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#165424633Wednesday, June 24, 2015 1:12 PM GMT

This application is to determine if you're fit enough to become a part of the board in NSC. Three major factors will influence whether you pass or not; Grammar, maturity, and vivid vocabulary usage. Only six more spots are available in the board, and if you successfully pass this application you will be assigned your role along with the other board members on Saturday, during our weekly meeting. Keep in mind that board members must be active and are very susceptible to demotion if they are not active in their beginning days as a member of the board. Board members are also required to submit a report on a weekly basis to one of the chairmen telling what they have done during the entire week. Many will apply for this job, but only six will pass. Do not rage or get angry if you do not pass, you still have a chance if a board member is removed and you did exceptionally well on your application. Now, on to the application questions. 1. How many days of the week do you log on into ROBLOX? If you log on every day, list how many hours you are on each time. 2. What previous experience do you have as a high rank in a clothing or non-war group? 3. If you successfully passed this application, what do you think you could do to improve NSC and its community? 4. What previous ranks have you had in NSC? 5. Why do you want to become a part of the board? 6. Who is your role model, and why? 7.Discuss a specific accomplishment that you have achieved in a previous position (in NSC or not) that indicates you will thrive in this position. 8. Do you enjoy hanging out, listening to music, and talking to other people on ROBLOX? 9. Who is in charge of managing and choosing members of the board? 10. List any additional information you would like to include: [IMPORTANT] THIS APPLICATION IS TO BE COPIED AND PASTED WITH THE QUESTIONS ANSWERED IN A PM, AND SENT TO EITHER OF THESE USERS: TheSlyDude - http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?ID=74736132 CoolGuy52361 - http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?ID=65730496 ~Created by TheSlyDude, approved by Chief Executive Officer Mazux.
#165591477Friday, June 26, 2015 12:48 AM GMT

1. How many days of the week do you log on into ROBLOX? If you log on every day, list how many hours you are on each time. Im on about 5 hours a day 2. What previous experience do you have as a high rank in a clothing or non-war group? = None 3. If you successfully passed this application, what do you think you could do to improve NSC and its community? = Help it to become a better and more efficient group 4. What previous ranks have you had in NSC? Designer = Designer. 5. Why do you want to become a part of the board? = To help this group calm down 6. Who is your role model, and why? = BreakOfInsanity, because he is a very honet guy 7.Discuss a specific accomplishment that you have achieved in a previous position (in NSC or not) that indicates you will thrive in this position. 8. Do you enjoy hanging out, listening to music, and talking to other people on ROBLOX? = Yes. 9. Who is in charge of managing and choosing members of the board? FireFume? 10. List any additional information you would like to include: None
#165596421Friday, June 26, 2015 1:41 AM GMT

1. I log in almost every day. Im on all day, (unless i have to go somewhere) 2. My experience in a non war group was in Kirito Fan Challenges! (which im still in) where you win prizes and everyone gets along. (Not recently) 3. To improve, I'd make a game where every member of the group joins and we'll all talk and discuss how we can make roblox a better place! 4. Designer. 5. Help the group learn that there are other things to do in this group and make peace, play games, and talk a bunch! 6. Shedletsky. He makes good games and he is very nice. 7. In real life, i've talked to my friends that play roblox, to join. 8. I love listening to music, and talking to people on roblox. 9. The one and only Firefume of course! :3 10. Im CriticalPegasus.
#165596539Friday, June 26, 2015 1:43 AM GMT

I cant message any of those...
#165597908Friday, June 26, 2015 1:59 AM GMT

1. I log in everyday i play roblox 6 to 7 hours 2. my higher rank is noted designer 3. I will wait for the shout out and do thing that fun 4. Designer 5. I want to help people and make them happy 6. My role model is BreakOfInsanity, because he is a very honet guy and his cool 7. I achieve that people are so fun when you meet them and it make me laugh 8. I enjoy all the activities that ncb creator did 9. I think Mazux is in charge of managing and choosing members of the board 10. None i think that all 11 thank you
#165598224Friday, June 26, 2015 2:02 AM GMT

