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#170561585Sunday, August 09, 2015 10:10 PM GMT

If you've been on S&I for any extended period of time, you've probably heard a suggestion like this before: "Make it so that if someone is inactive for _________ we can use their username." And you already know that the recycled username idea is something that is DESTINED to fail, which is why it hasn't happened and never will. BUT... Even though the road they're taking to their final desire is fundamentally flawed, I'd say it isn't necessarily a bad venture to want to be able to have access to usernames. The thing that makes their idea wrong is that there is no consent or contract between the old owner and the potential new owner of the username and so it's unethical and easily abused. But.... here's a bright idea: how about a rehash of the idea that allows consent? ----- With this suggestion, there would now be a market for usernames. If anything has been learned from the routine suggestion of recycled usernames, it would be that usernames are in a high demand, and if something is in high demand, it could spark some business interest. We already know that you can buy your usernames for 1000R$ and have a pool of usernames attributed to your account that you can change for a nominal fee, similar to a regular item. Well the logic here is since you can buy usernames like a regular item, and regular items can be traded between players, why not allow a trade between usernames? This is how: - With this update ROBLOX now allows ROBLOXians to buy usernames from other accounts that have had more than one username in their name pool* for a minimum price of 1500R$ (based on the username, the seller can set it higher). There would be a sales tax in effect similar to how clothes are sold between players, which would be decided by ROBLOX. This is so a good number of that accumulated R$ leaves ROBLOX by the way of sales tax. The seller would also get a share of that R$, but it would be smaller than the sales tax. - The only requirement for participating in this is that you can only buy a username from someone who has had more than one. Why? - Accounts die, but with this their names don't have to. If there's a cool name the genuine article can still live on. - Helps more R$ being purchased and helps more of it leave the ROBLOX economy to fight influx and make ROBLOX a good profit. - Allows ROBLOXians to make a profit from getting rid of their old unwanted usernames from their name pool. - Big names could circulate from account to account as a sort of novelty. For example, think of a big name like stickmasterluke. He's added a lot of popularity to his name, and what if he wanted to sell his name? Not only would it sell for a HUGE price, benefitting ROBLOX via sales tax, but it would also help him get a huge profit, too as he worked to make that name worth as much as it would be and that would be a payday of sorts. Not only that, but the new owner of that name benefits from the popularity of that name, using it to put attention on himself and his places and such. Even on a smaller scale, it could still be beneficial to all parties. - Namesnipes don't sound as bad when they're consensual. This was just a thought I had. I know it probably won't be added and it might not even be a good idea, but I see no harm in putting it out there. Thank you for reading. I'd love your feedback. ----- *name pool: basically your account's inventory of it's current username and usernames it bought in the past.
#170562759Sunday, August 09, 2015 10:21 PM GMT

Actually this isn't a bad way of going about this tbh. The real question is whether people want the end result, but if they do this a good way to get there. Support.
#170563690Sunday, August 09, 2015 10:29 PM GMT

#170757563Tuesday, August 11, 2015 12:56 PM GMT

@ruin3ds Thank you. I feel the same way.
#170757945Tuesday, August 11, 2015 1:02 PM GMT

There is no point coming up with this idea it's not it will implemented anyway. Waste of a Thread and time.
#170758660Tuesday, August 11, 2015 1:15 PM GMT

@30u Technically speaking any forum is a waste of time as nothing gets accomplished and nothing notable happens from going on any subforum. Forums are a waste of time. Technically speaking playing ROBLOX is a waste of time as you're not doing anything productive and taking anything away from it that you can use in the future. And technically speaking my life and your life is a waste of time as the world is overpopulated and we have basically nothing to contribute to it. So....... your point?
#170758876Tuesday, August 11, 2015 1:19 PM GMT

I don't think I've seen a bad or troll idea from you yet OP o:> Keep it up :D @30u Everything is a waste of time, therefore nothing is a waste of time. Everything is pointless, therefore nothing is pointless. You're the only troll on this thread, therefore you are pointless.
#170759009Tuesday, August 11, 2015 1:21 PM GMT

@rend00 I'm not being a troll, i'm just keeping it real! Do you actually think ROBLOX will install this idea onto ROBLOX?
#170759121Tuesday, August 11, 2015 1:23 PM GMT

No, but is that any reason to ruin someone else's fun? We're all well aware that this will never happen, that's why we've decided to review it on its own merits and not on whether or not it will be added, because nothing will ever be added.
#170759144Tuesday, August 11, 2015 1:23 PM GMT

OP just wants a namesnipe. No support
#170759463Tuesday, August 11, 2015 1:28 PM GMT

I like my name. Actually if you want to get technical, I really just wanted to provide an alternate solution to the usual suggestion that I see plaguing S&I: "Make it so that if someone is inactive for _________ we can use their username." Which you would've gathered if you read the first sentence :/
#170759511Tuesday, August 11, 2015 1:29 PM GMT

100 years would be fine. First come, first-served.
#170759565Tuesday, August 11, 2015 1:29 PM GMT

If there's no consent between both parties it's not fine.
#170759599Tuesday, August 11, 2015 1:30 PM GMT

I'm making a new Thread.
#170819427Tuesday, August 11, 2015 10:53 PM GMT

Cool story bro.
#173040018Wednesday, September 02, 2015 4:55 AM GMT

Bump. Need to lvl my necromancy.
#173040272Wednesday, September 02, 2015 5:02 AM GMT

Support. I will buy this: http://web.roblox.com/users/74529/profile Bloxy Cola. Who gets addicted to that stuff?
#173091890Wednesday, September 02, 2015 11:09 PM GMT

Don't post rough drafts on S&I. We need better than that.
#173109654Thursday, September 03, 2015 2:23 AM GMT

Every idea starts out as a rough draft, whether they say it is or not. The real difference is whether or not they draft another after it. He probably did that to debunk people who accept nothing but their perceived idea of perfection.
#173110143Thursday, September 03, 2015 2:29 AM GMT

Wouldn't work for counts who went inactive forever
#173110899Thursday, September 03, 2015 2:39 AM GMT

Yeah it wouldn't, but I personally am OK with that.
#173112786Thursday, September 03, 2015 3:04 AM GMT

This was too long to read and fully process, but I'm guessing that he is just very desperate for a name snipe. First come first serve. No support.
#173215749Friday, September 04, 2015 3:48 PM GMT

For the record, the OP said he doesn't want a name snipe. Believe him or not, he already told you why he suggested this thread: He suggested this thread as a better revision to the threads people spam the forum with all the time: "Make it so that if someone is inactive for _________ we can use their username." aka Recycled Usernames. And he said it in the second sentence, for crying out loud. I mean come on...
#173216225Friday, September 04, 2015 3:55 PM GMT

I love it, lets do it.
#173236837Friday, September 04, 2015 8:12 PM GMT

OP just wants a namesnipe. I don't care how much he denies it.

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