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#172324504Tuesday, August 25, 2015 2:19 AM GMT

I thought roblox could make an update where you can set your self to.. (based off xbox) Busy (ex: You're in the middle of a very big game. So you can set yourself to busy so people wont sent you party invites or trades.) Away (ex: You're online and you gotta go eat dinner or something. You could set yourself to away so people know you're afk) Appear offline (ex: so many people wanna play with you [we all wish this ;-;] so to keep yourself from being annoyed by them, you could set it so other people see you as offline) Fite me OP (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
#172324601Tuesday, August 25, 2015 2:20 AM GMT

You can tweak your chat notifications preferences by opening the chat tab and clicking the "Settings" tab.

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