#2 is wrong cause i pick the wrong answer in 2. My experience in bandit brother 9000 was in training Challenges! (which im still in) u need to kill everyone to be promoted
#165600545Friday, June 26, 2015 2:30 AM GMT

I would want to be a member on the board but I play on iPad and usally crash a lot when I go to firefume's games :(
#165609605Friday, June 26, 2015 4:13 AM GMT

1. How many days of the week do you log on into ROBLOX? If you log on every day, list how many hours you are on each time. I log in everyday. I'm on about 7 hours. 2. What previous experience do you have as a high rank in a clothing or non-war group? I have experience as a high rank in a clothing group as a Designer. 3. If you successfully passed this application, what do you think you could do to improve NSC and its community? If I successfully passes this application, I think I could improve NSC by helping the group to be more excellent than it already is. 4. What previous ranks have you had in NSC? My previous rank I had in NSC is a Noted Designer. 5. Why do you want to become a part of the board? I want to become a part of the board because I want to be able to follow my role models and what great achievements they had done like, FireFume. 6. Who is your role model, and why? I have a lot of role models, but up to the very main role model, it is FireFume. He did a lot of great achievements that I thought I will never be like him. 7.Discuss a specific accomplishment that you have achieved in a previous position (in NSC or not) that indicates you will thrive in this position. One of my accomplishment that I achieved in a previous position in NSC is that I'm able to make shirts and pants. I'm a bit disappoint when ROBLOX patched it, but I will alway stay in NSC group. 8. Do you enjoy hanging out, listening to music, and talking to other people on ROBLOX? Yes, I do. I really enjoy when people give me their suggestions or ideas that I can improve something up or be a better person. 9. Who is in charge of managing and choosing members of the board? That person just gotta be FireFume to my opinion. 10. List any additional information you would like to include: One of my favorite group is NSC. I would be really happy if I can improve and follow the path that my role models give me.
#165616618Friday, June 26, 2015 5:44 AM GMT

