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#165375259Tuesday, June 23, 2015 10:15 PM GMT

It's written in the tomes that there was, once, a point in time where the service of the Pursuers weren't needed in the Kingdom of Azak. For some people, it's nice to look back at this time because it was a time where every waking moment and every dream wasn't plagued by the eldritch monstrosities that prowl the land seeking the ruin of souls. But for others, looking to the past only leads to the harboring of bitter resentment for the current time. It is the Year of Technology in the Kingdom of Azak, so called because the year started when a man discovered and translated ancient writings that revealed blueprints for inventions from long ago. The majority of these inventions rely upon one key thing: steam. Two kinds of inventions sprouted from these writings. The first kind is known as the Public Works Inventions. These inventions are those given out to the public for the benefit of all people. Things like trains, tools, and day-to-day appliances fit into this category. The second kind of invention are known as Private Inventions. These include mostly weapons and combat-related gadgets. They're only handed out to certain parts of the military and to the (mostly) disliked group of people known as the Pursuers. Pursuers are practically royal mercenaries. They're paid and supplied by the reigning monarch and are also paid by the governors of cities who tax their people to pay the Pursuers. Furthermore, if an individual requests help from a Pursuer, they typically have to pay out of pocket for help. Many people have a dislike for the Pursuers, since the majority of them demand payment before they do anything of worth. But, everyone agrees that the Pursuers are a necessary evil. Why is that? Because Pursuers are the only people who are well-trained and well-equipped enough to hunt down and kill any and all monsters that live off the people of Azak. Settlements that don't have enough wealth to pay the Pursuers usually end up in ruins. More often than not, this misfortune is attributed to monsters coming and destroying the settlement. But, some believe that it's the Pursuers who lay waste the the settlement as punishment for them not receiving any kind of payment. Thankfully, you live in a settlement that pays these Pursuers for protection (at least, for the moment). The city of Yhortham is the place you call home. It's one of the most technologically advanced cities, likely as a result of it being the very first city to make use of inventions found in the blueprints of old. Many call this the golden age of Yhortham. If that's the case, then it's all downhill from here. Though the fall of Yhortham has yet to happen, the wise and vigilant can see it in the near future. Whispers of corruption haunt every lonely corner, and tentative words are muttered against the governor of Yhortham, the king of Azak, and the Pursuers that patrol the area. Groups of people are beginning to form, plotting out ways to defend against the monsters of Azak without the aid of the Pursuers. Some believe these groups will ultimately fail in their goal, while others believe they'll bring about a revolution and a second, greater golden age to Yhortham, and to Azak as a whole. Notes: 1. Basic ISRP rules apply. If you don't know what an ISRP is, just ask. 2. Death is permanent. 3. You can choose to skip exposition and get right into the action of a main storyline. Note, the exposition will be somewhat lengthy. You should probably skip it if you have a history of quitting ISRPs when they're only about four pages in). 4. I'll let you know if your chosen occupation isn't suitable for this world. 5. Your character's clothing can be practically anything except modern or futuristic clothes. 6. If you're not going to write a good biography, then don't bother with that section of the CS. Name: Age: Gender: Appearance (include clothing): Current Occupation: Biography (optional): Do you want to skip exposition?: Other:
#165376459Tuesday, June 23, 2015 10:30 PM GMT

Name: Sarah Mavenbell Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance (include clothing): Sarah is a 5'7" tall blonde with a sort of olive tone skin. She's somewhat skinny, and has a flatter than average chest. Her hair is long, but messy and tangled. Her attire consists of a tan dress with fluffy sleeves that reaches down to below her knees. Over her dress is a white cotton apron, that is actually rather stained with dirt and breadstuff, and doesn't appear white, but rather a light brown. Her face is covered with freckles, and her eyes are a dark green. Sarah's lips are very thin, nearly nonexistent, and her nose is rather crooked and juts out. On her feet are just a pair of worn out leather slippers. Current Occupation: Sarah is a young bakery who works in a bakery. She actually dreams of being an explorer, but realizes it to be unrealistic. Biography (optional): yeah i would try but it's probably going to be crap so here's nothing Do you want to skip exposition?: No Other: Sarah isn't very rich, neither is her mother and her father is dead. pls have mercy i havent joined an roblox isrp in over ten yers
#165377132Tuesday, June 23, 2015 10:39 PM GMT

