#17325670Wednesday, December 02, 2009 4:03 AM GMT

I grab a rocket or two and fire it into Bear's house. The explosion carves onto the wall: Dear Grizzly Dude, I was wondering what to do about a friend of mine who doesn't trust me and is beginninf to anger me. Explosively, Gurl.
#17325971Wednesday, December 02, 2009 4:13 AM GMT

Dear Bear, Do you have a college degree? Maybe you could help me with this equation. Ten plus five to the sixth power, divided by thirty percent of fourty-six. Thanks for your help, Roxanna Dear Roxanna, No idea. Bears aren't allowed into college, let alone kindergarden. I don't even do my own taxes, I pay a guy to do it. Without a job it's a little hard to pay him, but I have been getting payed to put ads from other companies in my letters. BUY OUR DELICIOUS NEW MEAT CEREAL! A MEATY BLAST IN EVERY BITE! See that? That's like a thousand big ones right there. Yeeaaaaah. Sincerely, Bear
#17326178Wednesday, December 02, 2009 4:22 AM GMT

Another explosion happens in my house again, this one carving into the wall: Dear Grizzly Dude, I was wondering what to do about a friend of mine who doesn't trust me and is beginning to anger me. Explosively, Gurl. Dear Gurly Dude, Yours is my faverate one yet! I don't even mind because I can repair this wall with a quick ZOMG COME TO MEH PLASE Okay now to answer your question. So your friend doesn't trust you? Well I wouldn't exactly trust an explosives expert either but what you need to do is... um... you should become bypolar and see which side of you he/she likes the most, or... um... you can set up a trap and save him/her from it and you friend would have to trust you, or you could always get a deadly desease and get a lot of nice attention. Yours truly, Bear
#17326233Wednesday, December 02, 2009 4:26 AM GMT

I really should have looked that one up first. it's BIpolar. For all of you uneducated people it means like two personalities. I think...
#17339228Wednesday, December 02, 2009 9:53 PM GMT

I ran out of questions to answer so yeah... Bump.
#17345453Wednesday, December 02, 2009 11:59 PM GMT

*throws a spine with a letter attached to it at bear* Dear Mr.Bear, Attached is you new spine. Thanks for your help witht he bomb. You don't know where I put it,and don't want to. The Godfather
#17345895Thursday, December 03, 2009 12:06 AM GMT

*sends a bomb disguised as a steak* Mr. Bear, Explain how you can talk. The bears in my area jusr roar. From, MrN
#17346597Thursday, December 03, 2009 12:17 AM GMT

*puts note on Bear and hammers a nail through it* Dear Mr. Talking Human-Like Rent paying Bear, If you are reading this message, then you survived. Good for you! Now here is the question I had to stab you for: Why did you ditch your normal bear life for the Human one? Which one do you think is better? Sincerely, Kilakk--CEO of Airplanes Inc. P.S If the Docter is reading this note and Bear got seriously injured, then a check paying for the medical costs will be sent to you shortly. P.S.S If Bear died, tell his landlord I want to build an airport there. Oh and you still get the check.
#17346835Thursday, December 03, 2009 12:21 AM GMT

Dear Clearly A Stuffed Talking Bear.. My mom is addicted to guitar hero, she won't stop playing it. It hurts my ears. What should I do? Oh, and.. P.S. Look out for the rocket headed towards your house. Sincerely, RobloxiasHero. *Straps note to rocket along with a regular rocket and shoots it towards Bear's house*
#17356286Thursday, December 03, 2009 3:07 AM GMT

*Is sitting on his couch when something hits him, first he sees a note.* Dear Mr.Bear, Attached is you new spine. Thanks for your help with the bomb. You don't know where I put it,and don't want to. The Godfather Dear Goddy Goddy oh Godfather, Oh, FINALLY! Now I can remove this stick I've been using to just stop me from falling into a huge blob. Do you know how frustrating it is when you drop something and you can't bend down? Probably not. The answer is very. It is very frustrating. Especially when you're constantly getting blown up or stabbed. Oh and don't worry, I'll keep my eye out for painted bears. Now we're even. Bear
#17357217Thursday, December 03, 2009 3:33 AM GMT

