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#165660057Friday, June 26, 2015 6:58 PM GMT

[ OFFICIAL RULEBOOK OF SEC! ] YES WE ARE BACK! [ NOTE: MOSTLY THE SAME AS OLD FOOTBALL LEAGUE! ] ■▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬■ [ HOW TO BECOME A PLAYER ] To become a player of the SEC, you will need to join the Southeastern Conference where you will be put as a Draft Prospect. You will then be scouted by SEC Teams, and you have yet to potentially join a team or try-out. You must attend a public try-out held by an official SEC team OR get an offer from an SEC team in order to be officially drafted/signed and put on the roster. Only coaches (AC, Coordinators, AHC) are allowed to officially try-out new players. You can also attend the team combines and SEC drafts. ■▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬■ [ HOW TO BECOME A COACH ] To be a coach on a team you will need to be hired by the Head Coach of the team himself/herself. Becoming a head coach is a rare opportunity. For it will only be available if a Head Coach is retired or fired. Only the Commissioner can hire a Head Coach for a team. ■▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬■ [ TERMS & CONDITIONS ] Upon joining a team either as a coach, player, or both, you will not be able to join any other SEC team. You will not be able to play nor coach for other teams while participating in one already. You are limited to only one SEC team, you may decide to retire your position to join another if that permission is granted by an action called a "release" which means you were authorized to leave by a Head Coach or another authorized assistant coach. There are exceptions where you may leave a team legally and these consist of: 1. The F/A week or Free Agency week, which starts right after the Championship Game and ends on the following Friday. Leaving before or after the "F/A week" will not be permitted and will be counted as an illegal leaving. All suspensions from the previous season that were issued become erased during the F/A week. Suspensions will become active after the F/A week and continue to the following season. 2. When a Head Coach is fired or retired, a currently signed player of that team has the option to leave the team while there is no one currently ranked at the Head Coach spot. When a person is hired and ranked as the official Head Coach then leaving is not permitted and any leaving will be illegal. When being drafted to a team at the official SEC draft, you are not allowed to decline or ignore that draft. Hence, the name "draft." Only free agents, which are not currently-signed players have options. They may choose who to sign with if that opportunity is offered to them. Again, remember when signing you are committing yourself to that team. ■▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬■ [ LEAGUE RULES ] [ TEAM ROSTERS ] All teams are REQUIRED to have a group roster count over 20 PEOPLE at all times throughout the season, the only exception can be during playoffs when signing is shut off due to the possibility of people leaving. [ NO TEAM LENDING ] If any action involving a coach transferring a player temporarily to another team (in other words "lending") for a game and then back to the former team can result in suspension for both the player(s) lended and the lender, the amount will be decided by the Commissioner at around 1-3 games. Lending players to "friendly" teams can drastically change outcomes of games and is an unfair advantage to teams. [ 1 GAME RULE ] Players can only play one game per game week. If a player is traded right after having played a game to a team which hasn't yet played on that same weekend then he is not allowed to play. Playing a player that has already played a game can result in a suspension of the player or a game redo depending on the impact this player had on the game. [ ILLEGAL LEAVINGS ] Players that leave their team illegally must be reported in by the Head Coach or another coach of that team to the Commissioner within a week of their unauthorized departure. Upon notification of this departure, the Commissioner will take immediate action. The player will be told to return to their team, if rejected then the player WILL FACE A 4 GAME SUSPENSION on whatever team they choose to go afterwards. If however, no notification is sent after a week of their departure then the player will automatically become a free agent if no information is sent to the Commissioner. The recipient team of the illegal player may trade for his playing rights. If the player chooses to go back to the original team, his suspension is lifted. [ REDOING GAMES ] If you have been cheated out of your game because of horrible actions caused by the other team or even horrible actions caused by the referee(s), you may appeal to the Commissioner for a redo of quarter or game (depending on how serious) as long as you have proof or evidence of this. If accepted, a redo of game or quarer will be scheduled. (Note: These occurences are very rare and will not happen for just anything.) ■▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬■ [ GAME RULES ] ==[ ALL GAME PENALTIES ]== (Some of these rules & penalties are explained in more depth below this list of flags) - Delay of Game = 5 Yard Penalty [ DEAD PLAY ] - Offsides [ NOT ONSIDES AFTER WHISTLE ] = 5 Yard Penalty [ FREE PLAY ] (If any player is standing on the LoS or is past the LoS before the snap, then it is an offsides. Only the center can be ON the line if he chooses to.) - False Start [ STEPS ACROSS THE LOS AFRTER WHISTLE] = 5 Yard Penalty [ DEAD PLAY ] (Not that false start can ONLY be issued to the offense, if a defensive player crosses the LoS after whistle, it is an offsides.) - Out of Bounds Kick = LoS at 40 Yard Line [ DEAD PLAY ] (If it goes out the back of the endzone WIITHOUT landing inbounds first, it will be called an OOB kick.) - Insulting, harassing the Referee = 5 Yard Penalty [ REPEATED OFFENSE WILL = EJECTION ] - Too Many Players on the Field = 5 Yard Penalty [ FREE PLAY ] - Dive behind or into the backfield = 5 Yard Penalty [ FREE PLAY ] - Ball snapped outside of the hashes = 5 Yard Penalty [ DEAD PLAY ] - Illegal snap forward or behind endzone = Loss of Down [ DEAD PLAY ] - Illegal Kicker/QB Lineup not roughly between 4-10 yards = 5 Yard Penalty [ DEAD PLAY ] - Fake ball thrown by sideline player = 5 Yard Penalty [ FREE PLAY ] - Using "M" message repeatedly = 5 Yard Penalty When Deemed Necessary (If the offense does it, it is -5 from where the LoS ends up being. If the defense does it, it is +5 from where the LoS ends up being.) - Anything not mentioned here, but is deemed clearly illegal can be taken action on in-game by the Referee. Consequences such as flags, calls, and ejections must fit the illegal action. [ PLAYCLOCK ] Currently the playclock is now 25 seconds total. Exceeding 25 seconds to snap the ball will result in a 5 yard penalty. [ GOING FOR FIELD GOAL DURING 4TH DOWN ] Going for a field goal during 4th down will not be accepted unless the line of scrimmage is located on or past the 45 yard line of the opposing team. In order for the field goal to be valid it must follow field goal kicking procedures. [ DIVING ] Diving is used by pressing "E" in SEC Stadiums and has restrictions. Diving is prohibited in the backfield or behind the line of scrimmage. Defense cannot dive into the backfield or dive while in the backfield for whatever reason. Diving can only be used outside of the line of scrimmage. Violating this rule will result in a 5 yard penalty for whichever side of the ball only if it affects the play, is aimed at the ball carrier, or used as an advantage. [ ILLEGAL SNAPS ] If the ball is snapped behind the endzone, or into oob, (as well as forward snaps across the LOS), it is instantly incomplete. If the ball bounces into oob, or behind endzone from the snap it is still incomplete. [ CENTER HANDOFF/"X"ing ] The center is not allowed to handoff or "X" to another offensive player. All snaps, must be a pass or snap to a player behind the LOS and between the hashes. Doing a center handoff will result in a 5 yard penalty. [ QUARTERBACK/KICKER SETUP ] The quarterback or kicker must line up for the snap or kick (whether it be punt or field goal) about and between 4-10 yards from the Line of Scrimmage. Anymore or less once the ball is snapped, will result in a 5 yard penalty. [ LINEAR CENTER SNAPS ] Snaps made by the center may be to anyone that is directly next to the Quarterback AND 4 yards behind the Line of scrimmage. A violation of this rule results in a 5 yard penalty. [ KICKER CANNOT MOVE ] For Field Goal and Punt, the kicker must get into a position where he feels he can kick comfortably. However, the kicker cannot move while he is about to kick. The only thing the kicker can do is jump or spin (for some mouselock users that may turn or fidget in the process of kicking). If at any point the kicker moves or runs, then the play is immediately converted into a run/pass play. [ FIELD GOAL BOUNDARY ] Kickers can set up for the field goal kick wherever they want, as long as it does not pass the boundary for any field goal which is the 50 yardline. The kicker cannot stand on the 50 or beyond it for the kick. Supported by the previous rule, if the kicker moves then the play converts into a pass play. So if the kicker is on the 50 or past it, the play is immediately converted into a run/pass play as well. This creates a challenge for longer field goals as the kicker will have a tighter space to set-up (40 yard field goals for example, will give the kicker basically 9 yards of room). [ CENTER SNAPBACKS ] Center snapbacks; which is an immediate pass to the center right after the Quarterback receives the ball from the Center is no longer allowed. Doing this play will result in a 5 yard penalty. [ DROPPING BALL AFTER CATCH/INTERCEPTION/FUMBLE ] If the ball is backspaced onto the field (inbounds) immediately or sometime after the catch or interception. Then it becomes a fumble until picked up. If it is dropped out of bounds on the sidelines after an inbound completion or catch then the ball is downed there. It is not incomplete if you drop the ball after a completion. [ ONSIDES ] Onsides will be allowed. If the kick passes the 50, then it is legal. If it does not, then wherever the ball is touched, is where the LoS shall be placed. [ FAKES ] Fake field goals, fake plays, and any deception plays are allowed. Going for a fake field goal on extra point will result in an earned two points. [ EXTRA POINTS ] Teams may choose