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#171343191Sunday, August 16, 2015 1:04 AM GMT

These are the rules that will be used in all RPL matches. --MATCHES PLAYED ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AT HOME TEAM STADIUM-- 1. You can have a minimum of a 3v3. 2. Referees will get btools. 3. You can only have a maximum of 7v7. 4. Box rule is off in all games. 6. The referee will decide on what is the amount of players on each team. 7. Referee needs admin and access to scoreboard if the stadium has a scoreboard. 8. If ball goes out it is a kick in, goalkick or corner depending on how the stadium is built. 9. Offsides will be played. 10. There must be someone playing GK on both teams. 11. Admin abuse equals 3-0 auto-win. 12. Win equals +3 points in league table. Draw equals +2 points in league table for both teams and loss equals +1 point in leaderboard. 13. Players can only play for one team in the league. 14. Referees cannot play for any team in the league. 15. If a referee is not there then the match will be reschuled on a weekday. 16. If one team does not attend the other team will be awarded with a 3-0 auto-win. 17. If both teams do not attend then it will be a 0-0 auto-draw. 18. Each team must have a stadium. Any violation of these rules causes -1 point in leaderboard. TIPS: 1. If your stadium uses Scripth's admin then :tempadmin person who is going to get admin in other team so that it will not permanently save. 2. DO NOT ADMIN ABUSE!!!!! 3. In matches make sure the whole team has good passing, it can do good stuff if you pass. Roblox Premier League group link: http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2570267

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