*Opens his door to see a steak.* Ooooh, fanmail! I love steak... but it's clicking... oh well, a steak's a steak. You know what, I shouldn't eat this, I just ate. I'll just donate it to the starving children in Africa. Oh, but there's a letter! Mr. Bear, Explain how you can talk. The bears in my area jusr roar. From, MrN Mr. N, I think it's about time I explain that by now. It's quite complicated, you see. Once I decided to become "with the humans" I had to ask a couple favors. Unfortunately, no animals spoke directly bear and human, so here is where a long chain of cartoon-styled favors comes in: I ask my wolf pal who spoke bear to speak with a dog who knew badger to talk to a badger who could speak groundhog to talk to a groundhog who knew lemur to talk to a lemur at the zoo who knew monkey to comune with a monkey who knew gorrila to talk to a gorrila who could understand english but could only speak in sign language to signal a parate who knew sign language and english from humans who taught the gorrila english who taught the monkey who taught the lemur who taught the groundhog wh taught the badger who taught the dog who taught the wolf who taught me to speak english, but sadly my primative voiceboxes didn't allow me to actually "say" it. So I comunicated with humans with a big game of charades to convince them to give me a painful surgery for me to talk. Now that I can talk, a whole mess of other animals learned in the process! Guess how long that took? 15.3 years. I was a cub when I said "I want to talk with deh humans!" Too bad I only live up to 25. -Bear
#17357343Thursday, December 03, 2009 3:37 AM GMT

Random man -throws rock at bear- Dear bear, I can never get a good idea for my place. but on other peoples buidling games i make amazing things. HOW CAN I KEEP MY IDEAS FOR MY PLACE IN MEH HEAD. yours- Random man
#17358248Thursday, December 03, 2009 4:04 AM GMT

I'm hungry, I think I'm going to eat that steak after all. *Is about to take a bite when he feels a peice of paper come onto his back* Ha! I'm not going fall for that "kick me" trick again! *Reaches for the paper when a nail suddenly goes through his hand and the paper and his back* HOLY BAJESUS THAT HURTS! *Calls 911, which is now, suprisingly, on quickdial.* Later in the animal hospital... Docter: OH MY COW IT'S A TALKING BEAR!!!! *Drops the paper and leaves.* Bear: *Sighs and picks up the paper.* Dear Mr. Talking Human-Like Rent paying Bear, If you are reading this message, then you survived. Good for you! Now here is the question I had to stab you for: Why did you ditch your normal bear life for the Human one? Which one do you think is better? Sincerely, Kilakk--CEO of Airplanes Inc. P.S If the Docter is reading this note and Bear got seriously injured, then a check paying for the medical costs will be sent to you shortly. P.S.S If Bear died, tell his landlord I want to build an airport there. Oh and you still get the check. Well, Kilakk, funny you should ask that. And also funny how you made me write with my left hand. Hahaha, you're a real joke cracker. It all started when I was a cub, I wondered into a human city where their way of life was just awesome to me. I saw vehicles, which are very strange to animals, I saw buildings which were like giant rectangular nests made of stone, and I just saw the great number of humans, how organized and peaceful you were. It seemed just great compared to the rough life of bears. Right there in the alleyway I told my wolf friend to find a way to teach me to talk with them. 5 minutes later I was abducted and brought to the circus. I was trained to to walk on two legs, juggle, and ride a unicycle. They tought me to do so much crazy stuff just for human amuzement. I learned so many things humans can do I became reknown around the world. I didn't and still don't know what my circus name was because I didn't speak english. Eventually I was sick of humans treating me that way I escaped to the wild, back with other bears. It sucked compared to human life. Then the wolf came back and taught me english. Now that I could speak with them, I couldn't wait to come back. I convinced them that I was human by telling them I had a hair disorder, a face and ear disorder, a wait problem, a teeth problem, I didn't like to trim or clean my nails, and I was a nudist. I told them my name was Bear just like that guy from Man vs Wild. Once I learned about paperwork I settled into this apartment. That's when I learned all the complications with money, jobs, money, taxes, money, rude neighbors, and did I mention money? I realized that my old life with the humans was good because they treated me with love and cheered for me because I was "cute" or something. Conclusion: Human life is frustrating and sucks, bear life rocks but I never appreciated it. Sigh, Bear
#17362688Thursday, December 03, 2009 1:02 PM GMT

