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#168208575Monday, July 20, 2015 6:37 PM GMT

Name: Mike Trout Gender: M Age: 23 Appearance: 6'2, light brown hair that is very short. 230 pounds. Very agile but still strong. [CHAPTER 1: THE PRISON] You've been in this prison for 3 months now. This is the time when you make your decision about escaping. There are two rivaling gangs for you to choose, and they will have major effects on you, your escape, and your future. They are at a constant war, but the guards don't really care about their combatting as long as it does not lead to an escape, and if all goes well it will. The Devil's Harbingers: Most of the people here are based more on brawn, and they are generally very cruel and will torture anyone they capture to find information. Though they are not as good at stealing, they don't really need to; the strength from most of their members makes up of this. This is not to say they are all brutes, though; there are quite a few smart ones, but it's generally more accepted to be strong than to have high intellect. Lab Rats: Former spies, thieves, government operatives, these people fight the Harbingers only to get more resources for their planned escapes. Though out gunned, they use strategy and thievery to achieve what they want, and rather than torturing those they capture they instead attempt to trick them into converting to their own side, giving them more numbers and strength. Choose carefully.
#168209122Monday, July 20, 2015 6:43 PM GMT

I will try to join the Lab Rats.
#168209377Monday, July 20, 2015 6:45 PM GMT

Three months of hard work finally permitted you to join the Lab Rats. Considering they needed as many people as they could get, it shouldn't have been that hard, but it was. You were finally admitted into them, but that wouldn't make your life any easier. FIrst you needed to make friends. It's yard time. Feel free to explore the yard, searching for equipment and attempting to find individuals to help you in your escape.
#168209449Monday, July 20, 2015 6:46 PM GMT

I check my surroundings.
#168209780Monday, July 20, 2015 6:50 PM GMT

Heat beat down yon your skin as you scanned the area around you. The yard, and entire prison, was surrounded by a fifteen feet high fence, with guard towers placed periodically. The top of the fence is barbed, and you have evidence to suggest that the entire fence is electricity. Meanwhile, the yard is quite large, almost as large as half the prison. Exercise equipment litters the concrete ground, with the occasional patch of sand from the broken concrete. This leads you to believe you are in the desert. Currently, a small fight between a few Lab Rat and Harbingers is going on over a knife. rip birm123. 2012 - 2015, 17k posts, a group, 3 years worth of hats
#168210120Monday, July 20, 2015 6:53 PM GMT

I check the exercise equipment and see if there is any loose parts I can pry off. If so, take it to the fight and sneak up behind the Harbingers and start wackin' heads. If not, stay out of it.
#168210231Monday, July 20, 2015 6:54 PM GMT

You take out a few screws, though that may not be the best for hitting. It would likely be useful in your escape, or even shoving them in your opponent's ears. rip birm123. 2012 - 2015, 17k posts, a group, 3 years worth of hats
#168210490Monday, July 20, 2015 6:57 PM GMT

How many are in the fight on each side?
#168210670Monday, July 20, 2015 6:59 PM GMT

The Labrats outnumber the Harbingers, but they are still suffering defeat. You could either turn the tide or end up harming yourself, but either way you would make the Lab Rats in general have a high opinion of you, and those specific people would take a liking to you for attempting to help. rip birm123. 2012 - 2015, 17k posts, a group, 3 years worth of hats
#168210891Monday, July 20, 2015 7:01 PM GMT

I go behind the harbingers and try to snap necks of Harbingers who have strayed off. Once I'm spotted, run to my team mates and join the brawl.
#168211251Monday, July 20, 2015 7:04 PM GMT

Death fills the area as you breakt heir necks, and blood begins to spill as the knife constantly changes hand. The element of surprise is gone, and now you're stuck in the fight, dodging the knife when possible and grabbing it when the chance comes. You and your main opponent drifted away from the main fight as you start to combat him in a one versus one. [YOUR STATUS] Head: 100% Neck: 100% Chest: 100% R Arm: 100% L Arm: 100% Stomach: 100% Waist: 100% R Leg: 100% L Leg: 100% Other: Hot. [OPPONENT 1] Head: 100% Neck: 100% Chest: 100% R Arm: 100% L Arm: 100% Stomach: 100% Waist: 100% R Leg: 100% L Leg: 100% Other: Hot. Which body part will you target, using what weapon or limb?
#168211456Monday, July 20, 2015 7:06 PM GMT

I use my main hand (right) to punch the perp in the throat in hopes of knocking the breath out of him and stunning him.
#168614520Friday, July 24, 2015 2:54 AM GMT

The large man assumes his stance, consuming his action for this turn in order to perform an effective block against your attack. YOUR STATUS EFFECTS: None OPPONENT'S STATUS EFFECTS: None No buffs or penalties have been awarded to either side. You find yourself tripping over yourself as you prepare to land your blow, but fortunately for you your opponent makes a similar mistake, however instead of tripping hitting himself in the head. [YOUR STATUS] Head: 100% Neck: 100% Chest: 100% R Arm: 100% L Arm: 100% Stomach: 100% Waist: 100% R Leg: 100% L Leg: 99% Other: Hot, off balance. [OPPONENT 1] Head: 99% Neck: 100% Chest: 100% R Arm: 100% L Arm: 100% Stomach: 100% Waist: 100% R Leg: 100% L Leg: 100% Other: Hot, off balance. Parties have received minimal damage.
#168727882Saturday, July 25, 2015 4:14 AM GMT

I use my foot to kick him in his private place, and miss or not, use the opportunity to hit him in the head.
#168800595Saturday, July 25, 2015 9:44 PM GMT

He attempts to grab your foot in mid air and flip you, an attack that, if successful, will result in you flying upwards and landing on your face. No buffs or penalties have been added. Rolls will be as standard. Your strike is true, and the initial kick itself sends him to the knee, the additional hit to the head causing an even greater amount of damage. [YOUR STATUS] Head: 100% Neck: 100% Chest: 100% R Arm: 100% L Arm: 100% Stomach: 100% Waist: 100% R Leg: 100% L Leg: 99% Other: Hot. [OPPONENT 1] Head: 87% Neck: 100% Chest: 100% R Arm: 100% L Arm: 100% Stomach: 100% Waist: 90% R Leg: 100% L Leg: 100% Other: Hot.
#168826682Sunday, July 26, 2015 2:39 AM GMT

I tackle him and try to gauge his eyes out.
#168833519Sunday, July 26, 2015 3:45 AM GMT

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#168834519Sunday, July 26, 2015 3:54 AM GMT

Recovering, the man swipes his legs, attempting to trip you and then smash his foot onto your chest. - His initial sweep was successful, but you managed to push him away before he could harm you. [YOUR STATUS] Head: 100% Neck: 100% Chest: 95% R Arm: 100% L Arm: 100% Stomach: 100% Waist: 100% R Leg: 100% L Leg: 99% Other: Hot. [OPPONENT 1] Head: 87% Neck: 100% Chest: 100% R Arm: 100% L Arm: 100% Stomach: 100% Waist: 90% R Leg: 100% L Leg: 100% Other: Hot.
#168834779Sunday, July 26, 2015 3:57 AM GMT

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