#172208805Sunday, August 23, 2015 10:38 PM GMT

@Sec: Sorry but robux for devex is only a SMALL problem. The percentage of players who can realistically exchange robux for USD is insanely small compared to the tens of THOUSANDS of NBC players who are forced to horde robux over 10 days just to buy ONE shirt. price floors are a much bigger contributor to the problem.
#172209050Sunday, August 23, 2015 10:40 PM GMT

I'm supporting this.
#172209668Sunday, August 23, 2015 10:47 PM GMT

you're a moron price floor was put in place to fix the inflation
#172210865Sunday, August 23, 2015 11:00 PM GMT

#172215686Sunday, August 23, 2015 11:52 PM GMT

#172216213Sunday, August 23, 2015 11:58 PM GMT

#172216891Monday, August 24, 2015 12:04 AM GMT

as a clothing seller myself, i don't support this for one reason people would copy your clothing, and sell it for lower than you so you're fouced to make it even lower which gives you less money, and i don't want to make less money.
#172218168Monday, August 24, 2015 12:17 AM GMT

@iStr You didn't even read it.
#172219776Monday, August 24, 2015 12:33 AM GMT

#172219915Monday, August 24, 2015 12:35 AM GMT

@istar you can copy clothes right now for free the price doesn't change much.
#172224634Monday, August 24, 2015 1:23 AM GMT

zip zop bippity bop bump
#172291312Monday, August 24, 2015 8:43 PM GMT

@Istar Let me tell you a little secret. A lot of BCers are already copying your clothes right now because they don't want to pay 100 tickets to purchase it.
#172292750Monday, August 24, 2015 8:58 PM GMT

With the knowledge that Devex gave out 500k US$ and 200$=100k R$ you can calculate that 250 million R$ have been given out to devs
#172292818Monday, August 24, 2015 8:59 PM GMT

Doesnt seem like a small problem now does it?
#172293947Monday, August 24, 2015 9:09 PM GMT

Its sort of WNTS. I am not sure.
#172297793Monday, August 24, 2015 9:47 PM GMT

@kittenboy6751 Yeah, I agree. It says in WNTS that you shouldn't ask ROBLOX to undo a huge update, like the Price Floor. But the price floor could definitely be improved, although I'm going to make the argument that the price floor was effective in reducing the copying of clothes. I think we could deflate the economy by reducing the price floor, so we don't have to remove it entirely. Say an article of clothing costs 50 tix. That's half the time it currently takes in order to save up for a shirt or pair of pants. If the economy is still inflated, then decrease it to, say, 30 tix, and play it by ear, until the economy is balanced. The economy shouldn't suffer because of a price floor. HOWEVER, I do believe that some form of a price floor is necessary. Talented clothing designers may want to make 100 tix off of their high-quality clothes. But anyone can copy that shirt, and, without a price floor, can make it as cheap as they want. Everyone buys the cheaper shirt, and the original shirt barely gets any sales. But with the price floor, both shirts might cost 100 tix. Then the consumer would buy the original, possibly-better-quality shirt, rather than the copied version, because they both cost the same amount. This way, the original shirt creator makes money. Now the height of the price floor is a balancing act, which I talked about in the previous paragraph. You can't make it too low, or else the clothing creators raise their prices again, and then people start copying again. But if it's too high, then clothes become hard to afford and the economy becomes inflated. I do agree that the exchange rates should return to 10 tix = 1 R$. Not only does it make the items in the catalog more affordable, its also super easy math to do in your head as well. I'll track this thread and see where it goes. Please tell me if I've made any mistakes in my logic up above.
#172301124Monday, August 24, 2015 10:21 PM GMT

#172301883Monday, August 24, 2015 10:29 PM GMT

Support! Personal blurb: Do not provide any details that can be used to identify you outside ROBLOX
#172339118Tuesday, August 25, 2015 5:46 AM GMT

@Univ @Kitten re negotiation to 10 tickets is FAR more reasonable and no, a re negotiation of price floors is not WNTS. Also, you do realize that by having the price floor at 100 tickets, or even 50 tickets will only provide MORE incentive for people to copy right? You also realize that shirt copiers were a relatively minor problem before price floors right? Many BC players would rather copy the clothes as opposed to paying 100 tickets for a shirt, and then 100 tickets the next day for the matching pants. If anything, the price floors have INCREASED the problem of shirt copiers, and further more many shirt creators even stated that they never asked for nor wanted the price floors to hit their clothing. Price floors are also a huge issue to the ticket inflation, as NBC players, who only make 10 tickets a day are forced to horde their tickets for a total of at least 10 days for a new shirt, and 20 days for a new outfit. This means, that, opposed to before where they would more often than not spend their daily tickets quite often on shirts to people who will turn around and convert it to robux and then spend it on hats or adverts for their shirts. With this 10-20 day waiting period, these NBCers aren't spending their tickets as freely and therefore are just allowing it to build on their accounts. Now, you may be thinking that 100 tickets is not that much, but if you consider the fact that there are literally tens of thousands of active NBC players, we're talking about hundreds of thousands of tickets, if not even millions of tickets that are being hoarded of a 10 day period before they can even consider spending them, which would naturally lead to some noticeable inflation in the market. Further more, without price floors shirt creators were seeing HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of sales per article of clothing, which means, at 3 tickets(The previous common asking price), a famous shirt maker was already making hundreds of thousands of tickets on their clothes, so a 300 ticket, or a 100 ticket price floor, or even a 50 ticket price floor is really not necessary for people to get their time out of their work, and is only really hurting clans community(Does not matter if you dislike the feature, a large percentage of roblox does) and the NBC community and pushing many more people to copy shirts just to wear them. Now, with that said, a price floor of 10 tickets per item would make things still VERY profitable for shirt creators(100,000 shirt sales=700,000 tickets for the shirt creator, 400,000 up from the 3 ticket shirt price in the old '08-'12 days), will give incentive for people to buy shirts as opposed to copying them, prevent uber cheap sales from people who still copy as you mentioned, will bring back loads of players who left due to price floors, and will provide a more playable experience for NBC players while still providing incentive for people to purchas BC membership, and most importantly and the topic of this thread, it will help end the ticket inflammation issue which will still persist no matter what they do under the current price floor or even a 50 ticket price floor. So pretty much, a renegotiation to a 10 ticket price floor is the fairest as it both protects shirt creator's profits while also fixing A LOT of the issues this game has been plagued with since late 2013.
#172355626Tuesday, August 25, 2015 1:14 PM GMT

#172360112Tuesday, August 25, 2015 2:45 PM GMT

Support It would help traders like me who use TC a lot.
#172375445Tuesday, August 25, 2015 6:52 PM GMT

"With the knowledge that Devex gave out 500k US$ and 200$=100k R$ you can calculate that 250 million R$ have been given out to devs" Over the course of 2 years. Now, compare that to a scale of ten days talking hundreds of thousands of tickets. Much more damaging the economy than a 250 million robux number over 2 years. Either way price floor is more harmful.
#172415264Wednesday, August 26, 2015 1:52 AM GMT

I just cringed. Do you WANT ROBLOX to go bankrupt or something? Self Proclaimed Intellectual Competitor
#172416800Wednesday, August 26, 2015 2:08 AM GMT

@xDis Are you reta... Never mind you obviously are.
#172427017Wednesday, August 26, 2015 4:14 AM GMT