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#168662888Friday, July 24, 2015 4:12 PM GMT

Important: 1. If you get one question wrong you failed. 2. You must send this to the Chief Of Police. 3. If you do get accepted we are warning you if you mess up on the smallest thing you will get exiled. 4. None of us HR's are your friends so don't get sad if we talk crap to you. 5. If you have no grammar don't even send the application. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Roblox Name: Date you Joined: Account Age: Why do you want to join: Why should we accept you: Past Experience: Have you committed any crimes: How will you help improve CSPD: What are HR's in your own words? What does the "Law" mean in your own words: What does "Enforcement" mean in your own words: What are some promises you will make to keep CSPD active: Fix this sentence "i CaME to? schhol on friday cme home ate ceral and brushed my teeth, went to bed, and had a goud night," : Why can we trust you? When do you discharge or pull out your firearm list six reasons: When do you fire a firearm list four reasons: What do you do when somebody is talking crap to you: When do you jail somebody: When do you pull out a taser list two reasons: When do you fire a taser List three reasons: Name all the basics properties of the First Amendment to the Tenth Amendment and List it: Name four basic freedoms: Copy And Paste this Fill in the blank with your name "I Promise to serve Ohio State High Way Patrol till my last breath. I will not abuse weapons and If I do I will take full responsibility. I understand that If I mess up on the smallest thing I will get exiled. I will serve the people and the city with all of my power in my bear hands. I also will wear the title of a Ohio State High Way Patrol Trooper as the worlds greatest prize. I Agree to all that is said in this paragraph. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Good Luck and Good Day ~ UnitedEnforcement ~

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