Does your character live on her own or with her mother?
#165377333Tuesday, June 23, 2015 10:41 PM GMT

with her mom
#165381344Tuesday, June 23, 2015 11:34 PM GMT

#165484074Thursday, June 25, 2015 12:20 AM GMT

Name: Travis Greynet Age: 20 Gender: male Appearance (include clothing): htt p://fc02.devi antart.n et/fs70/i/2013/161/f/5/anim e_steamp unk_by_kuronah-d 68k52o.jp g (Cause, I suck at character appearance.) Current Occupation: Student steamworks Biography (optional): OK then. Do you want to skip exposition?: No. Other: Lives with both parents and little sister.
#165484932Thursday, June 25, 2015 12:29 AM GMT

I don't accept people who can't be bothered to write out their character's appearance.
#169759324Monday, August 03, 2015 1:55 AM GMT

Name: Jack Fredrick Benson Age: 21 Gender: MALE Appearance (include clothing): Jack has a tall thin body, his length is 5'11", he weighs 185 pounds. Jack has black hair, shortened from sides and long in the middle of his head. Jack shaved his mustache, and he shortened his beard and whiskers. Jack has dark-brown eyes, small nose and big ears. Jack has a tall brown cloak and several black vests. Current Occupation: Fruits & Vegetables Merchant Biography (optional): I'll write it later, because I'm busy. Do you want to skip exposition?: No. Other: i want to know more about our timezone. Like, what is the currency, where are we?
#169760684Monday, August 03, 2015 2:10 AM GMT

>What is the currency? Suzus. It's not mentioned in the OP because the name of currency isn't really that important until you actuall come across the currency. >Where are we? The very first sentence mentions a place called 'The Kingdom of Azak.' The very first sentence of the second paragraph mentions the Kingdom of Azak again. So, it's safe to assume that you're somewhere in Azak. Then, in the last paragraph, it's stated you live in a city called Yhortham. Since you said you're going to write a biography, I'll wait to accept you after you've written said biography. Besides that, your appearance is sorely lacking and actually contradicts itself. You state that Jack has a 'tall thin body.' And then, immediately after that, you say he's 5'11 and weighs 185 pounds. That's not thin. 185 pounds and 5'11 gives you a BMI of of 25.8. That's considered overweight. Furthermore, you say that Jack has 'shaved his mustache and shortened his beard and whiskers.' Okay, cool, he shaved. Does that mean he's clean shaven? Does he have a stubble? Is it a heavy stubble? Does he actually have a beard? What you wrote doesn't tell me anything. I barely know anything about the appearance of your character. You don't even talk about what he wears besides that he has a cloak and wears vests. What does he wear under the vest? How about shoes? What about pants?
#169764719Monday, August 03, 2015 2:52 AM GMT

(Well, I just tried to use the American measurement, I guess I failed. F**k the American measurement, I will just use Meters and Kilograms. Also, I'm not from an English-talking country, so it was hard to describe the hair.) Appearance (include clothing): Jack has a tall thin body. He is 1M75CM tall. He weighs 65 Kilograms. He has black hair, shortened from sides and long in the middle of his head. He has cleanly shaven his mustache. His beard and whiskers are heavy stubble. Jack has dark-brown eyes, small nose and big ears. When Jack is at home, he wears pajamas and slippers. When Jack is at work, he wears his tall cloak along with heavy white boots. When Jack is outside the house for a visit or an event, he wears his black vest with his brown pants, along with black shoes. Biography (optional): Jack's mother died when he was 14. He lives with his dad in a small house behind his market. Fredrick owns a piece of land 2 kilometers away from the City, Jack uses this land to plant his vegetables and fruits. Jack has an inner peace, he doesn't respect dates or times, he always comes late at events. Jack is too calm, but he can be scared easily. Jack fears darkness. Jack loves agriculture very much. When he was young, he loved to plant trees in front of his house. Other: I wanted to know the location of my city on the map.
#169790211Monday, August 03, 2015 8:48 AM GMT

I still don't know Jack's skin colour. Also, most of the stuff in your biography isn't a biography. It's either listing traits or current events. And what do you mean by the location on the map? This RP doesn't take place on Earth. The majority of Fantasy doesn't take place on Earth.
#169792440Monday, August 03, 2015 9:49 AM GMT

