#28108798Sunday, June 27, 2010 1:37 AM GMT

i love this i think vetrans should get 1.5x the money they get every day. this would also include BC stipend.
#28108837Sunday, June 27, 2010 1:38 AM GMT

Pie, no. Just no. We've gone over this hundreds of times. There will be NO extra benefits for veterans.
#28109725Sunday, June 27, 2010 1:55 AM GMT

@Salem I know right? Some people can't get it through their skulls. I've been playing for a year, you know, just search my ex-main blocko20.
#28110410Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:07 AM GMT

You want vet benefiets? I know! I'll ask ROBLOX to give you a teeny tiny badge to celebrate your veterancey. Oh wait, they did.
#28110492Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:09 AM GMT

I know. A special veteran only hat or gear.
#28110517Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:09 AM GMT

This thread is from a while ago. We don't need vet benefiets beyond what we have. It is an old thread, and like all that is old, it has to die. Let the thread die. I POSTED THE 1337TH POST!!!
#28110904Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:16 AM GMT

So let me break this entire thread down for everyone in one convenient post: -Main post created, with decent ideas, though it could be improved. -Some people complain, while the majority seemed to agree. -Some people brought up some problems (such as BC not being mentioned to get it, inactive accounts still unfairly getting it, etc) -Said problems were brought into attention and fixed (a list of how BC gets VB is at the top of page 10, must have logged in for a certain amount of the day for a certain amount of the year) -Less people came to support because most of the people who supported had already posted (we're about 5/8, maybe 3/4 of the way through now) -More people, mainly those with BC, came into the thread and complained because A). They didn't get it or B) They didn't read all of the first post or any of the improvement throughout the thread -TixTax comes in and stumps us on his question, and a few very not thoroughly thought out posts were made in response, Megalex says he's trying to work on it as well as make it presentable at the same time -What not to Post is brought alive again, and many people, without looking when this thread was posted, ignorantly come in and say "LOOK AT THE RULES NOOB DON'T SUGGEST BC BENEFITS FOR NON BC". There are the intelligent few who realize that this thread was posted months before the What Not to Suggest thread was brought into place. Also, they fail to note that if it did break those rules, the mods would have surely locked it by now, but, surprise surprise, it isn't locked/deleted yet, which clearly means it's following the rules (because I'm positive this thread has been reported numerous times since that sticky was put up). -Present: You all want this thread to die, but you fail to realize that there are those of us who want to keep it alive. And @TixTax: Just because you don't want/don't think you deserve VB doesn't mean the rest of us think the same way. When Megalex comes back I'll suggest to him we create a new thread with all of the fixes and some of the arguments in the first post.
#28111333Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:24 AM GMT

#28112871Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:51 AM GMT

@Poke Also, you use the ambassador (spelling?) program because you want to, you play because you want to, you build because you want to, you refer because you want to, you invite because you want to, you help because you want to, you complain yet stay because you WANT to stay. You and I don't need any more, because you and I've barely done anything. I told my IRL friends about ROBLOX, three got BC, one got TBC. I told them to join because I wanted them to join, not to get an inviter badge to pretty up my profile. Not to get 50 R$ for inviting them to BC. I told them to consider BC to enjoy the game to the fullest. Because buying BC lets you enjoy the game to its fullest, that's what it's there for. ROBLOX is a free to play and build game. What you see is what you get, you didn't come here to customize your character. You came here to play games and build them. If you don't have enough showcase space, then make an alt. Simple. It's what I did, I didn't complain. Yes you want more for being on a year, but, the truth is, loads of vets are playing because the game is that good. Some people grow out of it in a few months; they quit because they didn't like it. You shouldn't get a reward for liking a game. Make all the threads you want, this won't happen. There will still be Vets, non-vets, NBC, BC, TBC, OBC people that won't agree with you, Megalex, Aqua, LinuxMint, and all the other followers. Point maken.
#28113297Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:58 AM GMT

#28113393Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:59 AM GMT

No, zamer, you didn't read my post did you?
#28114799Sunday, June 27, 2010 3:23 AM GMT

I want someone to challenge my opinion.
#28117796Sunday, June 27, 2010 4:41 AM GMT

I would challenge your opinion, but I know now that (after taking some words of advice from some people) challenging an opinion is stupid, because in a sense, all opinions are stupid, and challenging something stupid doesn't get you any farther in life. Now, I'm not sure if these people were the brightest, but it's now starting to occur to me that it's kinda true. We can have conflicting opinions all we want, but the problem is we can't change each others opinions, therefore, it's essentially pointless to try and do so.
#28127936Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:40 PM GMT

This is tiring me out, look I don't want people to have advantages over people that had decided to join later and/or barely logged in. There will be no benifits because on ROBLOX there is no such thing as segregation (Spelling?), everyone is equal in this community... Everyone can benifit off of what they have and the skills they posess (Spelling?), if people do nothing but login, they get a veterans badge... this is a mark of laziness... Veterans should be defined by what they do and what they know, anyone can look at the site for 5 seconds and get on with their lives. do you think these people deserve extra stuff? No... This reminds me of anohther veterans forum I participated, I reported him 3 times because he called me a follower of Aldof Hitler, a communist fool, and making my opinion not matter because I wasn't a veteran...
#28136162Sunday, June 27, 2010 4:12 PM GMT

Lol, Hitler wasn't a Commie, he was Nationalsozialist (I can't say the shortened word :C ). Anyhoo, like I said, fighting opinions if dumb, so I won't fight your opinion, I'll just continue to bump and support this thread no matter how much you guys tell me to stop or how much you want this thread to die. Like I said before, if the mods saw anything wrong with this thread it would have been locked or deleted by now.
#28149119Sunday, June 27, 2010 8:28 PM GMT

im getting vet soon :D
#28169074Monday, June 28, 2010 1:51 AM GMT

@Poke Well, I have a feeling the reason you won't challenge my opinion anymore, is, well, because I completely owned yours. Yes, I know I sounded ignorant, but that's just my ego.
#28169180Monday, June 28, 2010 1:53 AM GMT

@Poke Oh, and if mods saw this thread (They surely have due to all the reports) They would at least post on it, PM the creator, or make this into a feature. You and I know this idea is hopeless. Well, I made my point, so kthxbai.
#28169250Monday, June 28, 2010 1:54 AM GMT

Get over it TixTax won the Thread.
#28169341Monday, June 28, 2010 1:55 AM GMT

That's pretty much what I said, poke won't challenge my opinion because I completely owned his. He's just going to resume his hopeless bumping.
#28169603Monday, June 28, 2010 1:59 AM GMT

Bumping hopeless threads and asking for more stuff also doesn't get you anywhere in life.
#28170789Monday, June 28, 2010 2:17 AM GMT

No, I could challenge your opinion, but as you can see, the last 20 or so pages of this thread have been people challenging each others opinions and getting nowhere. So, instead of adding another 20 pages of pointless opinion exchange, I'll simply continue to bump until Megalex comes back.
#28170830Monday, June 28, 2010 2:18 AM GMT

@Poke Then shut up
#28170976Monday, June 28, 2010 2:20 AM GMT

Opinions are made to be challenged. You can learn from them, you know.
#28173173Monday, June 28, 2010 2:56 AM GMT

Opinions are made to be how a person perceives the world around him, for future reference. Not to challenge others opinions, as evidence I point out that if one person was all alone, in a world that was otherwise inanimate, he would still have opinions, even while not comprehending that nothing else does, thus not having any motive to challenge other opinions, but still formulating them.