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#169479847Friday, July 31, 2015 4:20 PM GMT

RNF Enlistment Informational guide i. Rules/Regulations 1. Be respectful to ALL of your fellow soldiers. Regardless of rank. 2. Address HRs as “Sir” or “Ma’am” as applicable. 3. Uniform is to be worn at ALL times at RNF events or while in base. 4. Follow orders. 5. Do not ask or beg for a promotion. 6. Use proper grammar to the best of your ability. 7. Be mature. Makes yourself and the group look better and more professional. 8. Be professional 9. Follow base rules while patrolling. 10. Be active 11. Attend training and patrols. ii. Group base’s information All group bases can be found in the group’s Personal Servers tab in the group. ii. Fort Leatherneck- Is our main activity base. Patrol here to receive in-game money which will be used to purchase weapons, vehicles, and equipment to aid you in the destruction of RNF’s enemies. Money saves and adds up each time you leave base so continue patrolling to build up your funds. Fort Omaha- Is our official war/raid base. Fort McCray- Our training center. Rally Center- Where we will meet and rally for raids or major events. iii. Uniform guide Uniform is to be worn at all times when at an RNF base or event. If you cannot afford a uniform, wear clothing similar in color scheme to our uniform. Green shirt with brown pants. But purchase the uniform if you can do so. A morph in all the bases will provide a uniform for while in game. 1. No body packages 2. No 2.0 body iv. Drill/Ceremony Drill- About face-Turn 180 degrees to face directly behind your previous position. Right face-90 degree turn to face to the right. Left face-90 degree turn to face to the left. Right incline-45 degree turn to the right. Left Incline-45 degree turn to the left. Center face-Turn to face whoever gave the command. Forward march, while in current formation, march forward. Ceremony- PTS-Permission to speak. Must receive permission to speak, and must remain silent. SFL-Form a single file line. STS- form a line shoulder to shoulder. v. Promotion guide Promotions are received by being active in RNF, attending raids, and attending trainings. Do not beg for promotions. Do not ask for promotions. RNF is generous with promotions so if you are active and follow orders you will fly up the ranks in no time. vi. Training/Raid/patrol Trainings are hosted either at Fort McCray, or Fort Leatherneck. When attending trainings, follow orders or you may be booted from the training. When you join the training, fall into formation or await orders from whoever will host. Trainings are announced at least a half hour prior to start so plan on attending. If we are raided or if we are raiding follow instructions on the shout. During a raid be professional. When killed say “GG” and be mature. Do not call the other team noobs. And follow orders of whoever is leading RNF in the defense or attack. Follow all orders, or else you may be promoted or set to the rank of POW for a given period. Trainings, three warning, given for disobeying orders repeatedly, creating distractions, misbehavior. At third warning kick from training, allowed to return, fourth. A ban from that training. Vii. Ranks and rank explanation/ duties/ abilities 1)Private: Lowest rank in RNF, but contains ALL future leadership and the future of RNF. Privates make up the brunt of RNF, and are the main combat troops. Privates must attend trainings to be promoted. Privates must obey orders from ranks higher than Sergeant, unless otherwise instructed so. ALL orders from HRs(High Ranks) must be followed. 2)Private First Class: Step above PVT, all the same except you’ve gone above BMT. 3)Corporal: Where leadership begins. Here you may be given responsibilities while patrolling in base. 4)Sergeant: Able to join a division starting at this rank. May lead a squad or troops in combat or on a patrol. 5)Lieutenant-Major: Given responsibly while in base. You will lead troops in combat, and MUST be mature as you’re on a path to being an HR. 6)Colonel; HR in training so to speak. Be mature; follow orders from the HRs, and show signs of leadership and you may become an HR. You may host patrols by yourself, but you may NOT lead training unless you have an HR co-host. Host patrols as frequently as you’re able. 7)Major General-General: You are RNF’s leadership. You help make decisions, may be given task to be completed or lead in the group, and you may even head a division. Must be active and listen to the HC(High Command) 8)Marshal; Step below Field Marshal, AKA HC. High Command. For those who reach this rank, you’ve done something right. You lead RNF’s patrols, trainings, and you’re as high as it gets. 9)Field Marshal; High Command. You’re the inner circle and control RNF. Field Marshals are ultimately the ones who makes the decisions to guide RNF’s future. 10) Commander; The Supreme leader of RNF. Leads everyone . Make this person mad, and you’ll find yourself several ranks below Private. Commander is RNF’s head and must be respected. 11) Viii. Communication If you have skype, you may join in the RNF group chat. We only type, so no mics or video needed. Send a PM to an HR with your skype name asking for entry. Ix Divisions Divisions handle responsibilities in base, and carry out jobs to keep RNF running in base. TO be a part of a division, you must be a Sergeant+, and you’re allowed into 2 divisions. If you’re found to be in more than 2, you will be kicked from all divisions and will have to re-tryout. Airforce: Flies our aircraft Military Police: Arrest civilians not following the rules or who trespass, and handle surrendered raiders. Medics: Heal our troops while in base. Are given an ambulance and med-kit. 27th: Our elite fighters 84th; All infantry fighting force. Trained to be our leading force and are strictly infantry.
#169479908Friday, July 31, 2015 4:21 PM GMT

#169479914Friday, July 31, 2015 4:21 PM GMT

#169479921Friday, July 31, 2015 4:21 PM GMT

Can I ignore the rules and get the owner rank anyway? Ab|U-U-U|AN-U|w-i|CN|w|w-i|N-N-N-N-U|Cb|N-N-N-N|Cb|N-N-N-i
#169479924Friday, July 31, 2015 4:21 PM GMT

Ever heard of C&G BEFORE??? Beep Boop Bot, I am a robot, i am here to take american jobs
#176884648Sunday, October 25, 2015 5:32 PM GMT

what is the link for the game
#178613094Thursday, November 26, 2015 2:46 PM GMT

i read it all it took forever!!!!!!!! and i will do as told. im a private
#180329247Friday, December 25, 2015 7:40 PM GMT

#180329309Friday, December 25, 2015 7:41 PM GMT

go away fear wannabe
#218576273Saturday, June 10, 2017 6:25 PM GMT

I don't understand please explain
#218576331Saturday, June 10, 2017 6:26 PM GMT

lol old

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