Name: Tanya Striker Age: 25 Gender: Female Appearance (include clothing): She has shoulder length spiky hair, dyed blue with a long fringe that falls to the left of her face. She has slightly tanned skin and her eyes are a bright green. She stands at 6'2" and is fairly thin, though she has a little bit of muscle. Exact weight is unknown. She wears a black short sleeved and short legged jumpsuit, with white with blue lightning designs on the pieces. She has angular large boots that have the same colour scheme and design on them as her armour. She also has a long skirt with the same clour scheme and design on it. Current Occupation: Inventor Biography (optional): (Nope.avi) Do you want to skip exposition?: Yes Other:That's all.
#169794950Monday, August 03, 2015 11:07 AM GMT

Marked, making CS sooner or later.
#169796575Monday, August 03, 2015 11:47 AM GMT

Pony, the fact that your character has anime-ish blue hair, wears armour, is an inventor, is thin but also has muscle somehow, and is Amazonian height leads me to believe you're creating a Mary Sue. Coupled with that, the fact that your character in both this RP and The Redeemer have spiky shoulder length hair with a fringe that covers part of the left side of your face brings me to the idea that you've created some cookie cutter character that you want to put into every RP you join to skip out on having to do actual work. Yeah, sure, having two characters in two different RPs that have a similar hairstyle is fine, except when you use practically the exact same wording in both instances.
#175362976Friday, October 02, 2015 4:33 PM GMT

Name: Lucia ( Lucy ) Anne Rosemary Age: Nineteen Gender: Female Appearance (include clothing): Appearing with long shoulder length blond hair with slight curls on the end of it and a skinny figure as her lack of money didn't get her much food. The girl has blue eyes with dark rings constantly surrounding the area around her eyes. Her fingers and hands are calloused,though she had soft skin before. Her skin color is light,she stands at about five foot and eight inches tall. Her clothes consist of a clean long sleeved white cotton shirt and long worn out leather pants and leather shoes. She has soft thin lips and a face that would lean towards beautiful if it were not of the dark circles around her eyes. Current Occupation: Servant of a wealthy businesswoman. She does basic housework to feed herself and have a place to stay. Lucia dreams of being outside the house,free to do what she wants once she earns enough money. She's currently trying to become an artist,publishing her works in contests in hopes of getting some prize money to further advance her goals. She paints and sketches in her spare time and has gotten good in skillfully using her calloused fingers to create beauty on paper. She has hopes,although she believes they would never be achieved. Biography (optional): Lucia was a young child in the big city,both her parents had a small house and they worked hard every day just to feed her. When she came of age she helped by doing housework and generally doing a great job and maintaining the condition of the house. She even did some errands to gain some more money,although soon enough the thread that held the whole family's finances fell after her father lost his job,then her mother. Soon they didn't have enough food to eat,Lucia was given what little money both her parents had and they sent her off to find somewhere better to stay than them. Both her parents moved that day,she doesn't know if they got a new job or if they were begging somewhere. She merely followed what they said,as she did everyday. She now had no purpose as she wandered around the city,fortunately she was able to take a job as servant and now lives a mildly comforting life in a big house and a cozy wooden room. The servants and the wealthy businesswoman were nice to her,one of the servants presented her with the beauty of art,which she soon began taking a liking too. She used her spare money to buy whatever art materials and paper to paint and sketch more and more,soon she started to participate in contests. She didn't win very much,but she shone with happiness when she was presented in third place. She continued,hoping that she would be able to somehow one day become a good artist and let her works withstand time. Do you want to skip exposition?: No. Other: Uhm. Eep?
#175365040Friday, October 02, 2015 5:27 PM GMT

Here you go, thank you for making a good character sheet: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=175365018
#175379561Friday, October 02, 2015 9:48 PM GMT

Name: Napolean Age: 32 Gender: Male Appearance (include clothing): I wear a loincloth and a lion's skull as I wave around a walking stick. Napolean also has is only about 5'1 and he weighs about 180 pounds. He's also white, since I'm going to guess that blacks are mistreated in this RP. Current Occupation: Prophet Do you want to skip exposition?: Yes
#175794180Thursday, October 08, 2015 9:52 PM GMT