1. How many days of the week do you log on into ROBLOX? If you log on every day, list how many hours you are on each time. I am active on ROBLOX for approximately 6 days a week. I am on for at least two hours each time, but it is unlikely that I’d stay for just that amount of time and I would usually be on longer. I don’t visit many places unless invited, and I spend much of my times on forums or talking to other people with planning or sharing my own art with others. 2. What previous experience do you have as a high rank in a clothing or non-war group? I am currently ranked “Amazing Artist” in my artistic group. To put that into perspective, my skill is in a group of only 17 people out of 1,125 other participants. It also puts me directly above 974 other artists, so I am ranked decently and gives me a well-known status in the community. The other ranks above me are more personalized for single people, so they are all technically in the same league. 3. If you successfully passed this application, what do you think you could do to improve NSC and its community? It is already known that there has been an outcry over the loss of free shirt creation, however, I really didn’t want to make clothing in the first place. I want to try and unify the group by making people forget about our loss and earn patience in waiting to get good clothes, or at least persuade them to ease up and buy some BC, as it is rather cheap if they just want to upload clothing. I also want more participants, both in events and in the group as a whole. Furthermore, I want to try and direct everyone to creating art. Fortunately, even though t-shirts and decals are able to be made by NBC members, it seems like more than enough. I want to awaken the artists inside everyone else and persuade them to take up drawing or painting and such. With digitalized pieces, they can upload art to be shared with the community and also likely to be used for advertisements for the group. In ROBLOX history, we’ve all lamented over changes, such as the raise in the price floor for clothes or perhaps the widespread hatred of packages. All in all, though, we have learned to get used to it and move on by just ignoring these faults and gaining more patience. With this, the community has benefitted and shown to us that people can go on and still be happy as long as the community is good. 4. What previous ranks have you had in NSC? I am currently just a designer in NSC, because I had been too occupied to think about ranking up. I have been in the group for months, however, and I have gotten a general idea of what occurs in this group and I am always up-to-date on the latest of situations. I have been here before NBC Clothes Creation was removed and when MissErratic was hacked. I have seen a few higher-ups and spoken with them, such as Mazux, and even regularly talk to other designers, as there are countless of us in that rank. That isn’t to say that I wasn’t able to rank up, however. Months ago, Mazux and I chatted, although I am not certain if he would recall this due to his busy schedule. He approached me and asked if I should try to apply for senior management, but I opted against it due to having too much work at the time, as school was ending for me, I had finals to study for, and I only had an iPad. Generally, though, I have a lot more time to be active and converse with people, especially since it is summer and I have a new powerful gaming laptop to play ROBLOX on. 5. Why do you want to become a part of the board? As a lower-ranked member, and an NBC one at that, I have spent the past few months gaining experience on various people in the group. Being the largest group on ROBLOX, it must be difficult to manage, but as a board member, I want to try and help this group the best I can. I honestly don’t know why I joined before. I never wanted to make my own clothes, nor did I have any regret when I found out I couldn’t. However, I would have to say that the places and the strong sense of community is what keeps me here. There are a lot of interesting people that I find worthwhile to be around. Furthermore, as a small portrait artist, I love trying to draw other ROBLOXians, especially ones that have a sense of fashion. It is almost like them being models to me, and gradually, I get better at my art. 6. Who is your role model, and why? If I could choose someone to be my role model, it would be a difficult choice for just one person, but I would have to say Mazux. It’s peculiar, but even though he is a very busy high-ranking person in this group, and if I am not mistaken, in another security group, he takes the time to talk to others. He doesn’t delay himself from important group events or scoff at other people for being annoying in any way. What I’m trying to say is that with him, there isn’t a sense of a social barrier, whether you’re even in the group or not. Mazux took the time to talk to me back when we were sitting around in the HomeStore while it was empty. It was my first time meeting him and he already asked if I should apply for a higher position. He still takes the time to acknowledge my presence and encourages everyone in the group to be happy. He’s a hard-working person and very diligent at that, too, but his most important characteristic is being human and a friend outside of his job. He spends time and pays attention to a lot of other people due to his natural sense of humanity that he emits, causing people to want to be around him, more. When I even drew more portraits, he encouraged me in my art and complimented my style. It was a small comment, something along the lines of “Dude, that’s awesome!”, but it went a long way for my self-esteem. I’m usually a collected, quiet person, but Mazux is the kind of person that I, and hopefully, everyone else wants to be like. 7. Discuss a specific accomplishment that you have achieved in a previous position (in NSC or not) that indicates you will thrive in this position. In my previous art group, I uploaded just two pieces of art within a month, and just from that, I had already jumped to my current position as Amazing Artist, as mentioned before. This was seen as something impossible through my eyes, because everyone complimented my work and sense of detail, even though I, myself, still found some faults within it. I was fortunate to have, as what other people from my group said, a natural talent in art in comparison to others. I wanted to experiment with dynamic positions and colors, because I only draw portraits of other ROBLOXians. It is something I had wanted to do for a while. Most people in my group still strive to gain a rank, but I was still surprised at my rise in popularity. 8. Do you enjoy hanging out, listening to music, and talking to other people on ROBLOX? It is almost humorous how these three activities are what practically define me. I enjoy listening to some light music, such as piano or other relaxing tunes, though I am always open to more styles as requested by other people. I always hang around the HomeStore, even when nearly nobody else is there. I always enjoyed conversing with other people, be it a group event or a small gathering. I always enjoy meeting new people and making friends with interesting ROBLOXians, especially when we get onto various subjects, such as favorite shows, past stories, and other topics. This group’s best trait, at least in my opinion, is the ability to make friends and socialize with other people in an amusing manner. It is always exciting to witness a show or hangout with a whole collection of others. 9. Who is in charge of managing and choosing members of the board? As seen in the promotions guide for the group: “The Board of Directors fall under their own scheme for promotions and hiring. This is managed by the Chairmen of the Board, who decide and announce when we are in need of more members to join the Board of Directors.” Our current Chairmen of the Board members include TheSlyDude and CoolGuy52361. This information was all derived from the group guide, which was posted by Mazux. 10. List any additional information you would like to include: Embarrassingly, there is not much more I can say about myself to make me an outstanding applicant. I can, however, say that I have basic traits that, surprisingly, a lot of other people lack. I always make sure that I have good grammar, with full punctuation and sentences. I also attempt to be active on ROBLOX whenever possible to catch up on group events. Furthermore, I never curse or use foul language at all. I always make sure to have a mature character, one that could be a role-model to younger members. Lastly, and what I can at most offer this group, is my art. I am attempting to draw pictures that people can enjoy, and when I have mastered it enough, I will try and create pictures suitable for advertisement.
#165629001Friday, June 26, 2015 11:05 AM GMT

