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#166954436Wednesday, July 08, 2015 8:19 PM GMT

#166961714Wednesday, July 08, 2015 9:30 PM GMT

(why does it feel like nobodys joining a good rp guess its because of the premise)
#166965744Wednesday, July 08, 2015 10:14 PM GMT

(Oh wait, forgot something.) VICTOR The scientist replies, "I... I guess."
#166968059Wednesday, July 08, 2015 10:38 PM GMT

Victor sighed. "Well, the least we can do is give her a proper burial. Im going to go investigate the blood. Maybe we can get a clue to who was it that murdered her, but for now, I need my break."
#166985143Thursday, July 09, 2015 1:37 AM GMT

(There's no blood. She was murdered with a mere strangling.) VICTOR "Oh, uhh... I'm pretty sure it was one of the scientists who was tested on. I guess." Perry replied.
#166988317Thursday, July 09, 2015 2:12 AM GMT

(Right.) "Well, may we have a list of the Scientists who've been tested?"
#166990984Thursday, July 09, 2015 2:36 AM GMT

(Is anyone going to join this RP?) VICTOR "Umm... Well, we have at least three testing suspects. Doug Fibas, Kazari Millard and of course, Jerry Seeley." He said. Then, he took a deep breath.
#166993470Thursday, July 09, 2015 3:02 AM GMT

CHARACTER SHEET Name: Dameon Rumure Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: (Human, robot, android, human subrace) Human Appearance: Messy red hair, with a brown cap saying 'BEWARE' in red. He has a orange vest, with pants to go along. Personality: All about survival, Will never stop fighting for humanity. Inventory: Crossbow, Laptop, Machete, Water bottles, Food Bio: Dameon grew up with his family, nothing special. Until he heard of the experiment. He was there for the incident, and saw it. He now is a survivor/hunter of the experiment. Other: N/A CHARACTER SHEET Name: Jake Rumure Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: (Human, robot, android, human subrace) (If this race isn't allowed, I'll remake the CS) Cyborg Appearance: Twin of Dameon, yet has robotic right arm/leg, some of head, full human mouth/nose. Steampunk vest/vest pants. Personality: Jake is always there to save the day. He'll even risk his life for humanity. Inventory: N/A Bio: Jake Rumure grew up with his twin brother, Dameon. They were happy together. They did anything together. When they grew up, Jake was out for a run, he had his eyes closed for a bit, and didn't notice he ran into a explosion barrel (Dunno what there called @explosion barrel). He lost some of his body parts, yet his brother Dameon rebuilt him with robotic parts. Soon enough, he saw the incident with Dameon. Other: N/A
#166993670Thursday, July 09, 2015 3:04 AM GMT

Is that all?" Tomoki asked. Just then, his radio started blaring. The Radio blasted "Breaker Breaker, we have a 2-19 at the Central Park."
#166994264Thursday, July 09, 2015 3:11 AM GMT

(The radio is controlled by me, skillfull.)
#166994472Thursday, July 09, 2015 3:13 AM GMT

(Oh really? Then forget that. Sorry.)
#166994798Thursday, July 09, 2015 3:16 AM GMT

(Alright. Floopy, both CSes are declined. Elaborate on Dameon personality, bio and appearance. For Jake, bio's fine, I guess, but do the same for his personality and appearance. Otherwise the cyborg race is fine. Do it and you're fine.) VICTOR "Y-yes.." Perry said with small sense of guilt and horror.
#166996042Thursday, July 09, 2015 3:30 AM GMT

"Listen, how many people received the surgery? I also want a list of side effects, duedue to genetics and such."

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