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#167035138Thursday, July 09, 2015 3:44 PM GMT

Spamming has been a problem on ROBLOX, especially in the comments section. ROBLOX has tried to reduce spam by producing a set amount of time that must be taken before commenting again. If you'll notice, the forums aren't filled with posts like these: 'post this on 5 threads to get 9000000 robux!1' I know why, and I believe that the following forum rule should be applied to the commentary section on games: Do not insert a duplicate post. Now, if I were to attempt and post the same exact thing on the forums within a certain time period, I would get a message that's vetoing my post because I tried to insert a duplicate post. This suggestion implies that this rule be added to the commentary section. If someone were to attempt to insert a duplicate comment within a 24-hour span of the original post, they would get the same error message, thus vetoing their comment. I can't think of a realistic scenario where this would harm the community instead of help it. It will help cut down on spam. GG. Next!
#167035296Thursday, July 09, 2015 3:46 PM GMT

Support, and they should change the comment delay, it takes too much to comment again.
#167035482Thursday, July 09, 2015 3:49 PM GMT

@roq; The comment delay was not a point on this thread, but personally, I see it as a great delay. GG. Next!

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