#16795103Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:49 AM GMT

-Zach- "C'mon Melisa, we gotta move before it gets too late"
#16795187Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:51 AM GMT

"Alright then..." I say, testing heat and cold detectors, hologram projectors (Vital :O), and the like. "They all work perfectly!" I call back to Zach.
Top 100 Poster
#16795214Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:51 AM GMT

"Zach, we have about 5 hours until the reported 2:25 a.m." I said, rubbing my eyes. "You don't gotta rush."
#16795369Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:54 AM GMT

-Zach- "Yeah, but it says the traffic is heavy" I say as I check my phone that has traffic readings "And I want to get there before the time, that way we can check out the whole thing and have time for our main attraction" [Gotta go, be right back]
#16795370Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:54 AM GMT

"What can I do?" I asked, curious.
#16795385Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:55 AM GMT

"Good." I say, walking over to them.
#16795747Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:02 AM GMT

(Late post :O) "Ok...Then we should go now?"
#16796228Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:11 AM GMT

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#16797073Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:27 AM GMT

[Yuki: accepted. Remember, new characters will be brought into the group as part of a request to join the group] -Zach- "Alright everyone let's get in the van, the sooner we get there the more time we have to search for ghosts"
#16797143Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:29 AM GMT

"Ok!" I said, excited for my first inestigation.
#16797146Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:29 AM GMT

"Ok!" I say, bounding with exicitement. I then walk to the van. (The first ghost he sees= Freak out :P :P :P)
#16797200Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:29 AM GMT

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#16797279Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:31 AM GMT

[sorry for not paying attanetion I was on a different website] *hops in van* Melisa:K and Zach it's some stuff I downloaded on to my computer earlier.
#16797315Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:32 AM GMT

[This takes place in the real world, most people don't believe in ghosts. They are said to not exist, remember that. Yuki can meet us at the insane asylum] -Zach- I get in the van in the 'shot gun' seat "Let's go"
#16797476Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:35 AM GMT

-Zach- "Okay, just be careful with the computers"
#16797496Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:35 AM GMT

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#16797634Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:37 AM GMT

"Let's!!! :D"
#16797708Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:39 AM GMT

[Unless I'm told no to, in game or out of game, Zach may or may not start to like either Yuki or Melisa. As I've said, if you don't want me to, tell me]
#16797885Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:42 AM GMT

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#16797921Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:42 AM GMT

[Some people have problems with those types of things, so I made it a "Option"]
#16798033Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:44 AM GMT

"I brought our gear to." I say, putting it down. (The hologram projector is for fooling humans posing as ghosts :D)
#16798065Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:45 AM GMT

[gtg c ya guys l8ter]
#16798105Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:46 AM GMT

-Zach- We get to the place, and I get out "After we set up a base, I'll assign everyone to their partners and jobs on the site. We always use the buddy system" I start walking to the gate of the place, holding some gear.
#16798227Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:48 AM GMT

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#16798417Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:52 AM GMT

-Zach- I saw Yuki, for a split second I thought she was a ghost, then I noticed she was human "Who are you?"