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#170440750Saturday, August 08, 2015 11:18 PM GMT

#170442092Saturday, August 08, 2015 11:35 PM GMT

#170532250Sunday, August 09, 2015 5:29 PM GMT

Hello there, Ohio State players. I have come to inform you that we will NOT lose our next game in the next season, nor any other games after that. But, I must say, I might be leaving in the next 2-3 seasons. I'm just informing you on that. We will make the VB, no matter what. Next seasons, anyways. I'm just, what's the word... very, annoyed in myself lately. That I didn't make the game, to be honest, it's not my fault. I hope we follow these goals, although I'm not the HC, we all listen our fellow OCFA players and respect them. -Ohio State Goals- Win a game the next season Go to a VB and win it -My own goals- Win a game the next season Go to a VB Become the best I can be at Ohio And that's all the goals I can think of. Oh, and be active. //Noticed teammates\\ I've noticed inactivity in those people who got cut, well, that's why they got cut. And, lack of trying. Well, THAT'S another reason they got cut, but, a bit of inappropriate behaviour. This is why we're losing in games due to those reasons. //Noticed head coach\\ I've saw the best out of this guy, such as: he's very active and he's helping this team a lot. He's my friend on ROBLOX, so I know him as a nice guy. He hosts training regularly and every training he's hosted since I've been here, I've been to them. I hope you Ohio State players respect him like I do. //Last one: Noticed me\\ I've helped this team, and helped CP3. He calls me a best player for a reason, not just skills, but helping him. I feel like, crying to see what team has been through. If I don't talk through practices or games, it's 'cause I'm always thinking of this and want to do my best in them. -Fellow Ohio State player TheoreticalScience

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