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#168234523Monday, July 20, 2015 10:41 PM GMT

Game: http://www.roblox.com/games/5837908/-- Beta 2.0 (All-Around Update): -- Features -- * Two new maps: "Construction Site" by me and "Kino Der Campsite" by my good friend fsbandit320. * You are now able to reload manually with all weapons by pressing R. * The sniper rifle has a new, unique holding animation. * Added server statistics: * Total Bodycount: The total number of zombies slain across all rounds. * Player Casualties: The number of times players have died in rounds. * Rounds Won: The number of rounds that have ended in victory. * Age: The amount of time since the server was created. * Money Made: The amount of money that has been received by players. * These stats are tracked by a large screen in the lobby. * Added a tips screen to the lobby, which will show tips about the game to help new players. * The lobby now looks much less boring. * Added an "AFK" button to the HUD. Clicking this button toggles you Away; while Away you will not be placed in any rounds. * The game's version is now shown at the bottom right corner of the screen. -- Tweaks * The sniper rifle now zooms much farther and faster. * All weapons will no longer reload automatically when their clip is depleted. * Removed the Bodycount from the HUD. It is now shown at the end of a round. * Moved the elements of the HUD to prevent them from getting obscured by Roblox's HUD. * Changed the intermission music to Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer". * Changed the gun cursors to their defaults. -- Fixes -- * The sniper rifle now has a visible clip on its model. * The helicopter should no longer be seen flying around when the match ends. * Boomers should no longer drop less money than usual. * Fixed the axe cycling between two cursors. * All guns now have their own gun cursors.

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