#17213209Sunday, November 29, 2009 3:36 AM GMT

Tyler: THAT'S NOT TRUE!! . i jump and slash adriu in the chest.
#17213288Sunday, November 29, 2009 3:38 AM GMT

Dariux:Yeah! Tyler's been with me from the start, and nothing will make him stop being my friend! Adriu: You are overconfident, both of you!
#17213550Sunday, November 29, 2009 3:45 AM GMT

i look at him. "Atleast we have a heart!" i yell.
#17213717Sunday, November 29, 2009 3:48 AM GMT

Adriu: You might, but I doubt that filthy husk has one*points at Dariux* Dariux: I have a heart! You're the one with out a heart!*looks around* If you had a Heart, My world, wouldnt be like this! Barren, And empty, with ou purpose, other than to suffocate you in your own greed! Adriu: Greed?HAH you talk to me of greed? *points at him* you are the one who trapped me in here, seperated from that which I love!
#17213784Sunday, November 29, 2009 3:50 AM GMT

Warlock: Just don't get hurt guys... *Slashes in chest with FireBlade* *Shoots 5 Charged FireBalls At Adriu*
#17213788Sunday, November 29, 2009 3:50 AM GMT

"Your a heartless! you love nothing!"
#17213895Sunday, November 29, 2009 3:52 AM GMT

[Oh wait we werent fighting O.o I never said that last post then XD]
#17213928Sunday, November 29, 2009 3:53 AM GMT

Dariux: He's right, Adriu.the only thing you love is to consume the hearts of the weak and defenceless, and through your own fault, you became bound to this world. Adriu: RAGGGGGHHHHHHH!
#17214025Sunday, November 29, 2009 3:55 AM GMT

Warlock: I can't watch. I sence Danger Guys. *Closes eyes*
#17214219Sunday, November 29, 2009 3:59 AM GMT

Keyblades appear back in my hands. "I maybe a nobody, but i still have a heart!" i yell.
#17214256Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:00 AM GMT

[Wth your confusing me...]
#17214336Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:01 AM GMT

Dariux: You Can't go through your life with your eyes closed,Warlock. you have to embrace what makes you yourself and not try to fight it. Adriu:*grabs Dariux by the throat* I always thought I looked stupid with al that hair covering my face, How are you supposed to see with only one eye? Dariux: I can do whatever I want* punches Adriu in the Face*heh *starts to shiver* Lets get 'im, Guys!
#17214411Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:03 AM GMT

"My Pleasure." i say. I jump at him but then i'm pushed back by a powerful force. "AGH!"
#17214505Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:05 AM GMT

Warlock: I sence.. Danger... *Opens Eyes* RRRRRAAAAAAG!!!! *Charges at Adriu and slashes hand to make Dariux fall back to the ground* *Shoots 5 Normal And 5 Charged FireBalls At Adriu*
#17214549Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:06 AM GMT

Adriu: Come on! I am This World You cant even touch me! HAHAHAHAHAAA! Dariux;Adriu, I'm sorry... Adriu: AHHAAA- what? Dariux: I wasn't able to stop you from becoming... this! Adriu: Don't waste your time, boy Dariux: I just...*looks back at his friends* Whatever *charges at Adriu*
#17214627Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:07 AM GMT

Adriu: Teheehe kekekeHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! *Raises Oathbreaker* Now I will end your life!
#17214710Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:09 AM GMT

Warlock: I feel it coming inside me! No! STOP! *I stress myself to hold it back and fall to the ground.* Warlock: You are not.. Going to take control.. Of me... AGAIN! *Holds powers back even more then struggles to stand up to fight* Warlock: Now I got it... *Charges at Adriu then jumps in air to shoot 10 normal FireBalls*
#17214725Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:10 AM GMT

I throw both my keyblades at Adriu's head. "Hey freak!" i yell. "HEADSHOT!"
#17214825Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:12 AM GMT

Warlock: RRAAAAGE!!! I cant hold it!!!! GAH!!! *Falls to ground again* Aaaah! *clears mind of everything then has a little flash back* Warlock: Huh? Powers:Memeries.. Warlock: What the??? Forget it!!!! *Stands back up then charges again to slash in chest*
#17214834Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:12 AM GMT

Dariux: Now you will be punished, for everything you did, for every thing you killed And for creating me, A being with no purpose! Adriu:Gahhhh*clutches face* I HATE YOU!
#17214859Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:13 AM GMT

(I made my Adriu decal!)
#17215205Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:21 AM GMT

[Nice. If you remember me being alone because My parents died in a bus crash then you should know what this flashback is about.] Warlock: *Falls back down to ground* No.. I can't hold it.... *Passes out back to the FlashBack* Warlock: Bye Mommy and daddy! Mom: Bye Sweatie. Dad: Be safe while were gone. Warlock: I will! (Later on bus) Mom: What's that noise? Dad: Huh? What Noise? Mom: AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Dad: What the heck! No!! Bus: *Rides over a long bridge then slams into a big truck. Falls off bridge into the water* Dad: I can't loose you... I feel powers.... Strength... Dad: *Blasts through the bus and water. Then searches for mom.* Dad: Where is she! I failed... *Cries* Dad: *Floats back to the water then drowns* (10 hours later) Warlock:*Cring* Where is mommy and daddy! ___________________________________
#17215340Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:24 AM GMT

[Back out of flashback] Warlock: Ug... Guys? I can't wait to tell you this...*Talks to self now* ow.. I'm never ganna try to hold my powers in again.. They were telling me something... Powers: Memories.. Warlock: Thats it.. Memories, Now I understand.. All I know now is mt dad had powers as well.. But he could control them...
#17215516Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:29 AM GMT

Kicks heartless into a wall and destroys another. "That's great! now, a little help he- [kicks heartless into portal] -ere" i say
#17215557Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:30 AM GMT

Dariux: Thats All fine and Dandy, But we've got a raging Heartless here!*blocks Adriu's Keyblade*