. Just tell me what we know of what's going on and where I'm needed." The Maresal seemed solemn now. "We thought to move in and retake the western city after you killed the Three Seytan. We had reestablished control over the whole area and the Ruma (Greeks) were coming into the country again, through Istanbul. It was two days, as you know, before the portals opened up. That was early this morning. They started coming out in organized ranks, led by a man on a ceremonial horse. We attempted to make peaceful contact with them, and I was not there, you see, as I was here on the Western side keeping the refugee convoys in line when they opened fire. It took only an hour before they had all the Eastern City under their control, and it took another for them to penetrate our defenses. Most of our forces were over here, keeping the refugees in line, but it mattered little as they pushed deep into the city. I am trying my best to issue commands to the battalions across the city, but our forces are dwindling. It has been all I could do to slow the enemy advance with air strikes and reorganized defensive lines. Before you came, I thought for sure that the enemy was going to take the Palace and we were doomed." Aeron sat there, silent for a moment. What could he do? There was an actual war going on now, and yet he could only be used to so much of an extent... This was going to take some effort. That much was obvious.
#173319527Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:21 PM GMT

ZOEY Jinx managed to kill the minions and one champion, but before I could get another kill, the enemy champion recalled. I sigh before using my ultimate attack on an nearby enemy turret. DEATH REI This time, I manage to kill one champion using Garen, yet he was overwhelmed by one remaining minion. I began to cry as I get angry as well.
#173319710Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:23 PM GMT

Sparda "JUST DO IT!" - Shia Labo- I mean, Sparda shouted
#173319770Saturday, September 05, 2015 4:24 PM GMT

Rodney Get to the other turret before the enemy respawns! WE DID! We got the second turret down! And the enemies just came in right on time. Kyle Going for the turret, it's down!