Dear Mr. Bear, I am having some relaitonship problems and I wanna know what a bear would do. I like him, he likes me back, yet he nhas a gf,which he's gone out with 5 times b4! I really like him and I have no idea wtfreg to do! Sincerely, Ms. Hit by the lovebug PS:my dad's a bear hunter. PSS:And my mom's a doctor. PSSS:they'll team up. PSSSS:and kill u!muahahahaha.
#17398478Friday, December 04, 2009 6:34 PM GMT

*Comes in bears house with some dynamite tied to my chest* Dear bear, How does a dyanamite actaully work Your bomblyness,Kidcool
#17429827Saturday, December 05, 2009 6:02 AM GMT

Dear Mr. Bear who's obviously in his underwear sitting and watching tv at this moment. Why don't you answer me? do you hate me? Sincerely, RobloxiasHero. PS. You better answer me, I know where you live. :3 *crumbles piece of paper and throws it in mr.bear's window*
#17431233Saturday, December 05, 2009 6:57 AM GMT

The answer to the math prblem: 10+5 to the 6th/30% o 40= 362.1
#18194465Tuesday, December 22, 2009 5:11 AM GMT

Sends a Chuck Norris clone in to deliver a message. Chuck Norris goes in to throw a punch at Bear but stops less than an inch from Bear and collapses. In his hand theres a chip that sends a half-working hologram out that says. Dear Mr. Bear, Could you tell me what is wrong with BioFusing Water-Proofed Titanium bones along with Chuck Norris DNA, Mercury-Nylon Blend Blood Mix and a Nytroglicerine cased fuse of 2 split helium nucleis? I don't see what part im missing in this Chuck Norris Clone Balance! Yours truly... Dangerously untrained Bio-Animation Scientist PS dont touch the core it might splode...
#18305450Wednesday, December 23, 2009 10:42 PM GMT

(I decided to start this up again! Yay!) *Finds dead Chuck Norris clone on the floor.* Dear Mr. Bear, Could you tell me what is wrong with BioFusing Water-Proofed Titanium bones along with Chuck Norris DNA, Mercury-Nylon Blend Blood Mix and a Nytroglicerine cased fuse of 2 split helium nucleis? I don't see what part im missing in this Chuck Norris Clone Balance! Yours truly... Dangerously untrained Bio-Animation Scientist PS dont touch the core it might splode... Well Mr. Scientist, Tisk tisk tisk! You should NEVER, EVER, BEVER (A new word that's even better than ever) fuse ANYTHING with a Chuck Norris clone. Chuck Norris DNA is far too powerful to be mixed with anything else and would over-load. Well, that, and the fact that there can never be more than one Chuck Norris's in the world. That's why he doesn't have a reflection. Yours truly, Bear.
#18305715Wednesday, December 23, 2009 10:45 PM GMT

This, right here, is the original "Ask a...". DON'T LISTEN TO THOSE PHONIES!
#18305847Wednesday, December 23, 2009 10:47 PM GMT

-throws a Steak though the window with a note- Dear Bear Im so sick of vampire and werewolve threads, I try to start ones that are WAY better but they die!?! Any help would be nice -Very sad RPer P.S. I CURSE YOU TWILIGHT!
#18306499Wednesday, December 23, 2009 10:57 PM GMT

*Steak hits him in the head.* OOOH, STEAK! *Eats the steak and note whole.* Uh oh... *Throws up note.* Dear Bear Im so sick of vampire and werewolve threads, I try to start ones that are WAY better but they die!?! Any help would be nice -Very sad RPer P.S. I CURSE YOU TWILIGHT! Dear RPer, There is one word to do when ever something, ANYTHING, is ignoring you. Ignore it. Works every single time. Even my ex-wife. But if you want to make one and no one joins it, you know what they say: if you can't beat them, join them. But trust me, I don't like it when vampires sparkle in sunlight either. I want to see them burn! Burn!!! BURN!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Heh... heh... sorry about that. I just like watching things BURN!!!!!! Love, You know who!
#18308972Wednesday, December 23, 2009 11:35 PM GMT

*Throws A Shard of glass at bear* Oops,no note. *throws a jackhammer that is on at bear,with a note tied to it* Dear Mr.Bear, Can you tell me what to do if you just bumped somebody and the fell off a 22-story building? -A concerned Construction worker
#18309108Wednesday, December 23, 2009 11:38 PM GMT

(CLONEGUIN) *Throws knife through window with note on it* Why do most people on the forums hate me Bebithetuffle
#18503103Sunday, December 27, 2009 9:01 PM GMT
