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#171789921Wednesday, August 19, 2015 9:51 PM GMT

CS: Name: Lily "The Hawk" Abenhimer Age: 23 Appearance: She is dirty blond, with short, messy hair that reaches down to her shoulders. Her eyes are green and sullen, and her lips are thin and cracked. Her body is thin, bony and lanky. Items: Shades, Shank, drugs, and picture of her family. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Backstory: Lily was born in a rich family, from Las Vegas, Nevada. She started her crime life from the age of 20, when she went to college her friends were drug users. They showed her how to take drugs, by the age of 21. She was an addict, and already a suspect in 2 crimes of drug dealing, but she was found innocent. One day, her friends made a party. The neighbors heard lots of noise, because the loud music, teens shouting, and singing. They called the cops, and the cops while checking the place, found big amounts of c0c4ine, and some other drugs. Some of the teens escaped, but Lily was arrested. After 2 months of court, and cases. Lily was found guilty for taking drugs, and she was sentenced for 10 years. Now Lily occupy cell 15 in Category B. In the past 2 years, Lily made lots of friends, and lots of enemies. She still have 8 years to survive. She is now in the biggest gang in Category B "The Humming Birds". The name isn't brutal, but how they act is SO different . Lily always choosee to stay with the weird people of the category. Like, you always find her with the murderers, or the "Insane" people. Her enemies are a group of thiefs, that make classy ones, or high quality ones. They are always the smugglers of weapons, and luxuries in that jail. They are called "The Hawks". "The Humming Birds" are a group of c0c41ne smugglers, if you want drugs. You head to them. Most of the Humming Birds are murderers, and drug dealers. They call them in the jail "The Senate". Because no one can do anything without their approval. There are some small gangs in the jail like "The cats", "The Blade", and even some mafia, or drug smuggling organizations. Those people if controlled, they can do for you pretty anything. Some drugs can make them murder, steal, assault, or anything you want. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Characters: Susan: Susan is the biggest weapon and luxuries smuggler in the jail. If you need a shank, or a boom box, or even cigars, she is the woman. Ann: She is the leader of "The Hawks", she is counted as a big threat for your gang. Sophia: Sophia is the leader of "The Cats", thoise people are famous to make assassination missions in the jail for drugs. Olivia: She is the leader of "The Blades", a dangrous yet small gang in the category. They are made from drug users mostly. Scarlett: Wife of a famous mafia organization called "Luciano", which are in Category A. Lucy: Leader of "The Humming Birds, she was moved to Cat A after she murdered a prison staff. Victoria: Co-leader of "The Humming Birds", She is your room mate. Elizabeth: One of the most dangerous members in "The Humming Birds", and famous one. She was moved to Category A as she killed the old leader of The Hawks. (You will know more people by time.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Victori
#171790075Wednesday, August 19, 2015 9:52 PM GMT

(i love this quality content marked) ~well im out of ideas, sorry!~
#171790694Wednesday, August 19, 2015 9:58 PM GMT

Pocket money: $28 Items in Pocket: N/A (You can pick them up from your cell later.) --------------------------------- Victoria would run to you, while it is running time. She would tell you "Did you hear what happened yesterday? Lucy killed a prison staff after he tried to put her in segregation after he found her taking drugs." She would look worried, until a trainer shout at her "GO BACK TO YOUR POSITION, 15-221" (Your number is 15-222) Someone tapped on your shoulder "Hey Lily, a friend of me found a way to smuggle in w33d, and I can give you a smoke for $5, what you think?" Susan said.
#171790888Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:00 PM GMT

>the humming birds i get it hahahahha book: god of cringing. cystalgems: god of edginess. birm: kys
#171791015Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:01 PM GMT

@Jeff, Pickachu loves birds, so I wrote the first thing I found in my mind, but share what you understood :P
#171791295Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:04 PM GMT

@birmman hehe @c4m4l (nice scenarios) "Huh, that's interesting news, mate," Lily said, "I'll try and keep that in mind." She turned over to Susan. "Huh, I haven't had one in ages. Of course!" ~well im out of ideas, sorry!~
#171792296Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:14 PM GMT