This application is to determine if you're fit enough to become a part of the board in NSC. Three major factors will influence whether you pass or not; Grammar, maturity, and vivid vocabulary usage. Only six more spots are available in the board, and if you successfully pass this application you will be assigned your role along with the other board members on Saturday, during our weekly meeting. Keep in mind that board members must be active and are very susceptible to demotion if they are not active in their beginning days as a member of the board. Board members are also required to submit a report on a weekly basis to one of the chairmen telling what they have done during the entire week. Many will apply for this job, but only six will pass. Do not rage or get angry if you do not pass, you still have a chance if a board member is removed and you did exceptionally well on your application. Now, on to the application questions. 1. How many days of the week do you log on into ROBLOX? If you log on every day, list how many hours you are on each time. 2. What previous experience do you have as a high rank in a clothing or non-war group? 3. If you successfully passed this application, what do you think you could do to improve NSC and its community? 4. What previous ranks have you had in NSC? 5. Why do you want to become a part of the board? 6. Who is your role model, and why? 7.Discuss a specific accomplishment that you have achieved in a previous position (in NSC or not) that indicates you will thrive in this position. 8. Do you enjoy hanging out, listening to music, and talking to other people on ROBLOX? 9. Who is in charge of managing and choosing members of the board? 10. List any additional information you would like to include: [IMPORTANT] THIS APPLICATION IS TO BE COPIED AND PASTED WITH THE QUESTIONS ANSWERED IN A PM, AND SENT TO EITHER OF THESE USERS: TheSlyDude - http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?ID=74736132 CoolGuy52361 - http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?ID=65730496 ~Created by TheSlyDude, approved by Chief Executive Officer Mazux.
#165631334Friday, June 26, 2015 12:24 PM GMT

#165631377Friday, June 26, 2015 12:25 PM GMT

ello guys
#165632686Friday, June 26, 2015 1:00 PM GMT

1. How many days of the week do you log on into ROBLOX? If you log on every day, list how many hours you are on each time. Im on about 4 hours a day 2. What previous experience do you have as a high rank in a clothing or non-war group? = None 3. If you successfully passed this application, what do you think you could do to improve NSC and its community? = Help it to become a better and more efficient group 4. What previous ranks have you had in NSC? Designer = Designer. 5. Why do you want to become a part of the board? = To help this group calm down 6. Who is your role model, and why? = Firefume, because he is a hard worker. 7.Discuss a specific accomplishment that you have achieved in a previous position (in NSC or not) that indicates you will thrive in this position. = I achieve that people are so fun when you meet them and it make me laugh. 8. Do you enjoy hanging out, listening to music, and talking to other people on ROBLOX? = Yes. 9. Who is in charge of managing and choosing members of the board? =TheSlyDude and CoolGuy52361 10. List any additional information you would like to include: None
#165635585Friday, June 26, 2015 2:07 PM GMT