Name: Boris Alayas. Age: Twenty-Nine. Gender: Male. Appearance: Boris is a very large man. With a mixture of some extra weight along with actual muscle, the best description for this guy would be "stocky." That said, he is easily one of the tallest and heaviest men most people will see in their lifetime. Being almost 6'8, it is easy to see why. How he keeps all this weight is a mystery to most, but many estimate he has to be around 260 pounds. Not to say his appearance otherwise is any less intimidating, as his eyes look like he may very well see through you, deep into your soul. The dark gray color is framed well by the sunk in, black look surrounding it, a mixture of long nights and lack of sleep to accompany it. He has absolutely no hair on his head, but has a long on his chin. So much, it falls down to the start of his collar bone. This matches his long sleeve, large brown shirt which covers and fits him pretty well. You can tell he's a bit over-weight from the way his shirt is curved, starting at his barrel chest and ending with his stomach.[Stomach being the farthest part out.] Despite his overall angry, and to some, even intimidating appearance, he actually wears one of the happiest smiles ever. With a certain light that replaces the deep gaze with one of absolute jubilance, and creating small creases around both his eyes and his mouth. This is only when he's happy, but it's an important thing to mention as when he greets everyone, he tries his best to smile and be kind. [Hence why the lengthy description, it's perhaps the first thing most people will see when they look apon his face.] As for the rest of him, there's not much to say. The more physical stuff, like his deeply tanned skin from long days out in the sun, to his square jaw, and well defined features are about it. Rather than calling a man this large ugly, they would rather stick with rugged. No one single feature can certainly be pointed to why he is not attractive, it's just a general thing. Current Occupation: A farmer, who on occasion fixes broken farming tools for others when they can't afford more technical people or items to do so. His primary crop is the dependable wheat crop, however he does grow a small patch of cotton which he often saves for his wife, whom uses to craft clothing for the hot summers. Biography (optional): Born of a farmer, Boris' father, Agror, was little more than a warrior searching for a home. After five years as a soldier, he found that the life wasn't to his taste. So he settled down, and married a very pretty farming girl. He was gifted a small track a land, and a lot of forest surrounding it. In the twenty years he was alive after that, he managed to expand his land tracks through purchasing and careful crop selling. Boris now owns a wide track of land, one of the largest for a family of no noble backround. That said, he makes sure to take care of every inch of it, and as such spends much of his time outdoor, taking care of his crops. His other brothers got much smaller tracks of land, as Boris was the only one of them who actually became a dedicated farmer. Meanwhile, Boris' small but useful expertise in farming equipment came from both his love of the farm, along with his father's constant drilling on his oldest son. This focusing on farming left his Father proud, as well as his mother, whom both wanted a son capable of carrying on their name. They fully supported his efforts, and even gave him several help, be it at finding the right crops to use, or which live-stock to purchase for his land. Boris met his wife, Lilian, at a market. He was trying to find a market for his newly grown cotton, (as at the time he took out the seeds himself, and sold them for a tidy profit.) and she was looking for some sewing supplies. They both happened apon the same store, a small Tailor's. Although it was only a brief meeting, they were both almost instantly infatuated with one another. They met agaain several times, and it wasn't before long they started a relationship. While Borris wasn't the most romantic, he was a caring, loving husband who took care of his wife and loved her with all of his heart. Together, they lived to be happy, and she currently was three months with their third kid. The first two had already been born, Elias and Lisa. Do you want to skip exposition?: No, but I do warn I have a troubling way of disappearing at lengths. Other: Could this be based somewhere warm? Not necessarily with good soil, but just somewhere warm. Otherwise, the cotton plant wouldn't exactly work. I'll just reveal his character strengths/weaknesses. Strengths: (+'s represent how useful/how much.) Powerful Body(++, from spending time on the farm, wrangling live-stock, and at some points chopping down trees for lumber. Very much physical labor.) Farm Tool Knowledge.(+. Only enough to repair most objects by hand, and use them. Gained from years on the farm, and running his own farm for years now.) Basic Self Defense. (+. Basic self defense, gained from his father who wanted to make sure that his son was safe. Nothing fancy, just the basics.) Weaknesses: (Each - represents how detrimental it is.) Overweight. (- It slows him down, and he consumes more food. Also, clothing costs hella more, especially considering the time.) Vocal Opposition: (-- Very vocal about his dislike for the Pursuers, one of the for-front supporters of a more public military force.) Bound by Family. (- Not necessarily a disadvantage, but if given the chance he will always sacrifice himself for his family. This may give him a good reputation amongst those who hear about it, but leaves many with leverage if they discover this.)
#175874490Saturday, October 10, 2015 1:52 AM GMT