Pocket Money: 23 Items in pocket: W33d cigar ---------------------- You payed Susan, and you hide the cigar in you pocket fast, before a cop can see you. While you are running, someone hits you SO strongly using his shoulder, making you nearly fall on your face. She was "Ann". She ran before you can talk with her, or even see her. The cops started whistling, all of you went to changing rooms, while you was taking a hot water shower, you found someone pouring on you cold water. She was Layla, the co-leader of "The Hawks" (New character added:- Layla: The co-leader of The Hawks, she is a traitor, and betrayed The Humming Birds before) Victoria and Elizbeth would catch her, while you wear your clothes then ask you what they do in her. What Lily gonna do with Layla? Victoria told you that she can give you a shank to make a big scar on her face, as revenge because she betrayed the gang, while Elizbeth say that you should just beat her.
#171792718Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:18 PM GMT

Lily sat down, crisscross applesauce. "There are many ways to deal with a problem, or to teach a lesson... and the answer isn't always obvious as it seems," she said, "You know though? I'll just go with Victoria's idea, though with the shank I just might do something more than just a scar on her face." ~well im out of ideas, sorry!~
#171793703Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:27 PM GMT

Warning: You are now in cell, you can take whatever you want from your items. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Pocket Money: 23 Items in pocket: N/A ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Victoria would grab a shank, handing it to Lily. Lily drew an W on both of Layla's cheeks. (She means Wh0re.) then head-butt her. Victoria would take the shank back, cleaning it from blood, then hiding it again. Elizbeth got angry, so she kicked Layla in her stomach, making her vomit, then you ran because cops came. Lily and Victoria would go to the cell, then Lily start to smoke the w33d cigar, and sharing it with Victoria. After 10 minutes, and a great cigar. The cop came in, telling you to get ready for breakfast.
#171793972Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:29 PM GMT

(by cops dont you mean guards??) Lily gets up from her bed thing, gets dressed(?), and goes out of her cell for breakfast. She looks over the selection, hoping it won't be too hard to swallow. ~well im out of ideas, sorry!~
#171794836Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:37 PM GMT

Victoria would look at you in weird way "Oh my god from you, Lily. Why you always sleep naked? That is disgusting." Today's Menu is: Pizza, Burger, KFC, and something Chinese. Lily would ask for a pizza, but the guard would tell her in his disgusting deep evil sound "Birds eat seeds, not pizza." Then he throw in her late that Chinese food made out of seeds. That cop is Arthur (New Character added: Arthur: Arthur is an insane cop, that hates Humming Birds so much.) Victoria would punch him, taking 2 slices for pizza the pouring all of the food on his face "You eat the seeds, shthead." She would place one of the pizza pieces in your base plate, and taking the other. "Here you go, your highness." She would say, while smiling and acting like a butler.
#171795756Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:47 PM GMT

"It's just more comfortable, y'know." "Heh, thanks Victoria," Lily said to Victoria, after she punched the mean lunchman, "Honestly, shame for him though, don't even know what he got against me, haven't really killed him yet." ~well im out of ideas, sorry!~
#171799483Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:24 PM GMT

chirp ~well im out of ideas, sorry!~
#171800171Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:31 PM GMT

(I will do time-skip because nothing is important) After dinner, Lila and Victoria heads to their cell. The lights were closed exactly at 8:30 PM. While you are sleeping, maybe 1 or 2 AM, you heard noise. Someone was opening the cell's door using keys. What's happening outside? You freeze in your place, but Victoria didn't wake up as she is a heavy sleeper. Then, you started getting beaten up, maybe by a baseball bat, or a golf stick. They were 2 strong men. After they finished, one of them slammed your nose, breaking it, and putting you in a coma. In the morning, guards found you in that condition, they took you to the Prison's hospital. The doctor found that you have both of your arms are broken, and your left leg. He made a cast around all of them. When Victoria came to visit you, she found a small paper stuffed in the back of your shirt, written on it "You played with The Hawks, now the Hawks are playing back." with a drawing of a middle finger.
#171800706Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:37 PM GMT

"I can't believe them," Lily said, frustrated, "That chick messed with me first..." She swore to god she'll destroy them, though she couldn't really do it in her current state. All she could do is rest and wait for all her injuries to heal up; and that'll be a while now. Just enough time to be able to formulate a plan. They probably won't be expecting her after that time has passed. ~well im out of ideas, sorry!~
#171801840Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:47 PM GMT

@Pick http://piratepad.net/bMf8SVcXpe Help me.

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