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#167202271Saturday, July 11, 2015 2:24 AM GMT

Well, I got some good news for all you kids who take free models and put them in games (You all know who you are, but I don't blame you, making a rock actually look like a rock would take ages) Heres a little plugin that you all may like if you happen to find a free model you want but has certain scripts like: DANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG you got hacked Trolololololololol Place stealer l0l (insert some other ones here) http://www.roblox.com/Roblox-Best-Infection-Remover-item?id=142269379 Best thing to use. Using this will give you access to all scripts that don't work right/ contain certain viruses that can corrupt your game. Simple way to use it is inside the disc Or Follow this After downloading, go to the plugin section in studio. After finding the virus scanner, click the icon. Now, check the replicatedstorage. There should be something called settings. Open that, and you should see some things. What matters most is virus. dat, so click it. remove ANY type of item in that section. Congrats, you got a virus free game and a free model to use for your liking. Helps me build, and helps get rid of any virus's that you might have stumbled across. Note: This plugin is not mine, I only want credit for getting it out there, not for creating it. Thank the guy who actually created it (Master3395). Side note: He only updates it. speedyseat is apparently credited with help making it or making it in general. Take care robloxians, hope this helps out. -A very precise Sn1per P.S First actual major forum post :)
#167206148Saturday, July 11, 2015 3:08 AM GMT

I FM sometimes and if I see a suspicious script I remove it. Also wrong sub-forum. Eat it
#167362617Sunday, July 12, 2015 7:26 PM GMT

welp its where customer service sent me after I sent them messages about this and some other stuff l0l

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