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#168623759Friday, July 24, 2015 4:41 AM GMT

Greetings, members of RSF and Burn Legion alike! For those unaware, Burn Legion declared a war on RSF, and it was only last week that it was accepted, as changes were being made to RSF's war department. I personally have to admit, the war was fun in its trial stages, however now the war, as with many others, has escalated into an unneeded mess between both clans. Link to original war-terms: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=168157817 { Originally the war was declared to be an "endurance war," which SLPM (Owner of BL) described somewhere along the lines of 'whoever can exhaust the enemy the most, wins.' We then came up with war-terms, however it's become clear now that these terms have quite a lot of loopholes that unfortunately were missed, resulting in both clans either disrespecting the rules or just flat out ignoring them. Really, this war is just a 'battle of who can take advantage of the war-terms,' which is why I believe we need to change how this war is fought and ensure it's fun again for both sides. It became clear that the BL side became largely unaware of the war-terms, which made this war downgrade to the way it's become in the first place. This has also led to a number of rules being broken by *both* sides. "✯ Shout a defense when asked to by other side or when you want to." SLPM agreed to allow us to raid with back-to-back raids, however never told his HRs this (unsurprisingly). Therefore, when we won a raid, we decided to re-rally and raid again, though the HR in-turn refused to defend: /cxxXHwj "✯ Endurance war (Raid wins don’t matter)" Honestly this is the prime reason I want to apologize to everyone for even thinking this was a good idea, because really, if raid wins are not a factor in winning, then there really is no way to decide a victor. This resulted in a mass amount of flame, and although it was evident RSF had won the majority of raids upon BL, BL insisted they were winning on the grounds that "they defended more than they raided," which made absolutely no sense. It's also due in-part to *both* groups being mostly unaware of terms when raid wins were becoming bragged about. RSF takes full responsibility for being 'braggarts.' '✯ Base updates are allowed. (Both sides shall notify eachother)' At the beginning of terms, we insisted that we were completely fine with allowing fort updates to RSF's Fort Clypeus, due to the fact that it's largely seen as being unfair due to gamepasses, which I 100% agree with. When I told SLPM this, he said he wanted no changes. However, after we won close to 7 raids, we noticed a change that completely changed the tide for both sides when raiding BL, with an automatic-type-shotgun being added as a gunpass to their fort, in an attempt to counteract our gamepasses. I know most people will flame RSF by saying 'oh look here, you're finally getting a taste of your own medicine," however we were the first ones to offer a removal of gamepasses. I personally never liked gamepasses for forts, and we should have just agreed to remove all gamepasses to begin with, which we apologize for. '✯ No admin abuse of any kind; :m, :h, are allowed.' This is a given, however due in-part to terms not being made aware by BL's side, it resulted in some unnecessary admin abuse when mass-kicking raiders from their fort: /hYQhiQX.png I've spoken with Exflamed (Leader of BL), and he too agrees a ceasefire is needed in order for this war to be renegotiated; "Shinyehh": really though the whole thing this war has turned into is like 'who can undermine the terms the most' "Shinyehh": personally I had fun the first few days of the war but idk about you "Exflamed": Yeah I had fun for a while, but I'm raiding and defending because of it's an endurance war "Exflamed": but "Exflamed": A ceasefire "Shinyehh": Personally I think that the war-terms should've been made a bit differently "Exflamed": Would be smart "Shinyehh": Yeah, I agree "Exflamed": Alright, I'll talk to SLPM I would personally like to apologize to everyone in RSF for even considering that an endurance war would be a good idea, as quite frankly it's not helping either clan progress. Wars are meant to be fun, and that's why I kind of see why SLPM wanted one of these wars in the first place, as they were thought to be a fun way to enjoy battles between clans. To conclude, this ceasefire will hopefully result in just a simple renegotiation of terms and a 'restart' of the war, so we can bring back the fun that the war brought with it during the first few days. RSF, as with myself, are completely open to renegotiation of war-terms in order to patch any loopholes. Raid wins: /a/LVCfm (yes, we know they 'don't mean anything') TL;DR - Both sides are at fault for how this war has digressed, rules have been broken, RSF asks for a reviewing/renewal process of new war-terms to be made, we aren't claiming a win for this, we want terms to be made as soon as possible, I personally apologize for even considering that an endurance war would be 'fun.' P.S: We assume SLPM is more than willing to continue this war in order to make it fun, since those were his original intentions, though we understand that this may not happen and instead perhaps he'll declare an 'autowin' of sorts. We are fine with this and if he is unable/unwilling to make negotiations then we'll move on to another enemy, though we would appreciate if we can get this war started. -RSF Lieutenant General, Assistant Head of Warfare Shinyehh -RSF General, Head of Warfare Legostarwars999 -RSF General, War Command Reggected
#168624446Friday, July 24, 2015 4:50 AM GMT

