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#167651162Wednesday, July 15, 2015 12:10 PM GMT

"Fight for the land that is ours.. fight for the land that is other's." - Aisac Techia was an orcish land. Now it's Orcs, Casiif, Humans and Tech. Techia is a treasure to these people, known as Galaxians, for their curiosity of Galaxis. The term 'Treasure' was taken literal to the Sky Pirates, for they own a rather evil sense of greed. To fight against the Sky Pirates, the Galaxians began their own army, Arkanitius. Even Arkanitius wasn't enough to stop these pirates, as they already owned a weapon of superior power: the Skytower, powered by a supreme matter collected by "the Ancients": the Skycore.
#167651189Wednesday, July 15, 2015 12:11 PM GMT

Fuuu.. there were supposed to be no comments. its all hate and love now D:

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