to do either a 1 Point Field Goal Kick or a 2 Point Conversion: - 2 Point Conversions are run at the 20 yard line. - PAT's are kicked for 1 point at the 20 yard line. PAT fakes are allowed to gain 2 points. You cannot move except jump or spin when you are attempting a field goal or else the field goal will convert into a fake for a 2 point conversion and the quarterback will be forced to run, throw, or handoff the ball. In order for a field goal to count, the ball MUST be kicked in between the goal post to where it is a clear shot. [ FIELD SET-UP ] There must not be more than 7 players on the field for each team, if the number of players during a play (not before or after) exceeds 7 then it is a penalty. Games can be played with 5-7 players on one side, any lower than 5 will not be allowed, and the game will be halted until 5 can be formed. If not, then the game is an auto-forfeit. [ STARTING A PLAY ] The ball cannot be hiked until the referees have blown the whistle directly after the set-up of the LOS/FD markers. There must be a center to snap the ball to the Quarterback on his mark. Centers are allowed to go for passes, and must snap the ball to someone between the hashes. "X" or handoff snaps by the center are not allowed. Doing so, will result in a flag. Snapping the ball before the whistle is also a 5 yard penalty. [ SACKS ] If the tackle animation is triggered upon the QB at any given time when he is carrying the ball, it is a sack. If a player "lag-sacks" then the play will result in a redo. Only three redos of lagsacks are allowed per player. After that the player will be forbidded from rushing. [ KICKOFF/KICKOFF RETURN ] On kickoff, the kicking team must kick the ball to the opposing team behind the 30 yard line. The kick off return team has no boundaries except they cannot exceed the 50 yard line. If the ball is kicked directly out of bounds then it will be an illegal kick putting the receiving team on the 40. If it hits the touchdown and goes out of bounds it will be counted as a touchback for the opposing team at the 20 yard line. The kicker must kick between the hashes during kickoff. Fair catches may be called out whenever by the returner if he wishes to be "downed" where he grabs the ball. [ INTERCEPTIONS ON EXTRA POINT ] If you throw an interception or get "swatted" during a field goal or 2 point conversion, the defense has the opportunity to run it back to the opposite touchdown for 2 points. [ ANTI-CLOCK RUNDOWN RULE ] The game clock will stop when its under 2 minutes only if the Quarterback drops back more than 30 yards behind the Line of Scrimmage (and will remain stopped for the rest of the play). This removes the ability of running down the entire clock by dropping back too far. The rule ONLY applies to winning or tied teams. [Example: If the offense that is on the field is winning or tied in terms of points, then the rule will be active. Otherwise if the offense on the field is not winning, then it will not be active.] [ HARASSING THE REFEREES ] If a team/player insults a referee or group of referees or shows rude behavior to the referee to the point where it disturbs the referee and does not allow him to work, then the team will be given official warnings for each unsportsmanlike remark made to the referees, after 2 warnings it will result in -5 flag. If the same person repeats the offense several times, they can be ejected. No matter how bad or "biased" the referee is, you cannot disrespect the ones who are officiating your game. You must play it out and then file a complaint to the Referee Department Manager or the Commissioner. [ BANNING REFEREES FROM THE GAME ] If a team or Head Coach purposely bans an OFFICIAL league referee that is in the Department from a game because of his performance, because he is disliked, or any other reason then the game can result in an automatic forfeit. Teams are to respect and allow the Referees to do their job personal conflicts aside. If there are issues at all that occur, you can file a complaint to the Referee Department Manager or the Commissioner. [ WHAT REFEREES ARE ALLOWED? ] Only Referees from the Official Referee Department may referee. If there is no one available from the department, game must be postponed. [PLAYER HAT BANS] OFFICIALLY BANNED HATS: - Eggs - Wings - Picture Frames - Insertable Helmets/Visors All Referees reserve the right to ask you to take off any hat deemed unfair, too big, or interruptive to the game. All Referees also reserve the right to ask you to get into uniform if you are not in it. [ TIME-OUTS ] Each team is given 3 time-outs to call during each half. If a coach challenges a play then a timeout is at stake. If the challenge is accepted then the team keeps a timeout, if not accepted and declined then the team loses a timeout. ■▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬■ [ PLAYER CONTRACT ] By reading this Rulebook and joining the SEC, you hereby agree to all of the contents of the SEC Rulebook and agree to follow them or else you'll be subject to consequences. Killing someones vibe, should be a crime.
#165678495Friday, June 26, 2015 10:27 PM GMT

Draft e.e
#180355628Saturday, December 26, 2015 2:56 AM GMT

took my about 45 minutes to read this lmao

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