Don't confuse my high rank's incompetence with me simply not telling them things. They were informed and the entire group was shown the war terms. ~The glory of Burn Legion will forever light the fire in its people~
#168624460Friday, July 24, 2015 4:50 AM GMT

RSF FOREVER -papa tinpot
#168624507Friday, July 24, 2015 4:51 AM GMT

Endurance wars are boring
#168624649Friday, July 24, 2015 4:53 AM GMT

SLPM Endurance wars are utterly pointless I don't understand why you wished for one BL's crap activity, refusal to defend, belief that they won 7 times in one day, 1-hit kill shotgun, and immense fort lag made this war extremely unenjoyable Therefore, I must say, "RSF>BL" -papa tinpot
#168624776Friday, July 24, 2015 4:54 AM GMT

@SLPM, as I said, both sides of the group were at fault for not following the terms in one way or another, which led to massive amounts of flaming and ultimately not making the war fun. As said in the forum post, if you are willing to re-make war terms, please contact me, because you and I can both agree with war was going nowhere with the terms that were originally agreed upon.
#168624951Friday, July 24, 2015 4:56 AM GMT

@TheFarthestUniverse, please re-read the forum post because this isn't a hate-thread towards BL, and that comment wasn't necessary.
#168625021Friday, July 24, 2015 4:57 AM GMT

I wasn't aware we had 1 hit kill shotguns. ~The glory of Burn Legion will forever light the fire in its people~
#168625237Friday, July 24, 2015 4:59 AM GMT

@SLPM, >I'm doing the obstacle course towards the term >I get hit once and then die Or it's just my bad internet :/ -papa tinpot
#168626724Friday, July 24, 2015 5:18 AM GMT

You must have hit one of our trip mines. ~The glory of Burn Legion will forever light the fire in its people~
#168626801Friday, July 24, 2015 5:19 AM GMT

Shiny for LEADER OF RSF <33
#168641970Friday, July 24, 2015 10:01 AM GMT

thank god
#168644483Friday, July 24, 2015 10:59 AM GMT

#168645307Friday, July 24, 2015 11:17 AM GMT

#168645318Friday, July 24, 2015 11:17 AM GMT

BL Is Nowhere Close to Being A Great Group. The King Of C&G.
#168645501Friday, July 24, 2015 11:21 AM GMT

funny because slpm owns two bad clans moon man stronk
#168652404Friday, July 24, 2015 1:36 PM GMT

this is interesting
#168652686Friday, July 24, 2015 1:42 PM GMT

RSF is ran by dumbasses why the hell would you agree on base updates allowed and an endurance war
#168653756Friday, July 24, 2015 2:03 PM GMT

Now that I have Joined RSF I know BL's Weaknesses!
#168655459Friday, July 24, 2015 2:31 PM GMT

Doesn't matter because we'll still kick they asses all day so SLPM just be breezy bro Peace
#168656176Friday, July 24, 2015 2:41 PM GMT

endurance wars are terrible, basically who can piss off the enemy to the point where they declare a ceasefire so in that light BL won apparently but obviously that's a poor war in general do it properly lol sort it out guys
#168658239Friday, July 24, 2015 3:11 PM GMT

How do we use the links????
#168658856Friday, July 24, 2015 3:20 PM GMT

@jc 1mgur .com change 1 to an I roblox doesn't like the website
#168661270Friday, July 24, 2015 3:51 PM GMT

Technically you can look at it that we 'lost' this war because we were indeed the first ones to actually take notice that the war was going nowhere, which is why we are okay if SLPM wants to declare an autowin. If indeed he's too afraid to renegotiate war terms, it doesn't bother us, because we'll just find another war that'll serve some use to us. However we certainly do want a fair fight and encourage SLPM to do the right thing, but otherwise we have other groups to fight. I've already apologized on behalf of RSF for accepting this in the first place.
#168663816Friday, July 24, 2015 4:22 PM GMT

Anyways, GG BL. It was cool while it lasted. I liked winning at your base :P -papa tinpot

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