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#172489682Wednesday, August 26, 2015 11:17 PM GMT

This is for anyone who wants to potentially join Ohio State S4 OCFA. This won't be your only chance, but coming to these tryouts and things will greatly improve your chance of pre-season and training camp reps. In other words, you'll have more of a chance to shine and show off your talent. Below are dates and what I will be trying to host that day. Please be award that THESE ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. I don't know the EXACT free agency week dates, but I do know it will be the week after the TB. Also, real life factors will go into this. Monday, August 31 7:00 PM: First round Open Tryouts; day 1 Everyone is invited to this day of tryouts and you will be tested in a broad spectrum of positions, not just positions you think you want to play. Tuesday, September 1 7:00 PM: First round Open Tryouts; day 2 Again, everyone is invited. This will be mostly the same thing, but I want to see who is committed to come both days, and also give people a chance to come who couldn't come the first day. Wednesday, September 2 7:00 PM: Second Round Tryouts; day 1 This won't be open to all. The first round of cuts will have been made. Only people who showed enough skill to be considered for the team will be invited to this one. I will PM people who are cut to notify them. Nobody new may show up either. Thursday, September 3 7:00 PM: Second Round Tryouts; day 2 Final day of tryouts for people who want to join the team early in the pre-season. After this day, I'll make whatever cuts are necessary, and the rest will be signed to the team. Friday, September 4 Nothing Saturday, September 5 3:00 PM: Make-up tryouts. If you missed the first set of tryouts, there will be a short set this day. However, don't just show up to this one to avoid coming for 4 days, as these people won't officially be signed until they prove themselves in practice. Even then, it will be more of a struggle to get reps and playing time if you don't participate in the early tryouts. 7:00 PM: Make-up tryouts Same thing as at 3, but for people who can't make it. Sunday, September 6 Nothing If you cannot make any of these times for whatever reason but you still wish to join Ohio State, there will be more tryouts through the off-season, but you'll have a lot to catch up on. I plan to hit the ground running from day 1, and you not being there as much as possible will hurt your playing time and reps. I will release more information on playing time as the team builds. We'll try to go by a days-put-in system, where your playing time for weekend scrimmages will be determined by how many days you come to practice that week, and also how well you perform. If you miss 4 of the 6 days of practice that week, you can expect to play a lot less than someone who has been at practice 5 or 6 days that week who plays the same position. Thank the players of S3 Ohio for this, as I won't have another inactive team who only shows up to games. Sorry for the length of this, but I only want serious players. If you aren't serious enough to read, understand, and abide by what is listed here, then you might as well not take the first step in joining this team. We look to win a TB, and we won't tolerate dead weight or players/coaches not doing their part. Looking forward to the upcoming pre-season and season ahead. We WILL be more competitive this season. Hope to see a lot of talented people in Ohio State red next season. -Head Coach CP3

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