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#169354791Thursday, July 30, 2015 5:13 PM GMT

NBCS literally get no robux or tixs what so ever. The prices in the catalogue are way to high and I don't think the people who run this company know that about half the people are nbcs. I want this cr#p to change and they could at least give nbcs 1 robux a day.
#169355274Thursday, July 30, 2015 5:17 PM GMT

we get 10 tix a day. if you aren't happy, buy builders club. roblox is a company and companies have to make a profit or they will just shut down.
#169355622Thursday, July 30, 2015 5:21 PM GMT

NBCers Are A Waste And they Should All Get Deleted
#169356980Thursday, July 30, 2015 5:34 PM GMT

@Cirv Yes pls.
#169357798Thursday, July 30, 2015 5:41 PM GMT

Well I think roblox needs to treat nbcs better but not go over the top. The price floor I'm in two minds about. It's good because roblox needs money to pay bills, server hosting etc, and the price floor encourages people to buy robux or bc but for an item costing 175 tix it takes nbcers over 2 weeks but bcs get it in a day as it also costs 13 robux. And not all of us can buy robux or bc some don't have enough money, some parents won't let their kids buy robux and bc and in some areas cards are unavailable forcing people to buy online which many would be nervous about doing as third party companies could pay money to see some of these details. But still if roblox didn't have the price floor then either nbcs would get less tix a day or no tix a day forcing them to buy tix and robux to do anything or roblox would become pay to play, which sure would get rid of some of the noobs but really would make the community the more wealthy people which can afford to throw money at an online game and they would turn their noses up at anyone less wealthy. Personally I think nbcs should get at least 15 tix, 20 tix, or 1 robux a day to make it fair as for some it's impossible to buy things making play experience much worse.
#169357996Thursday, July 30, 2015 5:43 PM GMT

@Cirv @CodoOfficial I'm sorry but weren't we ALL nbcs once and plus if nbcs were deleted roblox would get no more money as nobody would be buying robux or bc and then roblox would shut down, and do you really want that? Or you would have to pay t play roblox like other games do with subcriptions.
#169358198Thursday, July 30, 2015 5:45 PM GMT

My fingers hurt from typing
#169358836Thursday, July 30, 2015 5:51 PM GMT

Pay 2 Play Would be Better So All The NBC Peasants Will Disappear
#169358968Thursday, July 30, 2015 5:53 PM GMT

@sam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2XwzmQbuTw
#169359324Thursday, July 30, 2015 5:56 PM GMT

Imagine: If ROBLOX was always pay-to-play, no one would complain. | On your mark, get set. We're riding on the internet! |
#169361297Thursday, July 30, 2015 6:15 PM GMT

Well why would roblox do that? It would end their profit
#169362596Thursday, July 30, 2015 6:28 PM GMT

I am a TBC Myself, and I agree with that.
#169362681Thursday, July 30, 2015 6:29 PM GMT

I bought robux So i did did something for the site
#169362723Thursday, July 30, 2015 6:30 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#169363690Thursday, July 30, 2015 6:39 PM GMT

Well cirv unlike you we aren't lucky and don't have the choice to do this sort of thing we just don't have the money and plus pay to play means much less players on roblox meaning less revenue from every perspective and if everyone got lifetime obc when they joined roblox would shutdown due to bankruptcy very quickly.
#169363986Thursday, July 30, 2015 6:42 PM GMT

If You Dont Have The Money Then Why Can you Afford A Computer? Pffft NBC Peasants
#169364063Thursday, July 30, 2015 6:43 PM GMT

"we get 10 tix a day. if you aren't happy, buy builders club. roblox is a company and companies have to make a profit or they will just shut down." ^ He's right, you know. hold on to ur butt!
#169364078Thursday, July 30, 2015 6:43 PM GMT

You get 10 tickets a day, is this a troll?
#169364087Thursday, July 30, 2015 6:43 PM GMT

@real Well first not all of us are american okay just remember that in future, and we don't have parents giving us money or have credit cards or our country doesn't sell roblox cards. End of. We aren't complaining for no reason. I did the maths and it takes nbcs over 7.3 years to earn what an obc does in a month, a single month. So tell me how are we complaining for no reason? Yes we haven't put anything into the site but without us where would the site be? It would have much less users buying robux and roblox may be forced into pay to play.
#169364208Thursday, July 30, 2015 6:44 PM GMT

By that I mean we don't have enough money to throw at roblox and say TAKE THIS I myself saved up 4 years for my computer but I bet your parents gave it to you didn't they?
#169364362Thursday, July 30, 2015 6:45 PM GMT

@nintendo My last comment is meant to cirv by the way. Also please stop calling us peasants it is slightly hurting my feelings due to us all not getting obc just like that.
#169364536Thursday, July 30, 2015 6:47 PM GMT

@Robloxian As I said earlier it takes over 7.3 years for me without spending ANY of it to make what you do in a month without spending anything. I'm sorry but does that really sound fair to you?
#169364747Thursday, July 30, 2015 6:49 PM GMT

@nintendo Can't you just trade your currency? Or are your parents just greedy?
#169364889Thursday, July 30, 2015 6:50 PM GMT

@Robloxian That is with trading currency idiot to make the amount of robux you do in a month it takes every nbc over 7.3 years.
#169364974Thursday, July 30, 2015 6:51 PM GMT

@nintendo Can't you just get a ROBLOX card to buy ROBUX or BC?

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