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#165674056Friday, June 26, 2015 9:33 PM GMT

PNTM Hello, once again! I have, once again, changed PNTM a little bit! (this will be the last time, trust me…) The teams and the rules are still the same. I only changed up the way we eliminate and how the rounds’ll go. PEOPLE THAT HAVE MADE THE TEAMS FOR PNTM, WE’D LIKE FOR YOU TO RSVP FOR THE MEETING. These are the people that have RSVP’d : soteria03 GR1MES BlackThornSword NastasiaRoberts501 (will not be updated after this) THAT TELLS ME THEY ACTUALLY READ THE FORUM SHOWPOST ^ WE ARE ALSO LOOKING FOR SPECTATORS. PLEASE SIGN UP, IT HAS CHANGED TO JUST SEND A PM TO PNTMAPPS AND WHOEVER IS THE FIRST THIRTY ARE ACCEPTED. (the sign-up form is at the bottom) ——— [][][]Rounds[][][] The first five rounds will consist of scenarios and single elimination. After those five moderus have been eliminated, we will join the remaining 10 together and make NEW teams. We will then have 5 more rounds of scenarios to get the remaining 5 moderus. Next, we will have a fierce one-night competition to get the top three moderus! {Competition will later be explained.} ——— [][][]Elimination[][][] Elimination has changed. It will not go from single-elimination to double-elimination. Explained prior to this ^ ——— [][][]RULES[][][] 1. Please, no drama. Save it for the runway. ;) 2. Work well with your teammates. You're all supposed to get along and win this battle! 3. Listen to Mia and I, we know what's going on even if it sounds bizarre and out-of-the-box. 4. Do ALL themes, otherwise you'll be disqualified! 5. Pose where we tell you to pose - and wear what we tell you to wear! ——— [][][]THE WAY THINGS WORK[][][] We have one moderu, and two managers for each team. At least one manager will be a designer (you answered yes, that means that you WILL design for the scenario!) And the other will be a photographer (you answered yes to making a decal, which means you WILL take good pics!) Each manager will be given specific jobs, whereas the moderu just needs to wear the clothing and pose! <3 We expect the hats to match the outfit, otherwise it will get a poor grade! ——— [][][]MODERU ONLY[][][] All you guys need to do is wear the clothing and look pretty for a picture! ——— [][][]PHOTOGRAPHERS[][][] One of the managers' specific jobs will to be a photographer. You take the pic of the moderu posing (AT THE CORRECT PLACE IN THE CORRECT OUTFIT) and you will make a decal of it. The decal should be 412x412 (PLEASE don't just submit the screenshot. crop it and make it fit 412x412!) IF YOU'D LIKE TO "EDIT" THE PICTURE, THE ONLY EDITING YOU CAN DO IS CUT THE WHOLE MODEL OUT OF THE PICTURE AND GIVE IT A NICE BACKGROUND. EXAMPLES WILL BE SHOWN AT OUR MEETING. ——— [][][]DESIGNERS[][][] The looks are all on you! You will design an outfit, or dress(depending on what specifics we tell you), each week. You will get a full week to design your clothing! We will tell you what you should design on Sunday, and they're due Saturday. But, we expect them done by Friday so ROBLOX Mods have time to accept them. And so we have time in case they DON'T accept them. The design MUST go with the scenario. The name of the outfit should be ; "PNTM - Scenario #1,2,3,etc." If you do NOT have builders club(meaning you can't sell products), send the image to someone in your team that DOES have builders club! ——— [][][]TEAMS[][][] Team 1 - Moderu; BlackThornSword || Photographer; Cherinq || Designer; GR1MES Team 2 - Moderu; xxwaiting4supermanxx || Photographer; Lelelona || Designer; Soteria03 Team 3 - Moderu; xMintyMarie || Photographer; nastasiaroberts501 || Designer; llSophiell Team 4 - Moderu; lolololaloop || Photographer; iSophiie || Designer; iiMeikoWishes Team 5 - Moderu; bellestar2007 || Photographer; iiGetsu || Designer; BleuBeluga ——— [][][]PRIZES[][][] The remaining five will get a total of two rank-ups from their previous rank. (if you exceed the limit, as in get ranked-up to/passed Erito, then you may have an individual interview to become an intern.) 3rd - 250R + get ranked up to an Erito 2nd - 500R + get ranked up to an Erito + a test to become an intern 1st - /\/\SPECIAL/\/\ ——— [][][]SPECTATORS[][][] We are going to have a spectator option! If you want to spectate PNTM, be our guest and sign up! ANYONE (EVEN HR'S) CAN BE A SPECTATOR. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR MESSAGING IS SET TO "EVERYONE", OR FOLLOW PNTMAPPS AND YOU CAN JUST SET IT TO "FOLLOWERS, FRIENDS, AND USERS I FOLLOW." {PNTMApps has it set to "Everyone”.} ( http://www.roblox.com/User.aspx?id=87546564 ) - PNTMApps stating your username and the name you'd like to be called. IF YOU SEND MORE THAN ONE APPLICATION, YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED AS A SPECTATOR. [][][]ONLY 30 WILL BE ACCEPTED[][][] SUBJECT: PNTM Spectator Application ——— Hello, my username is ________! The name I'd like to be called is ________! Thank You!~ xoxo ——— [][][]MEETING[][][] Our mandatory meeting will be on Sunday, 6.28.15 @ 9PM EST (if you have school, please tell us beforehand and we will just send you everything that we will be talking about.) IF YOU CAN'T MAKE IT, PLEASE PM ICXXKIES ABOUT WHY YOU CANNOT. IF YOU CAN MAKE IT, PLEASE SEND ICXXKIES A PM. RSVP, PLEASE.

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