#172481881Wednesday, August 26, 2015 9:45 PM GMT

Lance extended to grab hold of the other person's hand. "Oh... I'm Lance..." He pulled up, and stood, putting the weight on his other leg, keeping the shot leg from getting strained. He looked around. The whole place was looking in his direction, and the stench of the dead body was so sickening. He touched his stomach, feeling it get a little grossed out.
#172482193Wednesday, August 26, 2015 9:49 PM GMT

Rod "Crap, I don't want my parents to come back to see me in prison..." I mumble to myself. "Do you think the three of us can lift him up?" I ask, looking at both Anthony and whoever that girl was, obviously she did something to the man so maybe she's with us.
#172482291Wednesday, August 26, 2015 9:50 PM GMT

(Never mind about the lifting.)
#172482407Wednesday, August 26, 2015 9:51 PM GMT

(I am guessing everyone is still at the library, right?)
#172482470Wednesday, August 26, 2015 9:52 PM GMT

(You could say that, yeah, but I think we're about to leave.)
#172483014Wednesday, August 26, 2015 9:59 PM GMT

(Ok.) [Skylar] I pull the Gallardo up outside of a library. I unzip my hoodie, revealing the 4 SMGs. I then exit the Lambo and casually enter the library, even though I have 4 guns visible.
#172483890Wednesday, August 26, 2015 10:09 PM GMT

Amber nods, standing up slowly, and getting lightheaded and wobbly as she does so. "XT.. What?.." She rubs her temple. She turns to the one saying something about his parents, or whatever. "I might be able to help.." She felt hesitant, not wanting to go with three random people, but wanting to help all the same.
#172484318Wednesday, August 26, 2015 10:14 PM GMT

(Is anyone gonna notice Skylar?)
#172485180Wednesday, August 26, 2015 10:25 PM GMT

Unlocked- Spotting Skyler enter the library, and noticing the weaponry, sighs and follows Skyler in... XT sent one assassin, if it sent another this might be trouble. *Master of stealth here. SO don't expect to notice him.*
#172486537Wednesday, August 26, 2015 10:42 PM GMT

"We can't stay here any longer... we have to get out of here." Lance said. Knowing that even he could be traced by XT, even with the little he did before, they would now come, with much more force. "I... uhhh, think you guys should uh... try and escape too?" he said. He looked at all of them. He wasn't sure if they were being tracked too.
#172487017Wednesday, August 26, 2015 10:47 PM GMT

Creeping along the alleyways, the tomcat does nothing of interest. While shifting is great for going undercover, there's only so much he could do without information. Namely, be bored. He was in the residential district by now, a bit of a ways away from the library.
#172488649Wednesday, August 26, 2015 11:05 PM GMT

Rod "Well since she, from what I saw, screwed up his vision or whatever, Anthony 'used a lighter and burned his face', I unloaded his gun, and you...did whatever you did, I guess we can say that we're all targets." I explain, feeling a bit nerdy, I then looked to my right at the entrance, seeing Skylar.
#172490259Wednesday, August 26, 2015 11:25 PM GMT

"Targets?.. For what?.." Amber questioned, still feeling unsteady on her feet. "Also, we should probably call an ambulance for your leg.. or something.." She nodded at Lance's leg, which still housed a bullet wound. She followed one of the guy's eyes to see a person with guns, and her eyes widened instantly.
#172491105Wednesday, August 26, 2015 11:37 PM GMT

Rod Still staring at the girl with the four arms and guns, I replied to her question. "Targets for some sort of Company, if you guys promise to keep my identity secret, I can show you at my house on my laptop. My father used to be a computer expert, no doubt I have some of his knowledge." I then stood up, still staring at the girl behind my mask. "If you were sent by...them, whoever they are, leave now." "Bring friends and a family? A FAMILY? So I could bring a group of Homeless people and say they're part of da club?"
#172493061Thursday, August 27, 2015 12:00 AM GMT