I need to know the ages of Elias and Lisa, and the gender of Elias.
#176969638Monday, October 26, 2015 10:56 PM GMT

EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (forgot who made it) the newest CS above this post reminds me from an anime 'Alice In The Country Of Hearts'
#176969707Monday, October 26, 2015 10:57 PM GMT

Name: Luffy Nolen Gonel [don't judge the first name pls have mercy] Age: Nineteen Gender: Male Appearance: Um, is it okay if my char looks like your ROBLOX avatar without the sleeping goggles or whatever they are? o3o Current Occupation: Luffy is a fairly young Blacksmith - In - Training. He is kind, unlike his rude trainer. His trainer can LUCKILY be nice at some points. His trainer is ALSO believed his Great Uncle which is not even positive to him. Do you want to skip exposition?: YES PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE Other: sup bruh
#176981664Tuesday, October 27, 2015 1:52 AM GMT

(Watching Zorrow tear into CSes is fun when they aren't mine.)
#176982653Tuesday, October 27, 2015 2:07 AM GMT

>(forgot who made it) the newest CS above Do you have short-term memory issues? >[don't judge the first name pls have mercy] You're a weeaboo, Harry. >is it okay if my char looks like your ROBLOX avatar No, I hate when people- Wait, /my/ avatar? I'm flattered, but no. I don't accept people who are too lazy to write out their character's appearance. >without the sleeping goggles They're dirt-bike goggles you uncultured swine. >His trainer is ALSO believed his Great Uncle which is not even positive to him. This isn't even a coherent sentence. >[PM] may I interact with Minun? No, Minun is /my/ bae, you can't have her. It wouldn't work out anyway, I'm not one of those people who makes the events of every person's ISRP the same. Different events would be happening in your RPs that would contradict each other. The first reason given is the primary one though.
#178176521Tuesday, November 17, 2015 10:01 PM GMT

Name:Trip "Joker" Carter Age:15 Gender:Male Appearance (include clothing): Trip is a lean boy with runner figure and broad shoulders.He has a tan skin tone, with short black here. He as well has a his remarked line placed at the upper part of the side of his hair. His face has a carefree smile and chiseled nose. He has a faint scare about an inch long down the left side of his neck. He wears a Grey shirt in which fades to black at the bottom. His pants are full black. He doesn't bother to wear shoes, he is faster on his feets. But when needed he has shoes in his obscure backpack( a gift from his father) Current Occupation: Schoolboy, part-time at a weapons shop Biography (optional): Joker aka as Trip is a ever known clown at his academy. He is an orphan, and currently lives off the streets. Although he has been offered to be in family's of the richest of the rich, he still states no. Even though he is a street dweller you would think so if you'd just met him. He is extremely nonchalant and is always wisecracking. People love being around him, but he could never forget the life outside academy walls. His best friend Brock is also an orphan, and the two have been living on the street for years. Do you want to skip exposition?:No Other: Joker has extreme stamina, endurance, and is the fastest guy in his school. He is famous on the streets for being able to make his way out of anything, especially by playing with or joking his opponent(earning him his nickname)
#178186296Wednesday, November 18, 2015 12:53 AM GMT

>short black here >He as well has a his >a faint scare >faster on his feets >aka as >family's of I think I'd be okay with your grammar mistakes if you weren't an idiot. First, you obviously don't understand how shoes work. There's a reason people wear shoes. You don't see Olympic runners run on their bare feet. Also, your biography contradicts your occupation. You say that Trip lives off the streets. But, obviously, he doesn't, considering you also say he has a part-time job at a weapons shop and also goes to an academy. Also, why do you think your character can afford to go to school at an academy when he lives off the streets/doesn't-live-off-the-streets-but-has-a-dumb-job? Your character reeks of Mary Sue-ness. Not only is he the fastest sprinter around, he also has extreme stamina and everybody loves him and he's just so funny, no really you guys. And he's a generic orphan character. And you don't mention how he's been orphaned. And you don't mention why he'd ever turn down an offer to have money. I think that particular aspect adds to his Mary Sue-ness, greater-than-thou element as well. Declined.

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