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#165800941Sunday, June 28, 2015 2:19 AM GMT

I've been thinking, is it a good idea?
#165802015Sunday, June 28, 2015 2:31 AM GMT

I think it's a good idea. Only thing is, it'd play out like when Roblox Mobile came out and very few games would be properly adapted to the alternate platform. Unlike mobile however, more people would see reason to adapt their games to consoles because they themselves may use consoles frequently. The only other problem would be the controls. Developers could adapt their controls to fit consoles, similarly to adapting it to mobile, but the problem I see lays in the fact that different consoles have different controllers. It would be tricky to adapt your game to all console platforms. My final point is that many consoles may not be compatible with LUA. I'm no console coding expert, but what're the changes that consoles will even be able to run Roblox? With all the other coding languages out there, the chances are rather slim. To sum it up, I and many other people would agree that it would be fun to play Roblox on your consoles. But, it would be an extremely long time for Roblox to be adapted.
#165805387Sunday, June 28, 2015 3:07 AM GMT

Oh please, Lua is compatible on any platform that has a C compiler. (Source: Lua . org, in case it gets moderated) Since gamepad support is out, it would not be that hard for people to use it, and I think they actually hired someone (or are looking for someone) to be a developer for XBOX.
#165805477Sunday, June 28, 2015 3:09 AM GMT

roblox on console = not gonna happen cause pc master raec
#166036307Tuesday, June 30, 2015 5:31 AM GMT

If anyone else stalked their jobs page, you would have seen they had a job open for a XBOX developer, so it will happen.
#166038327Tuesday, June 30, 2015 5:55 AM GMT

It's what I always wanted and Roblox is thinking about doing it. sweet.
#166038553Tuesday, June 30, 2015 5:58 AM GMT

I don't think they added controller support for no reason.
#166261143Thursday, July 02, 2015 6:28 AM GMT

Thanks to the Roblox API Differences, I should post what was put on for today: ◦ Added EnumItem Platform.AndroidTV ◦ Added EnumItem Platform.BeOS ◦ Added EnumItem Platform.Chromecast ◦ Added EnumItem Platform.DOS ◦ Added EnumItem Platform.Linux ◦ Added EnumItem Platform.NX ◦ Added EnumItem Platform.Ouya ◦ Added EnumItem Platform.PS3 ◦ Added EnumItem Platform.PS4 ◦ Added EnumItem Platform.SteamOS ◦ Added EnumItem Platform.WebOS ◦ Added EnumItem Platform.WiiU ◦ Added EnumItem Platform.XBox360 ◦ Added EnumItem Platform.XBoxOne So ya, we are getting more platforms!
#166261217Thursday, July 02, 2015 6:29 AM GMT

"◦ Added EnumItem Platform.DOS" This must be a lie. DOS never been used for such a long tome.
#166261416Thursday, July 02, 2015 6:32 AM GMT

Idk that like chromecast and androidtv, and if any other are used for entertainment, that would be hard because i dont think chromecast or any other tv watching service comes with a gaming controller, so i would only support for wiiU, 360, One, SteamOS, Ouya, NX, Linux, PS4, ps3 and NX oh so everything but DOS, ChromeCast, BeOS, and AndroidTV oh and wth, dos thats like OLD
#166261535Thursday, July 02, 2015 6:34 AM GMT

skebby is right, i havent even heard of DOS i literaly had to search it.
#166262311Thursday, July 02, 2015 6:45 AM GMT

Well, this clearly points to consoles, but not really which ones. I would bet that XBOX will be first.
#166262447Thursday, July 02, 2015 6:47 AM GMT

Source? I found a source earlier: https://github.com/ROBLOX/Core-Scripts/commit/954296a39e8ea55818be7b4c44710203c79e1660 It is fake, so I find this post suspicious.
#166262900Thursday, July 02, 2015 6:53 AM GMT

Support. I want to play ROBLOX on my PS4 when my PC is broken.
#166263159Thursday, July 02, 2015 6:57 AM GMT

i think it's fully possible and WILL happen, im not sure when but i know it will, SPREAD THE WORD! ROBLOX ARMY WILL SPREAD ACROSS EVERY PLATFORM
#166263389Thursday, July 02, 2015 7:00 AM GMT

Source for API differences: anaminus . github . io/api/diff . html (I am never sure with Roblox's filter, so I put in a good amount of spaces) I will discuss about Linux though. It is pretty much an underdog OS because it is not popular with Steam, but I will hopefully get an answer.

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