~Apartment Building 2 The bed is one of the most hardest things to leave when you're feeling lazy. The mattress just seems to want to envelop you, and the blankets seem like extremely soft sheets of steel that hold you in place. But, the only thing that can drag a middle-aged man out of bed is a- "ALBERT, GET OUT OF THE BED BEFORE YOU'RE LATE FOR WORK!" -nagging wife. Sighing, Albert pushed the blanket off his chest and groggily shuffled to the bathroom. Wincing slightly at the bright and pale yellow light, Albert prepared himself for civilized life. He quickly brushed his teeth, washed his face, combed his hair back, shaved and left the bathroom. "Today's forecast: boring job, boring co-workers, boring car ride home, boring, boring, boring," he muttered as he got dressed in his work clothes. Moments later Albert's wife, Elizabeth, walked in. "I left breakfast on the table, coffee is black, and your files are on the counter, she quickly said as she helped him adjust his tie." "That's perfect hon, thanks." She smiled and gave him a quick kiss. "Now go, you can't be late!" "I'm going, I'm going. Tell Nicole that I'll probably be late to help her on her project." Albert waved goodbye as the left the room, bagel in hand.
#172493170Thursday, August 27, 2015 12:02 AM GMT

(Did I miss any event?) Junon I keep walking through the streets of New York, wondering why is it so calm.
#172493355Thursday, August 27, 2015 12:04 AM GMT

(Well that guy who tried to shoot Lance is now roast turkey so, kinda, yes.) "Bring friends and a family? A FAMILY?! So I could bring a group of Homeless people and say they're in da club?"
#172507240Thursday, August 27, 2015 2:36 AM GMT

Amber closes her eyes as she feels herself falling again, but side-steps to the right to keep herself up. She nods at his proposition, and slowly walks over to Lance, lending a bent elbow to help him up. "You really should go to a hospital," she said. The sirens grew louder, and she would yank him up, trying to take on all of the weight herself, but failing, and dropping him.
#172524962Thursday, August 27, 2015 7:15 AM GMT

[Skylar] "What happened here then?" I ask, observing the scene. "And no, I ain't here to kill any of you."
#172531458Thursday, August 27, 2015 10:40 AM GMT

Rod "A man tried to shoot him," I point to Lance. "But we stopped him, but he got shot in the leg." I glanced at the burnt body which now looks like an overcooked turkey. I crouched down and tried to support Lance. "If the hospital doesn't work or is too far, I have medicine at my home but I don't know what you need."
#172532539Thursday, August 27, 2015 11:10 AM GMT

"Do you guys really think this is a good idea... To, you know... got to the hospital with the police after us?" asked Lance. He was still frightened, his heart pumping still, and his head thumped. It got even worse when the sirens became even louder.
#172532613Thursday, August 27, 2015 11:12 AM GMT

[Skylar] "I dunno, but I know for a fact that I've got enough horsepower to outrun them." I confidently say, my top pair of arms crossed and the other pair in my pockets.
#172534458Thursday, August 27, 2015 12:01 PM GMT

There was blood in the air. The scent of it, anyways. Even if Arin wasn't a cat it was a scent he would have recognized. The coppery, pulpy smell was unique, after all - not one he forgot easier. The feline padded closer to the Library, which seemed to be the source of stench. However, he hesitated outside of it's great doors. Without hands, he had no way to get in, even if pets were allowed. Oh well, he could play the waiting game. Whoever was bleeding would have to come out eventually.
#172541343Thursday, August 27, 2015 2:12 PM GMT

"I think we are safe for now. We can just say it was self defense." Anthony said. "Lance, throw your arm around my neck, you need some help to walk." Anthony said. Everything is coming up Mill House!
#172563243Thursday, August 27, 2015 7:27 PM GMT

Unlocked- "Come on, come on. Might as well pitch in, if it pisses off XT... And you never leave someone behind, never." Unlocked sighs, standing behind Skylar, and finally throwing in some support. "I will keep the cops busy, maybe steal a new vehicle."