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#17372409Thursday, December 03, 2009 9:59 PM GMT

(XP I found out how to fix it. Thanks Shadowmario! =3 ... what are you staring at...?)
Top 25 Poster
#17372520Thursday, December 03, 2009 10:01 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#17388008Friday, December 04, 2009 2:50 AM GMT

(Yeah well guys, I'm giving up on the whole "OOC story" thing. It's just not working. I'm never on therefore it'll never get to the part where they get off the island... I guess I'll shorten the story a bit... it was going to end soon anyway so, might aswell do it now) Anna (Just gonna call her this for short): This... crystal thing has so much power, we should keep it away-- VERY far away. Imani: But... how? there is no island past here-- no land! How? Anna: *thinks the pauses* I know... I'll head off in a canoe, and try to find land. Wish me luck *runs off* Imani: W-w-wait! What about-- oh no... *runs into the woods and searches for Wakana* Wakana! Annaquinta went off to find land! We have to go after her!! Wakana: *turns around then runs to the edge of the island and looks around* Oh no... the fog, she won't be able to see! We can't see her anywhere!! Get the canoe! Imani: Right... Conu come help! Conu: Chao! (alright!) *flies over* *meanwhile* ** Frosty Ocean ** Anna: I will find the land, keep this jewel from all danger; from villans... I will have to keep it safe *packs it in a bag and keeps rowing* *Meanwhile again* Wakana: Cmon! She couldn't have gotten too far!! *keeps looking*
#17431402Saturday, December 05, 2009 7:05 AM GMT

(guys seriously? Did this just die? oh well... the next chapter will be up tomorrow-- erm... today i mean) Anna: *gets woken up by the crashing of the canoe to the shore* Urgh... *picks herself up, and dusts off the sand* Great... I guess I should get moving... even though I have no clue where I am... *darts towards the small town (Kay's town, yes she lives near a beach!)* ** Renate Town (Misspelled in the place, which isn't called that anymore) ** Anna: *running close to Kay's house, but not going towards it, just darting forward on the sidewalk until just passing Kay's house, then bumps into Space, then falls over onto him* Space: Ow... what the-- GAH!? Anna: *gets up then helps him up* Oh sorry... erm... sir! I didn't mean to-- Space: Wait a minute... your not from here are you?? Anna: N-no? Space: Ahh well... come with me *grabs her arm and drags her into Kay's house* (Ok I used Space for the very END, but I wasn't planning to) TO BE CONTINUED... in the next chapter! ----------------------------------------------------------- Comming soon to computers/laptops in front of your face: Sonic Fan Characters Adventure Chp 12 - SILVER white winters - Saturday, December 05, 09-10 (maybe through to 2010 until Valentines day special... MAYBE)
Top 25 Poster
#17435381Saturday, December 05, 2009 1:11 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#17436892Saturday, December 05, 2009 2:12 PM GMT

(It's YOUR THREAD.It dosen't matter what others happen to think.It can be 100 pages,that will only make it better anyway.) Cody:You better run!(Through rock at Darknode) Cody:Well,I'll deal with that guy later....
#17583887Tuesday, December 08, 2009 9:15 PM GMT

(meh... next chapter is coming up today sorry about the delay!! -.-''')
#17584108Tuesday, December 08, 2009 9:18 PM GMT

(On a sidenote:I GOTZ MAH DREAM HATZ)
#17584459Tuesday, December 08, 2009 9:24 PM GMT

(nice to hear O_o ok here's the link: Cya there!)
#20052026Monday, January 25, 2010 12:18 AM GMT

Name:thunder Nickname(s)(opt.): Age(opt.): 10 maybe i forgot Family (opt.): im not doing it again Friends/Allies (opt.)*:i forgot Pet(opt.): blue yoshi (nickname:yoshi) Partner(opt.):yoshi Appearance(if there is no picture for your character, Opt.): new apprence a yellow fox with a thunder like thing Power ups/new items(opt.)*: thunder power has alot of poer-ups might oh im not spoiling Bio(opt.): that thing gives her powers to hewr may be random

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