Guys, You're suppose to PM us. Not post it on the forum wall.
#165636369Friday, June 26, 2015 2:21 PM GMT

Posting on the forum wall, will be ignored. Please PM us.
#165639126Friday, June 26, 2015 3:02 PM GMT

This application is to determine if you're fit enough to become a part of the board in NSC. Three major factors will influence whether you pass or not; Grammar, maturity, and vivid vocabulary usage. Only six more spots are available in the board, and if you successfully pass this application you will be assigned your role along with the other board members on Saturday, during our weekly meeting. Keep in mind that board members must be active and are very susceptible to demotion if they are not active in their beginning days as a member of the board. Board members are also required to submit a report on a weekly basis to one of the chairmen telling what they have done during the entire week. Many will apply for this job, but only six will pass. Do not rage or get angry if you do not pass, you still have a chance if a board member is removed and you did exceptionally well on your application. Now, on to the application questions. 1. How many days of the week do you log on into ROBLOX? If you log on every day, list how many hours you are on each time. 2. What previous experience do you have as a high rank in a clothing or non-war group? 3. If you successfully passed this application, what do you think you could do to improve NSC and its community? 4. What previous ranks have you had in NSC? 5. Why do you want to become a part of the board? 6. Who is your role model, and why? 7.Discuss a specific accomplishment that you have achieved in a previous position (in NSC or not) that indicates you will thrive in this position. 8. Do you enjoy hanging out, listening to music, and talking to other people on ROBLOX? 9. Who is in charge of managing and choosing members of the board? 10. List any additional information you would like to include: [IMPORTANT] THIS APPLICATION IS TO BE COPIED AND PASTED WITH THE QUESTIONS ANSWERED IN A PM, AND SENT TO EITHER OF THESE USERS: TheSlyDude - http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?ID=74736132 CoolGuy52361 - http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?ID=65730496 ~Created by TheSlyDude, approved by Chief Executive Officer Mazux.
#165640542Friday, June 26, 2015 3:22 PM GMT

#165650633Friday, June 26, 2015 5:14 PM GMT

#165651076Friday, June 26, 2015 5:18 PM GMT

Hello NBC Shirt ########. I ###### to be on the board. So I am gonna send a message. I make ###### on your group, but whenever I make a shirt, it says "Upload ######. Did you use the ########?". I have Builder'# Club, so I can make ######. I just ###### to tell you this, so bye.
#165663021Friday, June 26, 2015 7:34 PM GMT

Hello I Would Like To Apply For BoD Qeustions Are Here: 1. How many days of the week do you log on into ROBLOX? If you log on every day, list how many hours you are on each time. I Log In About A Few Times A Week And Play Like A Few Hours. 2. What previous experience do you have as a high rank in a clothing or non-war group? My Experience Is To Have Good Grammar Be Kind And Make This Group A Better Place. 3. If you successfully passed this application, what do you think you could do to improve NSC and its community? I Could Make More People Join Teach Them Stuff And Make Them Better People. 4. What previous ranks have you had in NSC? The Previous Rank I Had Is Designer. 5. Why do you want to become a part of the board I Want To Be A Good Hr, And Be Fair. 6. Who is your role model, and why? My Role Model Is hunt220 My Friend I'm Always Nice To Him. 7.Discuss a specific accomplishment that you have achieved in a previous position (in NSC or not) that indicates you will thrive in this position. Yes. I Have Achieved Customer Service Manager,Supervisor On My Other Account. 8. Do you enjoy hanging out, listening to music, and talking to other people on ROBLOX? Yes I Do. 9. Who is in charge of managing and choosing members of the board? Hr's Or Higher Ranks. 10. List any additional information you would like to include: I Am Nice, Kind Have Respect, Strict Sometimes, Have Good Grammar, And I Always Play Games.
#165758835Saturday, June 27, 2015 6:24 PM GMT

Coolguy, we cant pm this is not 2010 u can pm us whatever u want roblox change it u can pm ur friend

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