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#167935310Saturday, July 18, 2015 3:31 AM GMT

i'm now at 210, forgot to tell you our coach had us do "bump week" two weeks ago, where we had to do as many reps of 5 pounds less than our max (mine used to be 185, so 180) and i was able to do 6 reps without hesitation (7 and i probably would've struggled) so my max got bumped up to 210.
#167935606Saturday, July 18, 2015 3:34 AM GMT

#167935765Saturday, July 18, 2015 3:36 AM GMT

when i leave high school my goal is to have a bench max of around 270
#167935966Saturday, July 18, 2015 3:38 AM GMT

so what was your program to up you bench by that much
#167936189Saturday, July 18, 2015 3:41 AM GMT

so we have football camp 4 days a week right we bench one out of those 4 days, the other days are spent concentrating on different main and auxiliary lifts so on a day that's not one of the 4, i head to my local gym and bench using this technique: i put a little bit of weight on the bar, but try to do about 15 reps then i put a little more on, try to do about 12 reps little more, about 8 reps then i bump up like 30 pounds and try to do 4 reps then i bump up again to about 10 pounds less than my max (so about 175) and try to do 2 reps i do little, by little, by little, then make a huge jump, and a moderate jump
#167936261Saturday, July 18, 2015 3:41 AM GMT

and i did that for about 8 weeks or so now
#167936398Saturday, July 18, 2015 3:43 AM GMT

makes sense, but since you just maxed out id recommend switching your benching program. i know most programs you stop progressing due to muscle memory, but that may not be the case if your doing so many reps. idk
#167936481Saturday, July 18, 2015 3:44 AM GMT

no honestly i do the same thing and i just did the same thing tonight
#167936806Saturday, July 18, 2015 3:47 AM GMT

lol and im wondering what are your auxilary lifts and what does your overall weekly program look right? i want to pursue a career in this sort of thing down the road, training athletes, so this interests me
#167937319Saturday, July 18, 2015 3:53 AM GMT

well for bench: normal bench press, then close grip bench (hands have to be within 15" of each other and elbows have to be tucked in when benching), and pause bench (have to hold the bar down 4 seconds before pushing back up) for squat: normal squat, then pause squat (same thing, your thighs have to be at a 90 degree angle and hold it for 4 seconds before coming up), and then front squat (have to hold the bar in front of you, i hate this one because your wrists always end up in pain if you have a lot of weight on the bar) for power clean: normal power clean, then hang clean (the bar doesn't reach the ground when you clean), and then deadlift there's also random things sometimes tossed in like roman deadlift (bar never reaches the ground, it's a great hamstring workout), and overhead lunges, etc.
#167937433Saturday, July 18, 2015 3:54 AM GMT

so is this your program or your teams?
#167937859Saturday, July 18, 2015 3:59 AM GMT

the team's my local gym is just a rec center with a bigger-than-normal-sized weight room. i used to have membership to places like 24 hour fitness and lifetime fitness (omg lifetime fitness is HEAVEN) but my parents decided it'd be cheaper if i just paid for my local neighborhood facilities like the gym and the pool

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