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#16796374Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:15 AM GMT

You can live a life of going to high school, owning a house and possibly having a job, but some people who don't live in the area say some of the kids at the high school are gods. Most people who aren't in the area don't believe it at all...but they're wrong. Some kids at the school are gods while the other kids are curious who is one and who isn't. Normal person sheet Name: Age: Bio: Appearance: Class: (freshman, sophmore, junior, senior) God sheet Name: (Normal kid) Age: (Normal kid) Bio: Appearance: (Normal kid) Class: Name: (God name) Age: (God age) Appearance: (God) Power: (Don't be too powerful) My Sheet Name: Mark Conners Age: 19 Bio: I'm the god of all things lunar (moon) Appearance: Brown hair, white t shirt, jeans white sneakers, black jewl necklace Class: Freshman Name: Xxax (pronounced: Skax) Age: 50,000 Appearance: Black torn up cape, Black and blue staff w/ full moon on top, black and blue pants, shirt, hat similar to mummy mask from H'ween 09 but only blue and black, black boots, black gloves Power: Able to cast ancient lunar spells
Top 25 Poster
#16796746Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:22 AM GMT

Name: Zathuroc Age: 24 Bio: An adult dragon... that is disguised as a human Appearance: Red DC pants, Red T-Shirt, Black hoodie, Yellow eyes, Red hair.. Cyan shoes with Neon Red band going around it. Class: Dragonor Name: Zaor (Pronounced Zowor) Age: 24 Appearance: An adult dragon that is 13 feet tall,5 foot long tail,Purple Underbelly,Black scales, 2 horns on head that are Bented, and they are white Flame shaped Tail tip on end of tail that is Red, A yellow wing claw on wings, orange inside of wings. Power: Elemental control
#16796750Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:22 AM GMT

Name:Vince Age: 13 Bio: Young and handsome, but has lots of anger. Appearance: Brown long hair, black tshirt, white hoodie, black sneakers, black skinny jeans Class: 8th Grade Name: Hubreni Age: 30,000 Appearance: Ninja with cape Power: Can produce all kinds of weather.
Top 25 Poster
#16796789Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:22 AM GMT

Name: Zathura Age: 24 Bio: An adult dragon... that is disguised as a human Appearance: Red DC pants, Red T-Shirt, Black hoodie, Yellow eyes, Red hair.. Cyan shoes with Neon Red band going around it. Class: Dragonor Name: Zathuroc (Pronounced Zah ther ock Age: 24 Appearance: An adult dragon that is 13 feet tall,5 foot long tail,Purple Underbelly,Black scales, 2 horns on head that are Bented, and they are white Flame shaped Tail tip on end of tail that is Red, A yellow wing claw on wings, orange inside of wings. Power: Elemental control
Top 25 Poster
#16796833Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:23 AM GMT

Age mess up Age is 2400 e_e
#16797025Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:26 AM GMT

(I think theres enough people, lets start! Both accepted.) *walks to school with bag slung over back, bored* Mark: Man school is stupid...I'm a god, I'm master of the moon...they need to worship me not me worshipping them... *girl nearby hearing everything I say while don't even notice*
#16797090Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:27 AM GMT

(also by class I mean in school...freshman, sophmore, junior or senior...I guess 8th grade is ok...)
Top 25 Poster
#16797127Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:28 AM GMT

Zathura: *Runs up to Mark* Inorite, I'm the god of dragons... Hey girl get outta here before I tell the prinicpal about you Eavesdropping!
#16797153Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:29 AM GMT

(Oh, sorry)
#16797442Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:34 AM GMT

Name: Catelynn Green Age: 15 Bio: goddess of water Appearance: blond hair, medium height, hoody, jeans, black high tops Class: sophmore Name: Icecilia Age: 25,000 Appearance: long blue flowing dress long blond hair Power: can control water
#16797822Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:40 AM GMT

Name: Lucas Azuria Age: 19 Bio:A Simple old kid. Or is he? Appearance: (Normal kid) Blue tshirt , Grey hoodie , With green stripes , Brown skaterish hair , Blue jeans , Green neon shoes , Purple eyes , Tan skin. Class: freshman Name: (God name)Chronis (Pronounced Cerr•Own•Us) Age: (God age) 50,000 Appearance: (God) Unknown in true form , But ledgends say , He is nothing. Power: (Don't be too powerful) All things time-ish. (If its uber , Then slight power of time T_T)
#16806116Wednesday, November 18, 2009 11:32 AM GMT

(I don't think i described my appearance too well...Heres a picture of what my god form is...: C:\Documents and Settings\Daddy\My Documents\My Pictures\thing.png)
#16806127Wednesday, November 18, 2009 11:34 AM GMT

Bump (both accepted)
#16806134Wednesday, November 18, 2009 11:36 AM GMT

{I can't see ur picture >.<}
#16806152Wednesday, November 18, 2009 11:39 AM GMT

Mark: Great I have math class...Hey did you know that every 11th full moon of the year, on The Great Cliff in our town the god of the moon named Xxax will come for 1 hour standing still then vanish until another 11th full moon! Wait tonight is the 11th full moon! Although I can't make it tonight...
#16806337Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:08 PM GMT

(Dont put in the ) at the end...Use the rest of the link)
#16806391Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:15 PM GMT

Name: (Normal kid) Paul Age: (Normal kid) 11 Bio: Father is an optition Appearance: (Normal kid) My avatar Class: freshman Name: (God name) Angeth-Anget Age: (God age) 401 Appearance: (God) Big Muscles, Massive Eyes Power: (Don't be too powerful) Extremely Great Eyesight
#16806525Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:27 PM GMT

Name:Johnny Gat Age:18 Bio:TBR Appearance: http://profile.ak.fbcdn.n]et/object3/1844/60/n43947917458_2754.jpg remove the ] Class:Senior Name:Gatx Age:1336 (1 more year im 1337) Appearance:Same in link but wearing a white jacket instead purple Power:Telekineses
#16806541Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:28 PM GMT

Name: Narelda Age: 13 Bio: Goddess of the Night Appearance: Black hair, pale skin, purple eyes, blue shirt with a star on it, black skirt, black sandals. Class: Freshman Name: Noctia Age: 55 000 years Appearance: Black hair, red eyes, pale skin, black silky dress, black and silver dragon wings on back, black sandals. Power: Disappearing in a dark mist, excellent night sight, flight.
#16806563Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:30 PM GMT

I walked into school ( in my mortal form, of course ), I heading for maths class," ugh, there's so many lights in these mortal houses" I thought.
#16806608Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:34 PM GMT

Name: Henry Age: 18 Bio: Seemingly normal boy. Plays on football team. Appearance: Black shoes jeans ripped on left knee white tee black hoodie always wears sunglasses since he can't hide his pearl eyes shaggy black hair Class: Senior Name: Xaxion Age: 2,000,009 Appearance: Instead of eyes he has silver stones looking like pearls white tunic shoulder length silver hair Power: Telekineses
#16806620Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:35 PM GMT

(Changing godly age and normal age to 17 and 56,000. Oopsie)
#16806628Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:36 PM GMT

I walked to gym.I saw the coach yelling at some people."Guess i could help" i mumbled. I Used my telekineses on the coach and he landed in the foam pit. He said he would give us some nachos from the Shack across the street if we got him in the foam pit. "NACHO TIME!" I yelled
#16806633Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:36 PM GMT

I walked into maths class, and sat down, I carefully put my equipment ( such as pencils, erasers etc ) at teh top of the desk, I kinda felt like a nerd.
#16806639Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:37 PM GMT

(@ Wertysas ARE YOU STALKING ME?!)

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